5x12: The Best Episode of Bones that Ever Boned

Jan 23, 2010 00:01

If this episode were a salad dressing, it would taste like candy, and be fat-free, no, not just fat-free, you would actually lose weight from eating it, because it would be magical. Magical fucking salad dressing that makes you love salad, and eat it, it would make you want to do good things for yourself, because that’s how awesome this is.

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bones, episode commentary, 5x12, fanfic, the best bones that ever boned

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Comments 72

one beef heygts January 23 2010, 10:13:54 UTC
Brennan is so dense sometimes. Surely in the conversation with Cam attempting to deduce who was pregnant, she would have an 'oh' moment and go to Angela herself to see if her best friend was pregnant or see what the deal was, and not just sit there and go back to work while Cam does the investigating
I mean, come on! "not me, not you, only leaves Angela" warranted an 'oh shit' moment, no?


Re: one beef mnemonicer January 23 2010, 10:43:41 UTC
That's the reason I hated last week's XF episode: They made both her and Booth look so damned dumb. No cookies for the writers last week.


no cookies heygts January 23 2010, 22:34:15 UTC
I know the writers had to have something for Cam to do this Pudding ep, but I cannot believe the genius with the heart of gold who is always looking for the truth would not have even one iota of concern for her bff as she is positing that it is only her bff who could be preggos. Surely Brennan would be hot on Cam's heels to pres Ang... Or Ang would have come to her friend? Big fat holes here.

I'm giving the writers the benefit of the doubt though, because later in the ep, Bren told Booth about Cam's suspicion of Michelle (so babies still matter and it's not 'just sex' or simple procreation) and there's no glimmer that her previous deduction about Ang is still a possibility. I can only hope that some scene where Cam went back to Bren with the 'not Ang' news got edited out, otherwise: bad writers! Bad!


Re: no cookies obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:35:19 UTC
See, I don't think Brennan goes to find out what's the what on Angela. I think it's sort of typical for her to keep working. Unless it's Booth, Brennan doesn't really seek out personal information from other people - it mostly just comes to her. I don't think that's an insensitivity on her part, but more of an insecurity. Booth is someone she feels comfortable asking personal questions, because she is confident in their relationship. More confident in it than any other. But with other people? She doesn't feel as comfortable, I don't think.


mnemonicer January 23 2010, 10:42:39 UTC
I loved the pace of this episode. It was a great bounceback from the Xfiles episode, which you know I considered quite awful. But there was just something about the tempo of this show, going from measured and slow intense moments to fast, quick moments filled with action (I don't mean action as in fights, but just lots of physical action happening. Not quite sure how to explain it.) But either way, I loved this episode ( ... )


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:37:49 UTC
I can't help you with the stalking - no CA bar license. But I'm sure you know people.

Great note about the pacing - the episode moved along beautifully. It felt more like a movie than an episode of a TV show. It feels like this separate, epic thing, and I think that's partly in due to the pacing.

And Angela: I know, right? Dammit, Angela. If I only had your problems.


storywriter84 January 23 2010, 12:46:49 UTC
The best thing about a new episode of Bones? Reading what you think. You are awesome.

Also best episode so far this season if not, you know, ever!


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:38:55 UTC
The best thing about a new episode of Bones? Reading what you think. You are awesome.

I have to disagree, because I think the best thing is Booth...doing anything, but I really appreciate it!

Best. Episode. Ever. Of anything. In history.


rosie_not_rose January 23 2010, 13:14:15 UTC

One thing to point out before I read - this episode was 5x12, not 5x11. XD


obrien_blue January 28 2010, 03:49:05 UTC


ayiana January 23 2010, 14:02:10 UTC
You know, I came to this straight from being seriously ticked off at an anti-Bones secret on Fandom_Secrets and just ... Thank you, for reminding me why our show is so wonderful and why it's okay to blow off the people who just. Don't. Get it.

Because our Show? Is awesome.


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:42:48 UTC
Our show is amazing. And I never get people who want to get on the internet and bitch about TV. I love Show, but at the end of the day, Show is a show. It's a great show, and I would be lying if I didn't schedule around it, and spend WAY to much time on it (obviously), but it's way too much work to be pissed off about TV, instead of just enjoying it for the happy.


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