New lj_ads post, LJ targetted AdSense

Jun 09, 2006 13:00

A very nice and informative post has been made on lj_ads here. I haven't seen the button/badge ad in use anywhere yet and still see the Google link strip, but if anyone sees those going into place, let me know; I'll need to redo my styles gallery.

Google's text ads now also include an "Advertise on this site" link which leads here, which I assume ( Read more... )

ad implementation, livejournal alternatives, pmmarcov

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Comments 11

burr86 June 9 2006, 20:03:01 UTC
The changes aren't live yet for the new ad types. (And I thought the "Advertise on this site" link was always there? At least, I remember having seen that page.)


foxfirefey June 9 2006, 20:07:50 UTC
Newp, wasn't always there. At least it wasn't a month ago.

Example utilizing EMO LOVE! Note lack of "Advertise on this site" link. I ought to go take a screenshot of them now, with the "Advertise on this site" link, for documentation.

Total speculation: it must've been something LJ registered for at some point in time, as there's a whole blurb there, and when it's finalized into the Google AdWords system, they start putting the "Advertise on this site" link into their text ads, as an advertisement/notification for prospective AdWords customers.


Curiosity KILLS me foxfirefey June 9 2006, 20:10:27 UTC
Does anyone else think the people featured on the veritable emo love site are very UNemoish?!


burr86 June 10 2006, 05:56:23 UTC
Aha, I think that's what it was -- the "Ads by Google" link linked to the same page, so maybe the wording was just changed.


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