Title: Failwolf Baking (Teen Wolf fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen or preslash Characters: Derek, Stiles Summary: Derek can bake... usually, inspired by the genius of Failwolf Friday (although it isn't yet Friday)
Title: American Idol-esque Au (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen or preslash Characters: Sherlock, John, Jim, Mycroft, Lestade, Mrs. Hudson Summary: American Idol Au... sort of ( read the fic )
Title: Phantom for Hire (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen or preslash Characters: Sherlock, John Summary: Phanom of the Opera au... sort of (4 times the Phantom kidnapped Sherlock and the 1 time he didn't have to)
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Sherlock, John, Mycroft Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Sherlock, John Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon, au Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Sherlock, John, The Yarders Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Mrs. Hudson Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon, au Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Sherlock, John Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon, au Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Sherlock, John Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )
Title: Short Fills (BBC Sherlock fic) Author: notoriginalname Pairing: gen Characters: Mycroft, Lestrade, Jim, Molly, Sarah, Anthea Summary: some stuff I've been posting anon Because I haven't posted in a while due to laziness ( read the fic )