I was on my way into the office this morning, thinking about
The Tupperware Incident and I thought, you know what would have been better than nothing happening? Is if it was like in Superman where he threw the funny Kryptonian Crystal and it grew into a little piece of Krypton
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Comments 2
"Look out friends, looks like a downpour's headed your way. A downpour of my sweet sweet super-piss that is!"
And what happens if Krypto's fleas get in there? It'd be like Starship Troopers or something.
Dammit. Now you went and made God angry. No, you had to listen to the temptations of the flesh and unbreakable miniature food preservation containers of great wit and genius. You bring great evil of a green mass of pelting frogs and toads upon our fair land. You....YOU!
You ass. Now Jesus hates you and all Minnesotans for not holding you back from the brink of unspeakable sin against a snapping lid. And lo! you went forth and spilled your seed, a gift from the heavenly father and tossed it without clear though of what you might bring to be!
What a bunch of assholes. ( ... )
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