Gen Drabble: Harry, Teddy, Andromeda (H/G implied)

Feb 02, 2011 16:13

Title: All Better
Words: 2 X 100
Rated: PG-13

Harry Apparated home, pointed his wand at the door and shouted, "Alohomora!" The door burst open, slamming into the wall, sending up a cloud of plaster dust. Not bothering with repairs, Harry opened the Firewhisky cabinet. "Bloody hell!" None left. So drinking was out. Harry slumped onto the couch, throwing his arm over his eyes. Ginny was at Hogwarts, damn it. What a shite week!

He needed to have some fun, but what could he do without Ginny? Ron had to work tonight, George would tease him, Neville was out of town, Percy . . . no. What could he do? Harry sighed.


Andromeda's patronus appeared. "Harry, could you please watch Teddy while I run to the market? I'll cook you dinner."

Harry had nothing else to do. He Apparated.

Teddy sat on the floor, giggling, waving a shoe in each hand. Harry joined him.

"You need help with those shoes, mate?" Harry gently wrestled the shoes onto Teddy's feet, tying the laces into bows, adding a double-knot to keep them on. Teddy clapped.

"Up!" Teddy held out chubby arms to Harry. Harry picked him up and cuddled him. Why hadn't he thought of this before? Playing with Teddy was better than Firewhisky.

*mollywheezy, andromeda, teddy, drabble, harry/ginny, harry, 2011

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