Part Sixty-Four: "I've never had sex with any girl."

Apr 10, 2012 09:45

ZOMG! We had a total Luke Marathon Fail, y'all! I blame the long weekend, and a co-mod's illness, and just plan mental fog and confusion, because we are only human, people! Uh, not that any of you even noticed, probably, but whatevs; we are moving along.

So, Luke told Holden and the Lilster that he was gay! What do you think will happen now? I know you are on the edge of your seat! Let's see what happens next.

Luke: I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry.

:( These words can sum up Luke entirely. This is why he stayed with that jerk Noah so long. He blames himself for everything. Even being gay. Oh, baby.

Lily: You're gay?
Luke: Yeah.
Luke: Please say something.
Holden: I think your mother just needs a little time.

Holden, do you know what would've given her some time? Oh, if you'd, you know, shared your concerns with her ages ago.

Luke rants about how he can't keep it in any longer, and how he'd been so afraid of seeing that look on Lily's face, and then he says, "She doesn't have to say a word. I know she hates me."

Lily, in her ongoing role as Best Mother Ever, just stares at him and then turns and walks away.


The next scene has Luke begging Lily to talk to him, and when she finally does talk, she takes the tack that since Luke's never had sex with a girl then he has no experience to base his 'gayness' on. Heh. 'Cause I don't know about you, but I had to have loads of sex with other girls in order to confirm that I was totally straight. OH WAIT. She then goes on to say that Luke's too young to know what he wants. And, sure, when I was 14 and hot for boys, hell, when I was 5 and crushing massively on Apollo on the old skool BSG, I was too young to know that I thought boys were the bomb, and just needed to sleep with some girls to figure it out. OHHHH WAAAAIIIT.

Holden is the voice of reason, but at the moment I sort of feel like it's too much, too little, too late (to ever try agaiiiin! let's end it being frieeeends!) and think he shouldn't have let this fall so hard on Lily. He suspected! He should've said something!

Lily: I'm not angry! I'm so sad. For you.


Lily: I look at you and see my seven year old boy running around the house. You used to tell me everything...about school, about your friends. You used to tell me all your secrets.

Luke (angry): Mom, don't make this about you.

*high five*

Lily: This is about me! It's about me, and your father, and your sisters. It's about our family!
Luke: No, Mom. It's about ME. And MY LIFE.
Holden: He's right.
Lily: So you're just willing to accept this?
Holden: He's our son. This is who he is. And...uh...we need to respect that truth.

Jade shows up and Lily takes her anger out on her. Lily sucks sometimes. SO HARD.

Jade declares that Holden practically begged her to make Luke straight and that Holden is the biggest liar in the room.

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Lily wants to know what Jade is talking about. Jade brings up Kevin, and Luke is so protective -- "GET OUT!!"

Lily says, "It never occurred to you to come and talk to me about any of this?"


Holden: It's time we deal with how life is and not how we want it to be. Jade, this is a family matter and you're not a member of this family, so you need to leave.

Lily: We're supposed to be honest, right? That's what today is about? Being honest? Then I have to be really honest with you. For the first time in my life, I don't know how to be your mother.

Luke leaves the room.

A) Wow. For the first time? I envy you. There are a shit tons of time in my daughter's 6 years that I've thought, "Fuck. What do I do? How do I handle this as a mother?" So, uh, either you're a total ego maniac, or you're just really not self aware, or you mean something other than I think.


C) It's not about you, Lily.

Holden returns from kicking Jade out, and then he and Lily talk about Luke and Holden's withholding of info.

Holden: I wasn't ready to face having a gay son and I thought that saying it out loud would make it true.
Lily: You can understand it?
Holden: We try. We owe that to him.
Lily: I don't know if I can.
Holden: Maybe we can try together.

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not the parents of the year, jade is still here, luke's epic teenaged angst, luke = gayer than a box of birds, good dad is kinda bad, luke's face, luke puts on his big boy pants, good dad is kinda good after all, luke = love, luke snyder marathon, comment fic

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