The Power of a God

Jun 21, 2012 07:33

We had some Firsts and Lasts in fic and discussion yesterday. Thank you!

Begin Again [PG] by kdbleu
Then and Now [PG] by taragel

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Comments 18

plaid_slytherin June 21 2012, 13:33:08 UTC
I originally read this post on my phone, which doesn't show pictures in posts so I just sort of glazed over it but when I got to the computer and saw what it was, I cracked up. I'll be back later with a real contribution but thanks for putting a smile on my face early. :D


scifishipper June 21 2012, 18:58:43 UTC
LOL! I could not resist the pigeon. Heehee! Poor pilots!


n_e_star June 21 2012, 14:09:02 UTC
I've been working on this for a while. It's unfinished, but maybe somebody will get a kick out of it ( ... )


callmeonetrack June 21 2012, 14:42:02 UTC
Hee that third one is so classic scottish romance novel! And I'm picturing them as Romeo and Juliet after that last one! :)

Very nice!


n_e_star June 21 2012, 15:32:01 UTC
The idea was the souls of Kara and Lee were every pair of famous star-crossed lovers ever. I still have several pairs plotted out, including Lee saying "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls", but I've put a hold on everything else until I finish my big bang story.


workerbee73 June 21 2012, 14:43:14 UTC
I love this. Truly. :)


kdbleu June 21 2012, 16:08:58 UTC
What do they look like? I actually love the idea that maybe they don’t look like Lee or Kara, entirely. That their connection is bigger than hazel or blue eyes. But I also think those physical things make them recognizable both to us and to each other.

What essential parts of them do you keep? The things that make Kara Kara and Lee Lee are the hard stuff, the brokenness. Healing is for me the thing that’s missing from their story so that still needs to happen.

Who else is reincarnated with them? This is an interesting question because it depends so much on the specific story they’re born back into. Part of me believes everyone has be part of the story in order to find peace and reconciliation, but that ripples out through the other characters. Does it upset the lives of characters who found a better peace? Does that keep the cycle going forever?

Will you make it easier on them? Harder? Why? Things need to be just as hard or as easy as they need to be to make things right. Making things unnecessarily difficult seems unfair ( ... )


scifishipper June 21 2012, 18:57:19 UTC
I also love the idea that they don't look anything like they look now, but that they have the same basic elements in themselves and some of the same flaws and struggles. I would love to make it hard for them, but only because I think some difficulties create wisdom and depth and make the joys in life all the richer. And I would give them each other to weather the days.

So lovely to think about. :)


kdbleu June 21 2012, 20:06:42 UTC
because I think some difficulties create wisdom and depth and make the joys in life all the richer. And I would give them each other to weather the days.

Exactly. Although telling parallel stories where Lee and Kara finally meet at the end ready and healed would be interesting too.


kballgetlost June 21 2012, 19:44:50 UTC
Ok I'm going to reincarnate them into this world. Kara is definitely a cop, probably detective(I'd go with homicide or gangs). Lee is the ADA (he wanted to be a lawyer!) for the precinct.

I think they would remain pretty true to who they were (hence the jobs) but I'd definitely make it a little easier on them. I think they would continue to challenge each other, and miscommunicate, and mess up, and frak at inappropriate times....but they'd always back each other up, and in the end, they would get it right.

Not all that creative but I'm pressed for time! lol


scifishipper June 22 2012, 11:41:22 UTC
Yes! I always feel inclined to put Kara into some kind of authority role - police, military, etc. I just love her getting to kick ass! Heehee!


bluuefiire June 22 2012, 05:29:05 UTC
Ok I thought about this kinda thinie after reading on of KAG's fics...I think it would be interesting to have them swap genders ( ... )


scifishipper June 22 2012, 11:36:18 UTC
I love the idea of switching genders and seeing what it would look like! And definitely want them to have a happy ending and friends.

So happy to see a new face! Hello! :)


bluuefiire June 22 2012, 15:09:33 UTC
I'm a lurker...a fairly recent lurker having found my way here at the end of last year...after watching BSG for the first time. I am trying to work up the courage to start writing and posting it. I haven't written in a long long time but I used to love it. There are so many talented writers on here don't know that I could ever compare :) (YOU are one of them!)


scifishipper June 22 2012, 15:12:00 UTC
Aw! You are so sweet. Thank you!

The_Applecart has new challenges every week and it's a great way to start writing small. Everyone is very kind there and I am sure your fic would be very welcome! A new challenge will go up on Sunday, so stop by, even if just to leave prompts. :)


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