Title: Frozen Light 2/2 Fandom: EXO (sort of fused with Final Fantasy VII) Series: Phoenix Down (#4) Rating: PG Genre: AU, crossover (sort of) Word count: 13,698 Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.
Your comments always make me feel so happy when I look at my inbox. ^_^
Glad you enjoyed this one too! I am not much of a planner, so the plot sort of develops itself as it goes along and by the time I'm halfway through writing the story, I have a vague idea what it's supposed to be about. In this case, at least, I'd intended to have the Summons come from a slightly different world - like the one where Jongin etc. live ("two world that seem alike" and all that), only lacking in magic. Because yeah, it makes it that much more entertaining that on Jongin's side of things, Lu Han's much more impressive than he is in his own world! A bookshop seemed like a relatively safe place to put them while they search for their missing companions. Of course, there's that one extra bed upstairs that needs filling, too...
I don't speak either of the relevant languages in this fandom - everything I'm getting from Baekhyun, I'm dependent on the accuracy of subs, so I'm glad he's coming across okay! He just seems like he'd be the one after the shift with all the girl-traffic, somehow.
My entire motivation for writing this part was to get a 'hypothermia' bingo square, and since I'd always planned for Kris to have found Baekhyun in the Great Glacier (as Baekhyun = FFVII's Alexander), it seemed like the perfect opportunity. I didn't realise it was going to expand with so much backstory but the saving Kris bit? That was definitely going to happen. ^_^
Glad you enjoyed this one too! I am not much of a planner, so the plot sort of develops itself as it goes along and by the time I'm halfway through writing the story, I have a vague idea what it's supposed to be about. In this case, at least, I'd intended to have the Summons come from a slightly different world - like the one where Jongin etc. live ("two world that seem alike" and all that), only lacking in magic. Because yeah, it makes it that much more entertaining that on Jongin's side of things, Lu Han's much more impressive than he is in his own world! A bookshop seemed like a relatively safe place to put them while they search for their missing companions. Of course, there's that one extra bed upstairs that needs filling, too...
I don't speak either of the relevant languages in this fandom - everything I'm getting from Baekhyun, I'm dependent on the accuracy of subs, so I'm glad he's coming across okay! He just seems like he'd be the one after the shift with all the girl-traffic, somehow.
My entire motivation for writing this part was to get a 'hypothermia' bingo square, and since I'd always planned for Kris to have found Baekhyun in the Great Glacier (as Baekhyun = FFVII's Alexander), it seemed like the perfect opportunity. I didn't realise it was going to expand with so much backstory but the saving Kris bit? That was definitely going to happen. ^_^
All rambles are most welcome, trust me! <3<3<3
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