
Dec 13, 2009 22:02

Pairing: Clex
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Lex draws parallels.
A/N: written for sv100 prompt: peppermint.

Lex’s fingers in Clark’s hair were like a study in contrasts. He was so pale, and Clark so dark; Lex never tired of seeing them in their difference entwined together, or of finding comparisons to make.

His favorite was good and evil, though Clark balked at that one; his taste for extremes had waned some since he’d discovered what satisfaction could lie in shades of grey.

Or yin and yang - shadows and light, two halves of the same harmonious whole.

Now, as he lay fingering those locks and tasting Clark’s toothpaste on his tongue, Lex thought of one more: peppermint.

drabbles, sv100

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