today's stuff

Jan 04, 2007 16:34

We have a few changes going out today. We've still got more that we're planning on releasing, but it'll probably be next week. (We wanted to keep this round simple.)

Update page changes
  • Removing the "Enter a Subject" text
  • Removing the max length on the tags field to avoid truncating your tags if they exceed 255 characters
  • Fixing the way that you couldn't choose your own time or recover your draft if you didn't have custom friends groups
  • Fixing the "Bad Unicode Error" that lynx/w3m users would get
  • Fixing the insert image from ScrapBook functionality
  • Fixing the ability to switch back to the HTML editor if you're using older versions of Firefox or Mozilla
  • Fixing the problem where previewing a post in a community that you're editing won't use the community's style (if any)
  • Fixing the bug where the autosave draft notification causes the page to jump up to the top (this one's already live)
Other Stuff
  • Reverting the holiday Horizon back to the normal Horizon
  • Updating the Horizon footer links
  • Express Lane promos in the promo boxes on the home page, for Basic/Plus users
This'll be happening over the next few hours, so if you can't see the effects of one of the changes, that's probably why. I'll edit this post to let you guys know when it's all done.
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