Hello rewatchers! Today's episode begins at Memorial, where Bob approaches Luke, who is wearing a nice suit and showing off his manly manly chest hair as he does so often these days! He's all grown up now! Just like his older hot hot doctor boyf. *swoon*
Bob tells Luke there's a meeting with the hospital union reps today and he'd like his help wrangling Reid into not making an ass of himself in front of them. I believe his exact words are, "I want you to babysit Dr Oliver." LOLOL! I love it. I love that Bob's totally on board the Luke and Reid train (er, sorry, bad choice of words) and is now in full support of their relationship! Even he can see that these two work well together and are MFEO! *draws hearts*
Meanwhile, Reid confronts Chris about why he's ordering super sekrit tests for himself for a rare tropical heart virus. And so we begin the ridiculous Douchey Hughes Heart Drama of 2010. :|
Katie walks in and Reid so wants to tell her what's going on but is prevented by doctor/patient confidentiality. Le sigh.
Luke finds Reid and is all, "Just the man I was looking for." I love them so much, you guys! They're so in love! Luke can tell Reid's distracted by something but before he can force it out of him, Chris and Katie appear and Bob tells them about the union reps meeting. Chris is all, "Uh, it's kind of short notice" and Bob tells him that's just the way a Chief of Staff rolls. Chris, being a douche, says he'll be there so he can show he'll make a better COS than Reid. OMG just typing out this heart condition/COS rivalry nonsense is sucking the life from my soul. :|
Bob says adios and that he'll see Luke later "in the capacity they discussed". Hee! Luke says that it's odd Reid didn't jab back at Chris's jibe, then checks his forehead to see if he a temperature. LOL! Luke Snyder, you are adorbs! He's all, "Oh I get it, reverse psychology" nudge, nudge, wink, wink, and Reid is terribly amused despite trying not to be. Luke suggests he goes over the meeting prep with Reid and quiz him, and Reid agrees. Ooh, private study session. This pleases me.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOcvAdhLxOk Next we have one of the most adorable scenes evereverever!!! Luke and Reid are at the Lilypad and Reid has nailed the prep. Luke's impressed, and Reid tells him he has a photographic memory. I love this little factoid about Reid! Then Luke gets up from the floor and holds onto Reid's shoes for balance while he flings himself down onto the couch and drapes himself all over his boyf! \o/
They're so comfortable together and in love and I love them! Luke tells him not to wear his lab coat to the meeting (I love Van's delivery here, it's so natural and boyfriend-y!) and gives him wardrobe advice. Luke suggests an outfit which will say, "I'm comfortable with myself" and Reid tells him he is comfortable with himself. Luke also tells him not to look like a stuck-up brain surgeon, and Reid again agrees he is one. LOL!
Luke gives him the people skills/body language/small talk spiel and Reid's finally had enough, making for a hasty getaway. Luke apologises for hurting Reid's feelings (awww!) but reminds Reid he wanted Luke to help him with his people skills. Reid does that thing where he rubs his hand over his nose and is totally adorable, and tells Luke it's not him, he's just worried about a patient. UGH. CHRIS HUGHES IS RUINING EVERYTHING. :|
At Al's, the meeting with the reps is going well. Bob asks Luke how the meeting prep with Reid went and Luke tells him he told Reid what to say and how to dress. Cue Reid walking in wearing his lab coat. Hee! Reid's not following Luke's script, but to Bob and Luke's surprise, Reid nails the meeting and does it in his own kickass way. Reid Oliver FTW!
Chris doesn't bother showing up for the meeting, blah whatever, who cares. Katie, however, shows up and tells Reid he has to be nice to Chris for Katie's sake.
Back at the hospital, Reid's shirt is suddenly no longer tucked into his pants. I'm thinking he and Luke stopped on the way back from the meeting and had a rather exuberant "encouragement" session. Who's with me?!
Bob congratulates Reid on his success with the union reps and wishes he was his son instead of Chris. Luke's cell phone rings and he goes off to answer it, making sure to touch Reid's shoulder first. It's the little things, people. <3
Reid walks into an exam room and finds Chris moping. He does indeed have the tropical heart virus. Oh joy. :|
Reid tells him they need to immediately do an MRI to see if his heart muscle's been compromised, and Chris immediately refuses because he is not only a douche, but a terrible doctor too.
Luke's back from his phone call and he touches Reid's elbow, apologising for taking so long. Luke's totally proud as punch of how well Reid did in the meeting! He suggests they go celebrate but Reid's not really in the mood. Luke is his adorable self and tells Reid to lighten up and have some fun and Reid is unable to resist such adorableness! Truefax! He grabs Luke's face and lays a big smooch on him, and I think it may be my fave kiss ever! This is Reid's idea of fun, people. Kissing his boyfriend! *happy sigh*
Reid smiles that sweet little half-smile of his and looks at Luke like he's going to die of love, and Luke smiles so big his cheeks must hurt and beams love hearts Reid's way, asdfghhjg!!! It is truly wonderful!
Here is an in-depth examination of the kiss! And here it is again in slow-mo!
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Luke asks what prompted the kiss, then the stupid foreshadowing anvil hits us over the head and Reid tells Luke it was because he was right. Life is short. Boo. :(
It's a good thing Reid gets his car started again after that scary moment when it stalls out on the railroad tracks, makes it to Bay City and back on time to save Douche 2.0's worthless life, and then goes on to live a loooooong, happy life with Luke! Hooray! :D
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