Black & White

Oct 28, 2009 22:42

Pairing: Clex
Genre: Futurefic, Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Extra! Extra!
A/N: written for sv100 prompt: past prompts/ black & white.
They would never let me write headlines, and for very good reason. This one may or may not be a companion to Legion.

Clark stared with shock and horror at the headline. His emotions got the better of him; the newspaper began to scorch.

“There’s no need to be dramatic,” Lex retorted, quickly patting out the fire. “Don’t do that! I want to save it.”

Clark tried to pull himself together. “Sorry. It’s just … seeing it spelled out in black and white like that …”

“Not just black and white. Sixty-point Gothic.” Lex sounded smug, almost - pleased?

“You don’t …”

Lex's lips stilled his. “It’s the best headline I’ve ever been part of.”

The paper drifted to the floor, shouting.


drabbles, sv100

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