Experiment 01 [Phone/Action]

Aug 15, 2011 18:46

[Phone]So I suppose congratulations are in order. I honestly have no idea how you managed to bring me here, where this is or who you are. Given the parameters of the experiment, I'm assuming you can hear me, though I doubt you'll bother responding directly. Still, it's all quite impressive ( Read more... )

i will approch this scientifically, how does that knife in her head work, morbid contemplation

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[ phone ] dutying August 16 2011, 14:39:47 UTC
You won't be able to contact the people you're trying to reach through this, although it's good for a first try, I guess.

[ Her voice is pretty clam, but also business-like. ]


[ phone ] notawhale August 16 2011, 22:10:43 UTC
You mean whoever's running this show? Well, I never really expected them to answer back. I'm sure they could be listening if they want, but it's probably overestimating my own importance to assume they were listening.


[ phone ] dutying August 16 2011, 22:21:42 UTC
I don't know, they might be randomly listening to certain lines at times for kicks. It wouldn't surprise me.

Either way, even if you go out and look for them, I doubt you'll have much luck. People have been stuck here for years without finding them or finding a way out.


[ phone ] notawhale August 16 2011, 23:02:13 UTC
But as you said, random chance. And from what I've observed, there's dozens of others like me here, correct?

Years? And how long have you been here?


[ phone ] dutying August 17 2011, 17:55:30 UTC
There are quite a lot of us.. But then again, we don't know how many of them there are, either. At least not for sure. ... So anything can happen.

I can't claim I've been here for a long time though. Just a month or two by now, that's all, but I've been able to gather information.


[ phone ] notawhale August 17 2011, 21:33:51 UTC
That's true... though it seems a bit unlikely there would be more researchers than test subjects, yes? Unless we've been gathered here for our exceptional qualities. Well, given my own involvement in Party 13, I suppose that's a possibility. What about you? Would you be considered "exceptional" by normal standards?

That should certainly be long enough to gather information, especially if the other captives here are as talkative as you. Don't mistake my intentions; I'm rather glad we can be so apparently trusting instead of the classic mistrust and paranoia you might expect from a situation like this.

[not that Naze doesn't intend to verify everything you say herself or with multiple accounts]


[ phone ] dutying August 18 2011, 17:23:52 UTC
It's not necessarily that there are more than us, it's just that there could still be quite a lot of them. I believe there's a lot of.. 'test subjects' here too, running into the few hunderds at the very least. That would leave quite a number of researchers who could be here as well. And.. 'exceptional'... Hmm, I guess I could be called like that by normal standards, yes.

[ That's all she will say. Not specifically mentioning sailor senshi business, it's a secret identity for a good reason. ]

I believe it's only useful for everyone to cooperate as long as we're here. Some people here prefer fighting amongst ourselves instead of against our captors, but I honestly don't see the use of that.


[ phone ] notawhale August 18 2011, 21:31:57 UTC
I suppose. Of course, given the level of power they've already shown just by bringing us here, there's no reason they can't have computers with processing power enough to be accurately monitoring and analyzing everything we say.

Well, I suppose we can just make up whatever wild theories we want if we don't know anything.

Unfortunately, no doubt those who would rather fight the threats they can perceive and interact with were no doubt put into this situation just for that reason. Convincing them to do otherwise can't be easy, I imagine.


[ phone ] dutying August 19 2011, 20:12:45 UTC
That's right, as long as we don't have a clue about how they operate, you could even make up the most ridiculous theories and say they're valid. Like them using hamsters in those little hamster wheels to have enough power to make this all work.

Instead of 'not easy' you can practically call it impossible. I doubt it would ever be possible to rally the entire town together to do something against our captors.. Likely that's why they are not afraid of us most likely outnumbering them.


[ phone ] notawhale August 20 2011, 00:58:36 UTC
And likely they engineer the scenarios to engender enmity amongst us to ensure we don't band together.

Well, I wouldn't say anything's impossible. We simply need to engineer our own rallying point for people to band behind. Of course, I can't say I'm any good at that sort of thing.


[ phone ] dutying August 20 2011, 14:35:04 UTC
While I know how to carry the duty of a leader, I have to agree I'm not the best either at bringing people together. [ Back home that had always been more Usagi's kind of thing, after all. ]

It would be a difficult thing to do in general here, though - like you said, they engineer the scenarios so we never work together. In fact, often they put us up to kill each other.


[ phone ] notawhale August 20 2011, 21:10:10 UTC
Killing each other, huh? Has that happened recently?


[ phone ] dutying August 20 2011, 21:26:31 UTC
... Not since I've been here, which has been about one or two months or so. But I've heard plenty of stories about people here killing each other multiple times before I came here.


[ phone ] notawhale August 20 2011, 22:14:53 UTC
I guess I'll have to ask the older residents about it then.


[ phone ] dutying August 21 2011, 13:50:02 UTC
There are plenty of people out there who've been here for a year or more, so it shouldn't be too hard to get full details on past occurences. Some people are fairly open to talking about it.


[ phone ] notawhale August 22 2011, 09:06:44 UTC
Good to hear. I was afraid there might be too high of a turnover rate - another good way to keep insurrection down.

I'm Naze Youka by the way. You?


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