The Power of a God

Jun 21, 2012 07:33

We had some Firsts and Lasts in fic and discussion yesterday. Thank you!

Begin Again [PG] by kdbleu
Then and Now [PG] by taragel

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n_e_star June 21 2012, 14:09:02 UTC
I've been working on this for a while. It's unfinished, but maybe somebody will get a kick out of it ( ... )


callmeonetrack June 21 2012, 14:42:02 UTC
Hee that third one is so classic scottish romance novel! And I'm picturing them as Romeo and Juliet after that last one! :)

Very nice!


n_e_star June 21 2012, 15:32:01 UTC
The idea was the souls of Kara and Lee were every pair of famous star-crossed lovers ever. I still have several pairs plotted out, including Lee saying "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls", but I've put a hold on everything else until I finish my big bang story.


workerbee73 June 21 2012, 14:43:14 UTC
I love this. Truly. :)


word_vomity June 21 2012, 14:57:30 UTC
Ohhhhhhh! This is wonderful. Do you plan on writing this into a longer fic? So much to work with here. *high fives*


n_e_star June 21 2012, 15:34:05 UTC
I have five other couples in mind, I just put a hold on everything else while I write (or angst over the not writing) my big bang story.


kdbleu June 21 2012, 15:39:12 UTC
I love these little glimpses, still tragic and not quite right timed. Very nice.


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