Part Sixty-Four: "I've never had sex with any girl."

Apr 10, 2012 09:45

ZOMG! We had a total Luke Marathon Fail, y'all! I blame the long weekend, and a co-mod's illness, and just plan mental fog and confusion, because we are only human, people! Uh, not that any of you even noticed, probably, but whatevs; we are moving along ( Read more... )

not the parents of the year, jade is still here, luke's epic teenaged angst, luke = gayer than a box of birds, good dad is kinda bad, luke's face, luke puts on his big boy pants, good dad is kinda good after all, luke = love, luke snyder marathon, comment fic

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Comments 22

sleeper6 April 10 2012, 14:16:20 UTC
You know, I think Lily's reaction is realistic. Sure, it's not favorable or positive, especially for her son, but some parents still would or do react this way. I know it's easy to hate on her because we here are way more accepting but I think there is at least one parent every so often that is shocked and can't figure out how to deal with a gay son/daughter. So I give props to Martha Byrne for that. I do hate on her, though, when she and Damian team up later and try to 'straighten' Luke.

Oh, Luke! I want to give him a massive hug and tell him that it's all okay, that he'll be okay.

This gets me wondering if Reid himself had a coming out moment with his parents or if they died before he admitted it out loud. I like to imagine a nine-year-old Reid confiding in his parents, though. :)


rhiannonhero April 10 2012, 14:20:14 UTC
:) I agree. Many parents do have this kind of reaction. I think the 'hating on her' is a) fun and amusing, and b) somewhat educational for folks who might not have thought it over too much. Not that many of those folks are reading noah_who, but you never know! LOL! ;)

This gets me wondering if Reid himself had a coming out moment with his parents or if they died before he admitted it out loud. I like to imagine a nine-year-old Reid confiding in his parents, though. :)

That sounds like a fun prompt for the LuRe comm! You could maybe get 10 different Reid-comes-out (or doesn't) stories. I'd love that!


sleeper6 April 10 2012, 14:45:27 UTC
Yeah, it is fun to point out how wrong she is, I'll give you that.

Hmm, that does sound like a good idea.

My own quick scenario:

"Reid, what's wrong?"

Reid sits slumped in the chair, his piece of cherry pie untouched on the plate in front of him. "Steven didn't invite me to his stupid birthday party."

Mrs. Oliver pats her son's shoulder as she tries to come up with yet another excuse as to why Reid wasn't invited to one of his classmate's birthday parties again. "Maybe the mailman lost it ( ... )


rhiannonhero April 10 2012, 14:48:27 UTC
N'awww! Mrs. Oliver! You're a good egg! :) What a lucky duck this Reid is.


connorblond April 10 2012, 14:43:30 UTC
The next scene has Luke begging Lily to talk to him, and when she finally does talk, she takes the tack that since Luke's never had sex with a girl then he has no experience to base his 'gayness' on. Heh. 'Cause I don't know about you, but I had to have loads of sex with other girls in order to confirm that I was totally straight. OH WAIT. She then goes on to say that Luke's too young to know what he wants. And, sure, when I was 14 and hot for boys, hell, when I was 5 and crushing massively on Apollo on the old skool BSG, I was too young to know that I thought boys were the bomb, and just needed to sleep with some girls to figure it out. OHHHH WAAAAIIIT.

Also - you had a crush on Apollo, too? *high-fives you*


rhiannonhero April 10 2012, 14:46:15 UTC
I loved Apollo like whoa so very much! :) Other girls liked Starbuck, but I was always fond of the 'good guy'. :)


connorblond April 10 2012, 14:48:41 UTC
Nah. Starbuck was way too blond for me. *g*


hotlen April 10 2012, 18:01:08 UTC
I noticed it was missing :( I come check every day.

Lily is an idiot. She is so self absorbed, I don't even think she knows what's going on. If my son came out I'd throw him a party, heh. Or throw me a party for raising a gay son, I win!


kccalgal April 10 2012, 18:34:08 UTC
Poor Luke! He finally gets the courage to come out to his parents after his pep talk from Will convincing him he has the parents of the year. What reaction does he get? Silence. Luke has to resort to his failsafe...apologizing.

Not one hug. Not one I love you no matter what. Holden knew in his heart and still can't give Luke that? He spends his time deflecting telling Lily how she should feel after being blindsided. Luke says that he was scared to tell them because he thought they would hate him. He begs that he needs to talk this out and he gets shut down. The way they reacted you would think Luke was charged with negligent homicide. I guarantee Luke found a bottle of booze and was up in his room crying and getting drunk.

Wasn't this the beginning of the end for Martha Byrne? I remember her saying she was not happy with how Lily reacted to Luke's coming out and that she thought it was OOC for Lily.


tldreamer April 11 2012, 01:17:29 UTC
I think it was (in regards to your Martha comment). She wasn't happy with alot of things they were writing for her character from what I recall. I always thought that she would've really had a fit if she'd been on the last 2 years of the show, because the writers really changed Lily's character quite a bit, IMO.


smoothlikebutta April 11 2012, 01:30:25 UTC
I remember her saying she was not happy with how Lily reacted to Luke's coming out and that she thought it was OOC for Lily.

I remember her saying that, too. That must have been frustrating.


greek_09 April 11 2012, 02:47:21 UTC
Wasn't this the beginning of the end for Martha Byrne? I remember her saying she was not happy with how Lily reacted to Luke's coming out and that she thought it was OOC for Lily.

Yes, I also remember hearing about Martha saying this in an interview. And I agree with her. To me, this did not seem like a reaction that would come from Lily. She loved her children always, no matter what.

IRL I can see how parents might have this reaction because it seems very realistic especially when most hide the fact that they're gay.

I thought Damian's reaction made sense and honestly I've thought for a while now that Emma could have reacted badly (because to me she always seemed like an old-fashioned grandmother; plus I think it could have been interesting if they went this route).

Martha did pretty great with the crappy material she was given the last few years she was on the show.

Always thought Van was AMAZING in these scenes. Broke my heart.


marsabi April 10 2012, 21:54:11 UTC
When Luke leaves, I really wonder where he goes. Despite all his friends and other family members, it feels like he would be at the pond and all alone. Sigh.

I'd love a teen Reid for him here. Hold on Luke, babe. He's eventually heading your way!

Watching Lily and Holden in action, it is so clear why Luke allows Noah treat him like dirt later...


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