Experiment 01 [Phone/Action]

Aug 15, 2011 18:46

[Phone]So I suppose congratulations are in order. I honestly have no idea how you managed to bring me here, where this is or who you are. Given the parameters of the experiment, I'm assuming you can hear me, though I doubt you'll bother responding directly. Still, it's all quite impressive ( Read more... )

i will approch this scientifically, how does that knife in her head work, morbid contemplation

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Comments 91

Action birthclod August 16 2011, 07:50:42 UTC
[Oh, dear. Yet another interesting person. Clod has a bag of chocolate bars that she bought over at a store. It's another luxury that she hasn't been able to have for so very long. On the way over through various streets, Clod notices Naze.

If it wasn't for her figure, Clod wouldn't be able to tell that this person is a girl. Paper bags tend to be very gender neutral. And she's twirling around a knife. That, surprisingly, doesn't phase the girl. It makes her all the more interested.

Perhaps against her better judgment, Clod approaches Naze.]

Hello there, little one.

Are you well?

[Question of the year especially in a place like this.]


Action notawhale August 16 2011, 08:12:08 UTC
[..."little one". Naze's on the short side, but not enough for this person to be calling her that. So either they're just precociously rude or not what they appear.]

I'm in peak physical condition, though that could change soon. I can't say I'm particularly happy with my situation though.


Re: Action birthclod August 16 2011, 08:20:54 UTC
I take it it has something to do with your appearance.

[Clod tried looking beneath that bag of hers just to get a glimpse, but this probably wouldn't turn out well.]

That's all right, I understand. This town took everything that used to belong to you whether you wanted it or not. Including your... body.


Action notawhale August 16 2011, 22:06:58 UTC

[Given Naze's sitting, it's easy enough to tilt her head to keep her face hidden]

They were extremely thorough. Even old injuries and scars have been removed. Well, it's not like I've never seen something that could do this.


[ phone ] dutying August 16 2011, 14:39:47 UTC
You won't be able to contact the people you're trying to reach through this, although it's good for a first try, I guess.

[ Her voice is pretty clam, but also business-like. ]


[ phone ] notawhale August 16 2011, 22:10:43 UTC
You mean whoever's running this show? Well, I never really expected them to answer back. I'm sure they could be listening if they want, but it's probably overestimating my own importance to assume they were listening.


[ phone ] dutying August 16 2011, 22:21:42 UTC
I don't know, they might be randomly listening to certain lines at times for kicks. It wouldn't surprise me.

Either way, even if you go out and look for them, I doubt you'll have much luck. People have been stuck here for years without finding them or finding a way out.


[ phone ] notawhale August 16 2011, 23:02:13 UTC
But as you said, random chance. And from what I've observed, there's dozens of others like me here, correct?

Years? And how long have you been here?


( phone ) myougi August 17 2011, 04:10:31 UTC
... Was your body really that different before?


( phone ) notawhale August 17 2011, 05:20:46 UTC
Not really, but that just makes their attention to detail all the more intriguing. Old scars, marks, incisions - gone.


myougi August 17 2011, 15:24:33 UTC
I did hear that Mayfield takes that kind of stuff away... but gives them back eventually. If that makes you feel better.


notawhale August 17 2011, 21:39:46 UTC
Is that so? I wonder if that extends to other things as well - I've noticed certain of my abilities are missing at the moment. They've basically rendered me a Normal.


[action] hackyourmind August 17 2011, 23:13:54 UTC
I was not expecting anyone else to be here. [Seeing as the whole being surrounded by drones thing had made her forget about the possibility of someone else being placed in the house.]


[action] notawhale August 18 2011, 01:32:46 UTC

[She stops twirling the knife and looks back at her... so she came from inside?]

Does this mean I'm not just alone in a house full of dolls?


[action] hackyourmind August 18 2011, 02:31:04 UTC
There was another women living here up in till a few weeks ago. At that time another drone showed up taking her place, since then I have lived in the house by my self.


[action] notawhale August 18 2011, 05:34:41 UTC
Is that so? Interesting.

What keeps you from just moving in with other people? Or do you prefer their company? If that's the case, I can leave; honestly, the cushy life they were offering me isn't really my style.


[Phone] insertworstpuns August 18 2011, 00:36:23 UTC
Heeeh? So you've gotten the remodeling treatment too, huh? At least Misaka's arm is all fixed up.


[Phone] notawhale August 18 2011, 01:34:39 UTC
It's more like a de-modeling treatment. I'm missing a number of things I'd prefer not to be.


[Phone] insertworstpuns August 21 2011, 21:35:33 UTC
Misaka wants her china dress back! Whoever robbed her is going to pay 10,000 times!


[Phone] notawhale August 22 2011, 09:12:31 UTC
A dress? I'd call it petty, but I guess a few of the things I'm missing most right now are purely aesthetic.

There isn't anything else they took from you?


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