Official Communities showing ads

Jan 05, 2007 16:14

Some official communities are starting to show ads. Current official communities showing ads include:


And now news, just in time for State of the Goat.

No comments yet from staff, but it has only been a short while since the comments were made, so it's possible one might be forthcoming. (Although, of course, there's no obligation to give one, ( Read more... )

pushing plus level, plus communities

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Comments 44

matgb January 6 2007, 00:49:44 UTC
Ouch. I really don't like the way the whole thing truncates to the left and leaves a massive column of white all the way down the right hand side.

It's been ages since I looked around logged out.

Still, if it helps pay for the wages of whoever is trying to fix the server response errors that have had me hit refresh FIVE TIMES in order to get the reply page open...


foxfirefey January 6 2007, 01:26:53 UTC
I'm getting near constant "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." for some reason, but my internet has been pretty wanky of late, due to last night's power outage.


matgb January 6 2007, 01:31:16 UTC
No, I'm getting them constantly as well. Initially I thought my dial up, but it's only for LJ :-(


ex_zarathus122 January 6 2007, 01:21:47 UTC
State of the Goat: Bad.


ex_shattered767 January 6 2007, 04:39:14 UTC
I emailed feedback@ a little over 4 hours ago to ask why this change was made, since I haven't seen a single staff member address it (cynical me, but I'm not surprised). I'll post the response here, when I get it.


foxfirefey January 6 2007, 04:46:03 UTC
It's a pretty recent change and there's probably tons to get done, so.


ex_shattered767 January 6 2007, 04:51:37 UTC
All the more reason that something maybe should have been said, you know, in that new fancy newspost outlining upcoming changes. ;)


ex_shattered767 January 8 2007, 18:48:36 UTC
My ticket:

"I'm just gonna come right out with it: why have ads been put on official communities like News? While I understand that it's about money, obviously, I think that putting them on News, Feedback, and LJ_Maintenance is overstepping it."

Response, as of 1 hour ago:

"Ads were turned on in these communities at the request of senior LiveJournal management.

"Thank you for letting us know that you feel this is overstepping bounds. We've made a note of the feedback you've provided."


tallblue January 6 2007, 06:51:23 UTC
Such a shame it had to come to this.


foxfirefey January 6 2007, 06:57:44 UTC
I dunno, I'm pretty sure most anti-ad folk were expecting it at some point. Putting ads on official communities is low hanging fruit.

Higher hanging fruit, but still within the range of possibilities, is mobile web advertising and ads in RSS and ATOM feeds.


halfawake January 6 2007, 07:14:04 UTC
I'm not sure if they can legally put advertisements in RSS/ATOM feeds since technically they're coming from other sites and therefore, the copyright owners of those sites probably wouldn't be happy with LiveJournal making money off their own site. Unless said other site is a site like TypePad, which SixApart also owns, in which case they could probably do it.


foxfirefey January 6 2007, 07:17:12 UTC
Oh, no--not syndicated accounts.

Plus accounts have RSS/ATOM feeds that could have ads in them. Of course, only LJ knows if enough people even watch those suckers to make it worth the trouble.


ex_uniquewo January 9 2007, 01:49:14 UTC
Before I forget to mention this:

"SUP will also be handling advertising to people in the ex-USSR regions." I think we already knew that but...


foxfirefey January 9 2007, 02:38:40 UTC
Hrm. It's more and more apparent that the deal with SUP isn't really opt outable, at all.

The static files are not escapable and neither is being served advertising from them.


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