
Oct 23, 2009 08:57

Pairing: Clex
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: A harvest festival.
A/N: written for sv100 prompt: past prompt/ orange.

Not long ago, Lex would have scoffed at the notion of himself attending a grain festival. He was quintessentially metropolitan; if it didn’t involve Armani, Stolichnaya or the city’s night lights sliding over the slick surfaces of his limousine, he wasn’t interested.

He marveled now at his own versatility. With unconscious ease, he’d developed an appreciation for the twanging of banjos and fiddles, the smell of the bonfire, the stab of naked tree branches bleak against the orange harvest moon.

Clark’s large hand, warm and secret around his in the chilly night air, had something to do with it too.

drabbles, sv100

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