Title: Slipping Into Darkness...
Description: Canon AU. My first attempt at a multi-part story! Er, writing stuff besides smex is challenging, I've found. Please bear with me.
Warnings: Oh yeah! Angst, depression, and MO!Jack. I've decided he deserves another kind of story, or at any rate, this plot bunny got stuck in my head. Not sure
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Comments 40
No way could Jack just go back to settling for one or two weeks a year. That had been a line-drawing moment.
I think this is very plausible, and how it would have been (at least the MO!Jack angle) if Jack had not died.
Looking forward to the rest of the story. :-)
It is very plausible that Jack would have moved on after that last meeting. But I always hold out hope that losing Jack would be enough to finally get Ennis off his butt, if he lost Jack that way, instead of to death, maybe he would still be able to do something about it when he realized how much he threw away.
That may be true, but as Jack found out over 20 yrs, it takes two to have a relationship. Will Jack be willing to walk away from the life he has made with someone else (I don't see him moving on with someone he doesn't have genuine feelings for) to give Ennis another chance?
Looking forward to seeing how you approach this dilemma, assuming that Ennis will be reappearing at some point in your story. :-)
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Thank you
~ M ~
I must be trying to achieve catharsis by writing this b/c MO stories usually depress the heck out of me (though some of the best writing in this fandom is MO!Ennis, IMO). Glad to hear that you like my writing, as I tend to suffer over it. Thank you for reading, Lisa
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