Gen HP LDWS | Challenge 1

Feb 04, 2011 09:30

Challenge 1 Prompt: Conversations with a Ghost

Title: Peace at Last
Rating: G
Word Count: 456
A/N(optional): Set after the big battle o'doom.

'Peace at last!'

Ron looked up from his position in the corner of the classroom. He was leaning back on one of the uncomfortable school chairs and his feet were propped up on a desk. The sun was setting and the light was fading from the room.

'Rough night?' he asked.

Nick spun around and looked for the source of the words. When his eyes rested on Ron he visibly calmed down but still looked uncomfortable.

'Oh, Ronald, I'm so sorry to disturb you, I'll leave.'

'Sounds like you just escaped from something. If you want to stay in here, don't leave on my account, I'm just… sitting.'

He sighed and picked at the rip in his jeans. He was waiting for something to happen but he didn't know what. Maybe he was waiting for someone to snap and go crazy with grief, or maybe he was wishing that for himself. He knew it wasn't a normal wish, but he was tired of being numb.

'So, what have you escaped from?'

'What? Oh… nothing… people are just…' Nick floated towards the window and became a touch more opaque from the last remaining sun beam.

'Asking about death,' Ron finished for him.

'Not death so much, more about why their relatives, friends… why they haven't come back…'

Ron nodded even though the gesture was missed by the ghost.

'It's hard telling people that they won't see their loved ones again. I understand their need, of course, their desperation, but it's the hardest thing… being the person to break their hearts once more.'

'I can't even imagine.'

Ron picked at the rip again, then the air around him grew cold. He looked up and saw Nick was looking down on him.

'I'm so sorry… about you brother.'

Ron nodded and frowned. 'Thanks.'

Nick cleared his throat. 'I know I said I wished to escape it all, but if I can help you by answering any questions you have, then please ask.'

Ron managed a half smile in gratitude and nodded his head. After a few seconds Nick turned and floated towards the wall. Just before he disappeared, Ron found himself talking.

'When you die…' he said quietly. 'Does it… is it terrifying?' His voice cracked and he cleared his throat to try and cover it.

Nick turned and looked at him.

'Not at all. It's peaceful, you're greeted by loved ones and you're helped on your way, whichever way you choose. It's the most beautiful, peaceful thing.'

Ron nodded. 'Peaceful. Good. Thanks.'

Nick disappeared and Ron stood. He walked to the window and watched the sun slip out of sight. A tear escaped from his eye and he took a deep breath.

'Peaceful,' he whispered. 'Peace at last.'

genhp_ldws, gen, year: 2011, rated: pg-13, genre: angst, characters: ron weasley

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