February 6, 2011:Issue 163

Feb 09, 2011 23:43

This Week’s News:
Deathly Hallows: Part 1" US DVD Release Date 15th April[TLC]
Harry Potter" Films to Receive Honorary BAFTA Award[TLC]

This Week’s Searches and Activities:
catchmysnitch is hosting a February challenge dragon heartstrings
takingitinturns has posted rules, guidelines and signups for Making magic exchange
wizard_love started posted the Valentine day exchange giftsHERE
The new theme athpgw100 is romance
hg_seasonsfest posted their gift exchange
Voting begin atrhr_awards Here

This Week’s Fics:
Holiday on ice by anonymous[H/G,R/Hr-PG-13]
Gentler by sunshydaisies[R/Hr-M]
Eternal bliss by anonymous[H/G,Al, baby Lily,James Sirus Potter-PG-13]
The joke's on Hermione bymollywheezy[R/Hr-PG-13]
With friend like these by anonymous[H/G,other canon pairs-R]

Like Mist in the sun byterachan[H/G-PG]
With the wind in our hair bylyras[H/G-PG-13]
Coming to terms bygreeneyed79[H/G-PG]
All better, The strangest dream, father knows best byfics_by_mkf[H/G-PG]
Peace at last bystep_fics[Ron-G]
Silence bymjeanp27[R/Hr-PG]

WIP Updates:
After the war:ch 3by mac_beth13[H/G-PG-13]
Normal:Part 4 by nicodemusfleur[H/G-G]

This Week’s Fanart
Snow Angels by anonymous[H/G-G]
Take me to the ball byfics_by_mkf[H/G-G]
Valentine's presentsby felice10[R/Hr-G]
Shh,Rose is studying by charmontez[Rose-G]
Molly and Arthur by spike-92[G]
Holey St. George by hapticmimes[George, Fred, other Weasley-PG]
Bill and Fleur wedding by dinoralp[H/G-G]
Winter's song,In case of an emergency 2by catching-smoke[R/Hr-PG]
Someone like you by mattlewhoworth[R/Hr-PG]
Mockingbirds by grouillote-oh[H/G-G]
Warmth by the-patched-piper[R/Hr-G]
A family protrait by eleza81[R/Hr,Rose-G]
Happy Valentine's day by followtheriver[H/G-PG-13]
That Weasley girl by viria 13[Ginny-G]
Teddy and Victorie by kelserlla-K[G]
Hold my hand by adzusa[H/G-G]

This Week’s Icons and Multimedia:
2 H/G photos bydanfan74
88 HP &Goblet of Fire bysocialxscene
34 HP and Socercer stone byonlyalive8[Multi-fandom]
57 HP and Prisnor of Azaban bymediatize[Multi-fandom]

This Week’s Recs:
R/Hr rec: here at crack_broom
George/Angelina: here atcrack_broom
H/G rec: here, here atcrack_broom

Editor’s Pick:
Art:Teach me how to fly by fesh-bottled[Ginny,Lily-G]

As always, please send all OBHWF related news to obhwf.weekly[at]gmail[dot]com.

february 2011

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