Challenge 245

Jan 04, 2010 23:00

Happy New Years from N100!

Drumroll please! The count has been done (Charlie wasn't available so we had to do it ourselves) and we have a grand total for all the drabbles posted to N100 in 2009!


*1411*! (That's an average of *27* drabbles a week! /fireworks go off/)

We thought 2008 was amazing with 1073 fic and an average of almost 21 fic a week, especially since 2007 had 721 and an average of 14. This is completely amazing! This little community, which only last year finally passed 200 members, has once again contributed *over* 1000 fic to the fandom! Forget 'more' people - even Charlie would say your amazing output is *exponential*! /standing ovation/ Mel and I are beside ourselves and can't thank you all enough for your continued support and your wonderful stories. We're blessed with such a great group of authors and readers… It's truly heartwarming to see such a great community in a fandom in its sixth year. Congratulations to all of you - you're the best and you've proven it once again!

Moving into the present and future...

It's 2010 and we're amped for a new year of fresh fic! So many great N3 characters to write about! Pick an Eppes: Alan, Don or Charlie. Pick a Fedcake: David, Colby, Ian or Billy. So many great men, so many stories to tell!

The Monthly Theme for January is Men.

As far as Numb3rs men go, we had to go with the series lead for Men month: Don! He's gotten the most action in canon and we hope to inspire more in fic. Try on a new pairing this month and see if you can make some fresh sparks with a SWAT captain or play student to a PhD. Our Challenge Pairings for January are Don/Tim and Don/Amita.

Picture Tim King in his SWAT gear, hot and sweaty after a raid… Think Don wouldn't want that? Peeling off Kevlar is certainly a spectator sport many of us would enjoy. /grins/ AU the N3 world from the pilot and make Don the Eppes man Amita's got an eye for. People like slashing Charlie - why not give him Colby as a beau and make him best man at Don and Amita's wedding? Go even further into the AU future and give us the happy couple with a genius child of their own.

Prompt #245 is Son.

"It's a boy!" Take us back in time to Alan and Margaret's first child being born or their second, move us forward to show us Charlie's son or sons discovering their special brand of genius: maybe languages or music like their grandmother. Colby and David are both fatherless sons, perhaps they bonded over growing up with their losses and living in households of women. Adoption's an option: how about Don taking in Daniel from Calculated Risk or David taking in Bishop from Checkmate? How about Charlie as Larry's prodigal son coming back from his post-doc studies in England to take his place at Cal Sci? He's always been Charlie's intellectual father; will Charlie now take on that sort of mentorship role for Oswald?

N100 Rewind!

We bet you're going to like this month's Rewind Series! (What happens in Vegas… Finds its way into fic!)

Our January N100 Rewind Prompts: Gambling, Poker, Draw, Fold

In Review:

January Monthly Theme: Men
January Challenge Pairings: Don/Tim or Don/Amita
Current Prompt: Son
N100 Rewind Prompts: Gambling, Poker, Draw, Fold

The Numb3rs100 Numbers

We said sayonara to 2009 with a final 9 drabbles.

We had 2 Motorcycle drabbles rev our engines. Our thanks and a ride with Don along the coast to jelsemium for her holiday ficcage. We also had 7 past prompt fic jingle our bells. Our gratitude and a case of sparkling apple juice to ring in the new year with to jelsemium (4) and mercurybard (3) for their celebratory stories.

N100 Holiday Drabble Remixathon!

The N100 Holiday Drabble Remixathon continues throughout January! If you haven't already signed up to be remixed, there's still time! Check out the post with all the information. Remixing is a great way to seduce your new years muse into giving up fresh fic so give it a go!

Best wishes for the best year ever in 2010 to all our members at numb3rs100)!
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