→ 16

Jun 04, 2008 01:46

It has indeed been a trying few days. These cases do not seem to get any less complicated, do they.

But as far as things are concerned, the offices seem to be set up. Though I suppose with a certain someone crying like a baby every time he needs to do fieldwork, it would be only wise to make sure we have more detectives on the clock ( Read more... )

klavier, blitza, job, edgeworth's dilemma, journal, worktiems, gavin & edgeworth

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Comments 57

Private merchantboom June 4 2008, 10:45:43 UTC
As yet the Police force has failed to take any actions against the individual that commiting the acts that harmed myself and others. They did discover his identity, but only after he was punished by one that was apparently his superior, who did not appear reticent of the activities towards me at all, merely towards another that He chose to attack.


Private [1/3] objectedly June 4 2008, 11:26:07 UTC
That is appalling to know. And to think such a person is still...


Private objectedly June 4 2008, 11:27:06 UTC
( I must not forget. This place hardly runs on the same idea of law and order that I am used to.

It's quite unlikely we'll get the same kind of justice. )


Private objectedly June 4 2008, 11:28:54 UTC
I cannot promise that things will change. But that man will be brought to justice. Were you able to learn of his identity as well?


1/2 neuro_logics June 4 2008, 13:33:26 UTC
neuro_logics June 4 2008, 13:34:50 UTC

Have you met my teacher, the Great Miss Lyra, Mr. Edgeworth? I think she told me at one time that she had spoken with you. She's only thirteen, but she has magnificent talent as a detective!


objectedly June 4 2008, 16:29:03 UTC
( Nosy and intrusive is more like it. But so long as she isn't hurting anyone... )

If you are calling her a teacher, then you must be Neuro, correct?


neuro_logics June 4 2008, 17:20:04 UTC
So you've heard of me? I'm flattered! Yes, Neuro, that's correct.

Well, Mr. Edgeworth, would it be all right if my teacher and I joined your detective agency? She has excellent credentials, I assure you!


[Private] sui_x_generis June 4 2008, 13:55:41 UTC
Ah, if you have an interest in hiring, I'm interested in applying - I would like to practice law eventually, but unfortunately, I don't have the prior experience in this field.

However, I'm willing to learn, sir.


[Private] objectedly June 4 2008, 16:30:09 UTC
( ...one so young. I wonder. )

Are you interested in an apprenticeship then?


[Private] sui_x_generis June 5 2008, 03:00:55 UTC
Yes, if that's all right with you. I'd like to have a little more experience in this field if I can.


[Private] objectedly June 6 2008, 03:00:50 UTC
It's not often we find youngsters taking law as a career seriously. Permit me to introduce myself, I am Miles Edgeworth, attorney at law.


noodlesickness June 4 2008, 15:15:04 UTC
Yes sir?


[ private; gumshoe ] objectedly June 4 2008, 16:32:11 UTC
Maya has left the City. You are relieved of the duty of protecting her until and unless she arrives.

I wished to know, how good are your connections with the Police Department?


[ private; edgeworth ] noodlesickness June 4 2008, 17:17:22 UTC
Do you want me to move back to my old apartment then, Mister Edgeworth?

They're good! ...Why?


[ private; gumshoe ] [1/2] objectedly June 4 2008, 18:16:59 UTC
If you deem it necessary, then I shall not stop you. But I would... ( Just say it, Edgeworth. ) Prefer you being nearby. I do not trust anyone in this City and we still have Dahlia Hawthorne as a threat.


private || edgeworth playitmyway June 4 2008, 17:12:10 UTC
I'm not crying. You're just overparticular to the point where I feel like I should be saving everything I have for lunch as evidence.


private || klavier objectedly June 4 2008, 18:25:38 UTC
Could have fooled me, Gavin. And there's no one interrogating you--, we're close to finding the connection we need if you would just go and have it examined.


private || edgeworth 1/2 playitmyway June 4 2008, 19:23:00 UTC
That's not what I was--


private || edgeworth playitmyway June 4 2008, 19:24:58 UTC
... I never said I wasn't having it examined. Even if it's stupid.


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