Statistics: New Users Per Day

Jun 24, 2006 11:37

One of the assertions I see a lot in dissatisfied news and other official community posts (and sometimes might even have made) is when things get dissatisfactory, people will move to GreatestJournal. Since both LJ and GJ give us the statistics on new users per day, I thought I'd test that hypothesis out.

Behold, graphs! )

statistics, livejournal alternatives, history

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Comments 17

A Few Rambling Ideas zorkfox June 24 2006, 19:24:48 UTC
I personally have a couple of GJ accounts and a couple of LJ accounts. I use them for different things that I don't always want people who know me here to find out about. (Also, I confess that I like the idea of 2,000 user icons, even though I could NEVER NEVER fill up all the slots. Even when I try to make icons as fast as I can, I couldn't fill it up... so, that's not a selling point for me [that is, it wouldn't get me to switch], but it IS kind of cool.)

Another feature of GJ that attracts me are the testimonials. It's fun to leave uplifting comments on your friend's journal. I also like the large amount of image storage space available. One of my GJ accounts has a lot of pictures and I chose to use their service because, at the time I created it, even permanent account holders here at LJ didn't have much space for images.


Re: A Few Rambling Ideas kunzite1 June 24 2006, 19:42:55 UTC
to address the userpics thing:
you could pay up for 2 months, hack an array into the entry function of s2 that has a bunch of urls that searches for an html tag that you put at the beginning of your entry text that has no visual rendering, and then inserts that image into where the userpic would be.

you host this off-site at a free place such as photobucket or GJ, and now you have a bunch of userpics.

photobucket would prolly be better because you can control the filenames there and swap 'em out as you wish.


Re: A Few Rambling Ideas foxfirefey June 24 2006, 19:45:01 UTC
But what about comments, kunzite1? What is the point if I can't have an offensive icon to comment with for every possible contigency on LJ!


Re: A Few Rambling Ideas kunzite1 June 24 2006, 19:47:15 UTC
i knowingly excluded comments from my comment because the comment didn't pertain to comments and not even comments in the code would be able to let you comment in comments with those userpics for your comments, so, those userpics that you wish to comment with in your comments would have to be uploaded to your account so that you can use those userpics in your comments that you choose to comment with.



tallblue June 24 2006, 19:57:16 UTC
With GJ its feels as if the communities are not up to par like Live Journal. Which is a big reason why I prefer Live Journal. And I think the community aspect effects the growing or shrinking of the friend's List. This is why I would not leave Live Journal.


sasuko June 24 2006, 23:11:29 UTC
My guess is this: there might not be new account signups on greatestjournal because the accounts are already there.

When I first heard of greatestjournal in 2004, everyone I knew was talking about it. Everyone was encouraging everyone else to get a GJ account because of all these perks. My friends list was flooded with all those "I've got a new GJ account. My username is XXX. Get an account and friend me today!" promotion.

So like a good little sheep that I was, I did as I was told.

But as tallblue mentioned, the community aspect is important. Not everyone moved over to GJ--so the people who initially made the move moved back (I've seen some of my friends go that route). But the account remained (my account still remains too) despite not being updated ( ... )


tiferet June 24 2006, 23:38:00 UTC
I own well over 50 LJ accounts, but they're all for RPGs except this one and my fanfic journal.

I would never ever use S+, but most of them are free.


tiferet June 24 2006, 23:39:59 UTC
It may be of interest to point out that GJ was originally founded as an RPG site, which is one reason they allow so many icons.

I believe it was originally called something like, even.

Of course now it's full of boob nazis.

But it's never been a big community site.


burr86 June 24 2006, 23:47:14 UTC
Oh, wow! I never knew that about GJ -- thank you for that piece of information. :)


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