Statistics: New Users Per Day

Jun 24, 2006 11:37

One of the assertions I see a lot in dissatisfied news and other official community posts (and sometimes might even have made) is when things get dissatisfactory, people will move to GreatestJournal. Since both LJ and GJ give us the statistics on new users per day, I thought I'd test that hypothesis out.

Behold, graphs! )

statistics, livejournal alternatives, history

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Comments 17

melata_fic June 25 2006, 03:43:25 UTC
I already have a GJ account. If I require, I can simply switch over.

(I got it because I wanted to find out about a friend's sockpuppet, though I didn't know that's what it was.)


ex_shattered767 June 25 2006, 08:10:16 UTC
I already have an account on GJ as well. I created it quite some time ago as a "placeholder" account - to use my username so that someone else couldn't. I had an incident with someone creating a journal on a copycat site with my signature username, then creating a community that was a copy of one of my communities, and then copying content from my journal and community, and basically pretending to be me. Good times.


tallblue June 25 2006, 17:37:23 UTC
Wow! That must have been creepy.


ex_shattered767 June 26 2006, 06:03:35 UTC
Little less creepy, little more angering.


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