Title: Frozen Light 2/2 Fandom: EXO (sort of fused with Final Fantasy VII) Series: Phoenix Down (#4) Rating: PG Genre: AU, crossover (sort of) Word count: 13,698 Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.
OOHHHH!!!! Their relationship is so cute...just like the eye rolling and high fiving indicated which is awesome since they haven't been together long in the main storyline...
Glad you're enjoying it! It's fun for me to write a somewhat less intense take on a master-Summon relationship than the one Lu Han and Jongin share - more snark and exasperation, marginally less snuggling. ;-)
yes yes yes YESSS *flails around* amazingly awesome read as always. You always come up with such ingenious ideas using the final fantasy verse and every single installment so far in this series does such a great job in further developing the characters *that * much more so that it gives me something to chew on while I wait (impatiently ) for the next chapter
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