5x12: The Best Episode of Bones that Ever Boned

Jan 23, 2010 00:01

If this episode were a salad dressing, it would taste like candy, and be fat-free, no, not just fat-free, you would actually lose weight from eating it, because it would be magical. Magical fucking salad dressing that makes you love salad, and eat it, it would make you want to do good things for yourself, because that’s how awesome this is.

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bones, episode commentary, 5x12, fanfic, the best bones that ever boned

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Comments 72

trust_your_hart January 23 2010, 14:38:38 UTC
I was so pissed when I came back to LJ last night and it kept giving me the 'scheduled maintenance' notice. That was just bullshit.

IMO, this episode is right up there with 'Aliens in a Spaceship' now. Incredibly acting, great story, action....it had it all.

And of course, your recap is fab as always!

69. They set up the cantaloupes, and Booth fires the rifle. He is, of course, spot on, and is so damned pleased with himself. Brennan has clamped her mouth shut to keep from screaming out from the orgasm she just had from watching Booth do this.
This would be the point in which Mt. Dew came out of my nose. And I must say, it really isn't a pleasant feeling. At all.



obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:44:43 UTC
I am steadfast in my resolve that this episode of Bones is the best one they've ever done, and it's in part because we've had all of this character development over the years, and this episode felt like the payoff.

RE: Orgasm comment. Come on. You know it's true. It's SO true.

But sorry about the Mountain Dew, because that sounds pretty icky.


labsquint January 23 2010, 15:03:51 UTC
Wonderful recap as always. From the pelvic thrusts, to the hotness of Booth shooting and kicking ass for 'his people' (read 'his people' as 'the woman I love and her sidekicks'), to Brennan doing whatever is needed to protect the man she loves, to H/A (okay, the pregnancy ploy annoyed me, but not the shakeout from it...), to Cam's general awesomeness and humour, and yes... to actually not wanting to murder Hacker this episode (as opposed to the last time we saw him), it was a very solid ep. I'm glad that they got such great ratings from it -- maybe, just maybe, the writers will see when the eps really work and try for more of this caliber.

And if they do that, you may have to learn how to deal with polygamy because we will all want to marry Show. So we'll all have to move to Utah... big deal... ;)


obrien_blue January 28 2010, 03:54:40 UTC
I'll share Show if I can just have Booth. In the Jacket. And not another damned thing ( ... )


angvau57 January 23 2010, 15:25:14 UTC
Stupid LJ maintenance last night. But YAY for the RECAP OF EPIC. I loved this.

I've watched the episode a couple of times now (read more than two). And it is still awesome. STILL.

Your recap is spot on. About everything. I like Hodgins and Angela; and even Hodgela. But I've never been a bigger fan than now. Because that scene was beautiful...you are right.

Booth and Brennan - yes to everything you said about them. EVERYTHING. LITTLE. THING. This - what is happening between them- is building. I mean it really has some speed of up. They are racing towards something that is just going to blow us a way. This episode was my favorite, EVER. I mean it. Hands down. Because it was just them (the Jeffersonian Six) and I loved it. But for Booth and Bones, it just keeps getting better and better.

Awesome recap. Incredible. You made me laugh out loud at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday, while reading. That is like impossible.


obrien_blue January 28 2010, 03:57:03 UTC
OMG MAINTENANCE. I was so pissed! I finished this thing, and I was like, GOD, please, let me post it, because I NEED to communicate with people about this amazingness.

I've seen the episode, like, 5 times now. It's ridiculous. And I am excited to see another one Thursday, but really? The way Show hit it out of the park? I am just in a state of happy, no matter how good or whatever Thursday's ep is.

RE: Hodgela - I KNOW, RIGHT?! How is it that I love B/B so much, but the best scene ever was Hodgela, and I'm super stoked about it? God. Great, great stuff.


throwingpens January 23 2010, 15:25:17 UTC
Um, so I was really glad to get up this morning and read your recap of awesomeness; I saw that you were working on it last night, and then LJ decided it was going to be stupid. So I went to bed, and missed not only this, but also Conan's last Tonight Show.
But I digress.

Pretty much, I love everything you said. Because you are awesome and your love for this show is everything that is good and pure with the world.

This episode, for me, is right up there with Aliens because it just had everything.
You know how the creators of "Friends" tried to do at least one episode in each season where it's just the group in one of the apartments? This is the "Bones" equivalent to it. And it's just that damn good. Let's get these folks nominated for every single Emmy next year. Because they deserve it.


obrien_blue January 28 2010, 03:59:53 UTC
You know how the creators of "Friends" tried to do at least one episode in each season where it's just the group in one of the apartments? This is the "Bones" equivalent to it. And it's just that damn good. Let's get these folks nominated for every single Emmy next year. Because they deserve it.

I love when it's just down to the group. It's absolutely amazing.

And I don't know if the Emmys will ever get their heads out of their asses. This show just defies convention. It tells a very organic, yet strong, narrative about the lives of these people. It's never about solving the crime - it's about what solving the crime means in the character's lives. The crime is always a vehicle for character growth, just like events in real people's lives. I know HH is not always the most popular guy in the room, but there is absolutely no way you can deny his talent.


lizbet0 January 23 2010, 17:10:32 UTC
Your recaps are FABULOUS! And you know what? When I watched the first bit with Booth doing the Michael J dancing? My first thought was "O'Brien's going to spontaneously explode from these first 2 minutes!" {grin ( ... )


obrien_blue January 28 2010, 04:09:34 UTC
My first thought was "O'Brien's going to spontaneously explode from these first 2 minutes!"

You are not the first person to express this, and God help me, it makes me giggle. Seriously. And Mom of O'Brien, who is also a watcher of the show, admitted that she replayed the first 2 minutes. And the shooting of the door. And the shooting of the rifle. And the Badassery of Booth. Which was the entire episode.

I will say that there were 2 things I understood differently than you & Show: 1) I think Brennan didn't lie about the bones not being JFK - Or at least, she'd defend herself by saying she didn't lie. When she & Cam were talking outside the diner about the scarlet fever possibly causing the bone whatever-it-was, she says that effect is rare: 1 in 100, I think. So, she can legitimately say that it was "statistically unlikely" ergo, no lie. (But she still totally wanted to make that call for Booth's sake!)I think you could be right. In my head, she put together that whole experiment just so she could give Booth some piece of ( ... )


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