Pairing: Clex Genre: Angst Rating: G Word Count: 100 Summary: Clark takes consolation. A/N: written for sv100 prompt: Absolute Justice. This was pretty much all I could take away from that episode.
Pairing: Clex Genre: Angst, Romance Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: 'Tis the season. A/N: written for sv100 prompt: peppermint. This drabble actually went on to become a fic in its own right; read it here.
Pairing: Clex Genre: Pre-slash Rating: PG Word Count: 100x5 Summary: Everyone has something to be thankful for. A/N: written for sv100 prompt: Thanksgiving.
Pairing: Clex Genre: Fluff Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: He'd like to stay/ and taste his first champagne ... a Thanksgiving fic. A/N: written for sv100 prompt: apples. Set somewhere early.