That's what other people do - prompt 004 Learning

Jan 06, 2010 01:06

Title: That's what other people do.
Author: Keenir
prompt: #004: Learning
Characters: Don, Alan, Val
Summary: Don comes home single, and leaves - is incipient the right word?
Warnings: AU

Rating: PG-13/M for idea
Word Count: 116
Spoilers: Soft Targets.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.
Note: I was minding my own business, thinking about the femmeslash I'm writing this month, when this popped into my head. (the backstory is still forming in my head)

Don never suspected a thing when he opened the door and asked, "Hey dad, have you seen Charlie?"

Perhaps he should've been alerted by Alan saying into the phone, "Right, 40 portable chairs, banquet table, and an arbor. Eh, for Saturday. Okay, see you then."

"An arbor?" Don asked his dad once off the phone.

"You're right, Alan, that upstairs bedroom would make a great changing room," Val said.

"Good," Alan said. And as his son and Val hugged, Alan couldn't resist saying, "Save some of that for the wedding."

"Wedding?" Don asked.

Val nodded.

"You're getting married?" I finally run into you after God Knows how long - and you're getting married?

"Yes we are."

The End
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