"I told him to be warm, and friendly, and not to wear that."

Jul 04, 2011 09:09

Hello rewatchers! Today's episode begins at Memorial, where Bob approaches Luke, who is wearing a nice suit and showing off his manly manly chest hair as he does so often these days! He's all grown up now! Just like his older hot hot doctor boyf. *swoon ( Read more... )

luke = boyf of year, bob has a man crush on reid, chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid is in doctor mode, luke's chest hair ftw, being reid's boyf is v awesome, luke/reid rewatch, reid pwns patient, reid has frown face, kissing!, flirty moments are flirty, luke = love, awesome moments in history, comment fic

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Comments 104

_alicesprings July 4 2011, 03:19:21 UTC
Self-pimp: http://users.livejournal.com/_alicesprings/259685.html

Fic that goes AU after this episode!


smoothlikebutta July 4 2011, 04:03:35 UTC
One of my favorites!


_alicesprings July 6 2011, 02:19:46 UTC
Thanks so much! :)


smittle July 4 2011, 08:08:48 UTC
LOVE this one! I read this and the sequel when I need cheering up.


charley_ryan July 4 2011, 03:31:34 UTC
Chris Hughes sucks so much. There's just no words. I think I hated him way more than I never did Noah. Noah annoyed me and I wanted him to STFU but he never made me want to run him over with a car.

Luke and Reid were so adorable together at the LilyPad. (On a shallow note, ESS is just ridiculously hot). I loved Reid at the meeting, too. I crack up at the union members meeting at Al's Diner though. They couldn't find a nicer place? Heh. Reid will make a great COS.

And Hot!Kiss is hot! *Fans self*

OT news that makes me sad (and sorry if it's been mentioned before, I didn't see it if it has) -- Anthony Herrera died. James Stenbeck was a great soap villain and I loved AH in the role. He's been battling cancer for a long time, though. :(



OT news slayerkitty July 4 2011, 03:39:11 UTC
Oh no! :(


writergirl2006 July 4 2011, 14:23:26 UTC
:( So sad to hear that.


nancygrew July 5 2011, 00:54:04 UTC
It is sad about Anthony Herrera. He did create a truly great soap villain in James Stenbeck [although I would have been fine if he had only returned from the dead the one time when it was truly shocking]. James' malevolence was fierce and you truly believed that he would do anything.


slayerkitty July 4 2011, 03:37:46 UTC
I love everything about this episode except for the Douche Hughes parts.

Luke looks hot.

Bob is awesome.

Reid has a photographic memory! I believe fandom called that one, lol.

The couch scene fills me with so much *swoon* Luke dressing Reid? LMAO.

Reid's speech - you are a BAMF, Dr. Oliver.

THE KISS. I still can't. It's one of their better kisses and one of my favorites (oh, what the hell, I love them all!). Reid just plants one on him, and there is hair grabbing, and chin touching, and face stroking, and Luke's smile, and Reid's all emotional.

I HATE THAT KATIE IS SUDDENLY ALL DOOGIE HUGHES AND ANTI-REID. *tries not to rage as I was having a fantastic night until that thought*


nancygrew July 5 2011, 00:51:13 UTC
I HATE THAT KATIE IS SUDDENLY ALL DOOGIE HUGHES AND ANTI-REID. *tries not to rage as I was having a fantastic night until that thought*

I hate how they wrote Katie during this storyline. The idea of 'This is the first time I've thought about the future since Brad died' is ridiculous to me. She's raising a son, she has friends & family, she has a job she cares about. The idea that she's FINALLY ready to date again [when Brad hasn't been dead for a year yet] is so silly to me. Then she becomes a complete Fluff Chick about wanting Chris to ask her not to go to Europe to help Henry [when she SO owes Henry]. And IMHO, it was kind of mean of her to talk about how Reid is so anti-charming that he doesn't have a chance against Chris. PLUS, Chris' charm is 'told' not 'shown'. As handsome as Daniel Cosgrove is, he can't overcome how petulant and mean-spirited Chris is written.


slayerkitty July 5 2011, 02:01:49 UTC
I agree with all of this so, so much. They made me not like Katie. I can't remember a story line she had where I did't like her. I wanted to smack her a lot, but I always liked her and wanted her to get her guy (whoever).


smoothlikebutta July 4 2011, 04:02:57 UTC
There an abundance of LuRe goodness in this episode.

Luke looks really hot in that suit. I love that Bob asked him to babysit Reid--he is treating them like a couple and he really wants Reid to do well.

I love the domesticity of the Lily pad scene. Reid looks all comfortable and at home there with his feet on the table. I am thinking they spent a lot of time there off-screen. Luke grabbing Reid's shoes to balance himself is one of my moments for reasons I can't quite explain.

he flings himself down onto the couch and drapes himself all over his boyfYes, I loved the coupley coziness here. And I loved Reid's smile when Luke said, "It is painfully obvious you need me in your life." Yes, he does (although apparently not for fashion advice ( ... )


smittle July 4 2011, 07:58:17 UTC
I love the exasperated tone with which Luke says "Reid" at 0:55. I imagine he'll be saying that a lot in the years to come.

And Natalie and Ethan start saying it like that too! It becomes the official pronunciation of his name in the Snyder household!


rhiannonhero July 4 2011, 14:21:06 UTC
LOL! Yes, totally! Love it!!

A whole fic could be made about Reid noticing the way people say his name. But only Luke says it all breathy and awe-filled while Reid's cock is up his ass, and Luke's shooting his load all over himself, while writhing in their messy bed.


I, uh, sorry...they just make me think such dirty things!


smittle July 4 2011, 21:27:21 UTC
LOL! Of course you took us there! You are such a treasure!


anna_drenxavier July 4 2011, 04:20:48 UTC
LOVE that kiss. Love Reid's smile afterwards; so freakin' cute. LOVE the little slap. They were really getting comfortable with each other here, and things were progressing so swooningly. I still refuse to acknowledge that train. THEY ARE HAPPY AND MARRIED NOW AND CHRIS IS DEAD THE END.


rhiannonhero July 4 2011, 14:21:33 UTC
Yes! Happy, married, and dead Chris! I APPROVE!


nancygrew July 5 2011, 00:58:14 UTC
But Chris didn't die right away. Reid got the heart for him and saved Chris' life. And Chris had to watch while everyone treated Reid like a hero for saving Chris' life [when in actuality Reid has always been a hero, tirelessly working to save his patients' lives - including patients who's near death experience wasn't COMPLETELY preventable]. But then, weeks later, Chris decided to mix alcohol and pain meds [I know, completely unrealistic for a DOCTOR to do but just play along]. And he walked in front of a train while he was hallucinating. The end.


anna_drenxavier July 5 2011, 01:02:09 UTC
LOL!!! I APPROVE. (It's also more in-character and realistic than what actually happened.)


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