New lj_ads post, LJ targetted AdSense

Jun 09, 2006 13:00

A very nice and informative post has been made on lj_ads here. I haven't seen the button/badge ad in use anywhere yet and still see the Google link strip, but if anyone sees those going into place, let me know; I'll need to redo my styles gallery.

Google's text ads now also include an "Advertise on this site" link which leads here, which I assume ( Read more... )

ad implementation, livejournal alternatives, pmmarcov

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burr86 June 9 2006, 20:03:01 UTC
The changes aren't live yet for the new ad types. (And I thought the "Advertise on this site" link was always there? At least, I remember having seen that page.)


foxfirefey June 9 2006, 20:07:50 UTC
Newp, wasn't always there. At least it wasn't a month ago.

Example utilizing EMO LOVE! Note lack of "Advertise on this site" link. I ought to go take a screenshot of them now, with the "Advertise on this site" link, for documentation.

Total speculation: it must've been something LJ registered for at some point in time, as there's a whole blurb there, and when it's finalized into the Google AdWords system, they start putting the "Advertise on this site" link into their text ads, as an advertisement/notification for prospective AdWords customers.


Curiosity KILLS me foxfirefey June 9 2006, 20:10:27 UTC
Does anyone else think the people featured on the veritable emo love site are very UNemoish?!


burr86 June 10 2006, 05:56:23 UTC
Aha, I think that's what it was -- the "Ads by Google" link linked to the same page, so maybe the wording was just changed.


foxfirefey June 10 2006, 05:59:33 UTC
I don't know if it linked to this back then, but right now "Ads by Google" doesn't link to that page. I don't remember it linking to the LJ specific page before, but I'm not sure if I trust my memory, either! (That's why I try to keep screencaps and such.)


burr86 June 10 2006, 06:01:10 UTC
Dammit! I don't remember what it was, then, but I know that *something* linked to that page. :p


foxfirefey June 10 2006, 06:03:03 UTC
Teeheehee. And I know that something changed! Danged brain. Maybe they split the links, and the "Ads by Google" page used to link there, and now it links to the LJ page?


foxfirefey June 10 2006, 06:03:20 UTC
*Now it links to the AdSense/AdWords page!


foxfirefey June 9 2006, 20:08:47 UTC
And dude, if Google was really awesome, they would so totally pay you guys for anyone who clicked on the "Advertise on this site" link, but somehow I doubt you get paid for that.


pmmarcov June 18 2006, 06:55:49 UTC
the "advertise on this site" link was there at the start, but...
then we took it down while we asked google to change some wording and we finalized our contract with them and then they put it back up about a month ago.

people can run google text links just on LJ or in all of google's network by clicking there. and yes, we do get paid when they do.


foxfirefey June 19 2006, 06:57:53 UTC
Aah, now I see where it all went to. And also I gave you like, I dunno, a nickel? Who knows. Since I clicked on it to see where it went. Mmmyep.


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