Old Friends And New Acquaintances

Mar 12, 2006 09:59

"I can be your liar...
So shame on me for the ruse"
-- The Foo Fighters

(Los Angeles -- late June 2002)

Josh glances around the darkened yard before rapping sharply on the door. He's practically vibrating with energy, excitement, something, man, he's not sure what to call it. Missed the crazy fucker, he thinks, and rocks back on his heels, hands tucked into his back pockets as he waits for Joaquin to open the damn door already.

"Yeah, yeah," Joaquin calls, making his way to the door. Damn it all, he just got back into town. And his arrival was pretty low key. So who the hell...

"Why am I not surprised," he says with a grin after he pulls the door open.

"Who else, man?" Josh's grin widens as he looks Joaquin over. "Looking good. Guess the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania agreed with you."

"Not looking too bad yourself." Another grin, then Joaquin steps back, shutting the door when Josh steps inside. "Wasn't expecting to see you this time around."

"Yeah?" Josh stops, turns, ducking his head as his brows furrow. "Why not?" They haven't seen each other in almost six months and this is the welcome he gets...fucking Joaquin, man, always on about something.

Leaning against the door, arms crossed over his chest, Joaquin watches Josh. "Heard you were making serious time with Jake Gyllenhaal," he finally says. "Sounded like someone had finally managed to reel you in."

Jake. Of course. Why is Josh not surprised that the rumors had managed to hit even Joaquin? "Shouldn't believe everything you hear," he replies with a shrug. "It's nothing serious. He's a great fuck."

One eyebrow lifts, and Joaquin fights to keep from smiling. "Oh, so that's all it is?" He nods, surprised that he's managed to keep a straight face this long. "Thought there might be something to this one, seeing as how often you've been spotted around with him."

"Haven't seen you for six months and already you're busting my balls." Josh sighs, head ducked as he gives Joaquin a long-suffering look. "If we've gotta talk about him, shouldn't you at least say hi or tell me how much you missed me or show me or some shit?"

"Hi, I missed you." The grin almost slips through, but Joaquin bites his lip hard as he pushes away from the door. Too damn easy to get Josh riled up sometimes. Stalking across the floor, he starts to unbutton his shirt.

"Much better." It's a grumble, but a half-hearted one. Hard to be upset when faced with the sight of a nice, naked chest, and Joaquin has always known the quickest way to diffuse Josh's moods.

Shrugging out of his shirt, Joaquin stops in front of Josh. Finally, he smiles. "Come on, man, it's been six months. You're not gonna frown at me the whole time, are you?"

"I might." Light fingers skim the muscled slope of Joaquin's shoulder. "I mean, here I am on your doorstep the second you get in town, and you want to gossip about my sex life..."

"Actually," Joaquin murmurs, fingers already working at the buttons of his jeans, "I was wondering if the boy toy had taught you any new tricks..."

"Huh. You're funny." Josh bats Joaquin's hands out of the way and finishes the job himself, filling his hand with the sleek feel of Joaquin's cock, and starting with the hard, slow strokes he knows Joaquin likes best. "Teach me, right..."

"First...unh, yeah, like that...time for...God...everything," Joaquin manages to say. Hard to think with Josh's hand working on him. His fingers dig into Josh's shoulder, and he lets his head fall back, eyes closed.

"Stop talking," Josh instructs, eyes dark as he watches the way Joaquin immediately gives himself over to Josh's touch. So fucking hot, man, so different than Jake with his constant challenges...and he's not even gonna start down that path. Not now. "Can think of something better for you to do with that mouth."

"I bet." Joaquin lifts his head and smiles. His hips buck, and he curls one hand around the back of Josh's neck. Joaquin can think of a few things himself, starting with reacquainting himself with Josh's kisses.


"Oh, I know, tell me about it. I totally only give them about two more weeks, now that Joaquin's back in town. Everyone knows he's the only long-term anything Josh has ever had, I mean, aside from that one chick, his high school sweetheart, whatever her name was..."

At the mention of Josh's name, Jake's head snaps up. Who... Kirsten. He stands against the bar and watches her and the girl she's talking to at the moment. She can't be talking about his Josh. Not yours, no claim, remember?

Shaking his head, Jake returns his attention to the conversation. This time, when he hears her mention Josh, he can't deny what he's hearing. "Kirsten," he says as he leans over to tap her arm.

Busted, Julie mouths, but Kirsten ignores her friend. Jake can't have really heard anything. "Hi sweetie!" she exclaims, leaning in to brush a kiss across Jake's cheek. Such a fucking waste that he's spending time with Josh. No way Kirsten would ever be on the hunt if she had a man like Jake to come home to at night.

He barely glances at her friend. "What was that about Josh?" he asks, eyes searching hers. He doesn't miss the grimace that flashes across her face.

"Nothing, just gossip. Forget it." She gives him a winsome smile. "You just get here?"

"Yeah, but I've been here long enough." Long enough to overhear too much. Or not enough, depending on how he wants to look at it. "Tell me what you were saying." Of all the people he knows in this town, Kirsten's one of the few that he knows won't lie to him.

Julie gives Kirsten a comforting pat on the arm as she gets up and leaves, coward that she is. See if Kirsten ever invites her out again. "Joaquin's back in town," she shrugs, fixing her gaze at a point just beyond Jake. "Heard he got back late last night."

"I see." He wishes he didn't. Four fucking months, man, and he thought... Even though he knows the answer, he asks anyway. "And this has what to do with Josh?"

It's Kirsten's turned to be shocked. "You don't know about Josh and Joaquin?" Hell, she thought everyone knew, and not just in L.A., either.

"I know he hasn't seen Joaquin in six months." Of course, Jake only knows because he asked one night, but damned if he's going to tell her that.

"Sweetie," Kirsten puts a hand on Jake's forearm, "they're close. And, I mean real close. Known each other for years." And been sometime lovers for about that long, if one believes the rumors. Kirsten had seen enough to know there was a lot of fact to back it up.

"I know that." For the first time, Jake looks around. Really looks around. He can't miss the pitying looks that come his way. With a muttered curse, he shakes Kirsten's hand off his arm.

"No, I don't think you do. Jake, look at me." She waits until he's complied before speaking. "When Joaquin and Josh are in New York or L.A. or wherever at the same time, they drop everything and everyone to be together. I've seen it happen. I'm sorry." Again, she wonders what the hell is so great about Joaquin fucking Phoenix, as hot as he is, that could compare to the man in front of her. She's always gotten along with Josh, but he's a stupid bastard sometimes, to be giving this up.

Without bothering to reply, Jake pulls out his cellphone and punches a button. He looks at her as he listens to it ring. And ring. When it clicks over to voicemail, he gives up, shoves the phone back in his pocket. "What? Doesn't prove anything."

"Okay." She smiles then, because, for Jake's sake, she hopes he's right. "You're probably right -- Josh hasn't been out with anyone as much as he's been out with you lately. Can I buy you that drink now?"

"No, think I'm just gonna head out." He deliberately avoids meeting her gaze as he looks around again. Bastards. Fucking vultures, just waiting to see him lose it. "Thanks, though."

"Alright." She knows he'll be heading over to Josh's -- and she also knows that Josh won't be anywhere around for at least several days, if not longer. It's a pattern whenever Josh and Joaquin are around each other, one she's seen more than once. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." He shrugs and heads out, digging for his keys as he shoves his way through the crowd. More than one dirty look is thrown his way, but fuck 'em.


"Fuck me, but I've missed you," Josh groans, just before collapsing on top of Joaquin. They're both sweaty and sticky, but that's about par for the course, and Josh sure as fuck isn't complaining. It's been too long.

Laughing weakly, Joaquin shoves at Josh until he moves. Much better. "Heard you were too busy to miss me."

"Are we back to that already?" Josh drags Joaquin to him, wrapping a strong arm around Joaquin's waist as he nuzzles a patch of sleek skin.

"Call it curiosity." Tipping his head back, Joaquin stretches and scoots even closer. Fuck, but he's missed this. "Thought I was the only one to hold your attention for more than a few weeks."

Josh dips his head for a kiss, tongues lazily swirling together, and Josh can taste himself on Joaquin's lips. "Jealous?" he grins, even though he wants to know.

"Me?" Another laugh, and Joaquin shakes his head. "You're kidding, right? Tell me about him."

Josh settles his head more firmly on the pillow and gives Joaquin another quick kiss. "Why do you want to know?" Not that Josh had really thought Joaquin would be jealous, but it's good that he's not. They've always had too much of an understanding for all that petty shit. Something Josh wishes Jake could get.

Joaquin shrugs. "Dunno. Anything, I guess."

"I, uh...fuck." Kinda hard to think about anything else with Joaquin all curled around him, but Josh gives it a go. "Met him at the premiere for 'Black Hawk' and he didn't leave my bed for...God, three days? Four? I don't remember, I was pretty hopped up on X most of the time. But the sex...man...Jesus, I've never been able to let go like that." He holds Joaquin close as he talks, not at all worried that Joaquin's going to take anything the wrong way. It's not who they are. Which is why, if Josh is honest, he'll never let Joaquin go.

"That good, huh?" One eyebrow raised, Joaquin looks at Josh. Interesting. He drapes an arm over Josh's waist. "If he's that good, toss him my way when you get bored with him."

Josh laughs and dips his head to nip at Joaquin's nose. "You couldn't handle him. But I bet you two'd look hot together." The idea is certainly a pleasant one...but Josh isn't ready to share Jake yet.

"Handle you pretty well," Joaquin retorts with a grin, fingers dancing along Josh's ribs. "You should bring him around one night. See just how hot we are."

"Maybe I will," Josh replies, licking his lips. The look in Joaquin's eyes has him all raring to go again. "Not in a sharing mood, though."

Not me you're talking about, is it? "Oh?" A slow grin spreads across Joaquin's face, and his fingers shift again, stroking over warm skin this time.

Josh rolls over, trapping Joaquin underneath him. "Got a problem with that?"

Stretching, Joaquin gives Josh a bland smile. "Have I ever had a problem with this?"

Josh grinds down, lost in the heat of Joaquin's skin, lowering his head until his lips are almost on Joaquin's. "You know what I think?" he murmurs.

"What's that?" Joaquin asks, breathing in Josh's scent as he frees a leg and curls it over Josh's hip.

"Think we're talking too much." The next instant, Josh licks along Joaquin's mouth, tasting and teasing, waiting for Joaquin to join in.

"Then why don't you shut me up," Joaquin murmurs, catching Josh's bottom lip with his teeth.

Best idea Josh has heard all night. With a slight growl of impatience, Josh spears his tongue into Joaquin's willing mouth, running impatient hands along the muscled curve of Joaquin's hip.

Making a soft sound deep in his throat, Joaquin arches up, meets Josh. Like that, yeah... Eager fingers slide up Josh's back, across his shoulders, down his arms as Joaquin kisses him back, tongues tangling, teeth clashing.

"Tell me how you want me to take you," Josh asks, between hard kisses that make him ache, soft kisses that sear his blood. He can't stop touching Joaquin, slipsliding over him with his entire body, arching into Joaquin's touches, greedy for more.

"Fast and dirty." Joaquin lifts his head, runs his tongue up Josh's throat. He's so hard that he's aching, and Josh's touches are just making it worse.

"God..." Fucking Joaquin, man... He twists and slides, scraping teeth along Joaquin's collarbone, lightly marking his territory, then soothing it with damp kisses. "Get me ready."

One hand flails at the bedside table, then the lotion is in Joaquin's hand. "Lift up a bit," he murmurs, squeezing lotion onto his fingers, then sliding his hand between their bodies. When his fingers curl around Josh, twist up, he smiles and swallows Josh's groan.

Josh bucks into Joaquin's hand, harsh puff of air expelling from tight lungs. "So good..." He digs nails into Joaquin's hips, using his knees to push Joaquin's thighs apart.

He reaches up with his free hand, fingers curling around the headboard. "Just good?" Joaquin flashes a wicked grin, thighs relaxing, falling further apart.

"Fixin' to be better," Josh answers, with his own grin. He grabs the base of his cock, steadies himself as he lines up, presses hard and fast into Joaquin, eyes half-closing in concentration. "Still so tight, man..."

Both hands curl around the headboard now, and Joaquin fights to keep from arching up. "Practice," he mumbles, head falling back on the pillow.

"Practice?" Josh frowns slightly before slamming forward, tilting his hips so he can slide in nice and deep, dropping his head to watch his cock easing in and out of Joaquin's tight ass.

"Yeah," Joaquin breathes, opens his eyes so he can focus on Josh. Then he tightens his muscles. "Like that..."

If this is what Joaquin wants, then Josh is more than happy to give it to him. He's not about to complain when Joaquin pushes against him, holds him deep, dark eyes boring into him with lust and need and a deep understanding that nothing can ever erase. "Like the idea of you practicing for my cock," he murmurs, dragging his tongue along Joaquin's throat.

"You would," Joaquin says with a throaty chuckle. He tightens again as he lifts his legs to wrap them around Josh's hips. Fuck, but he doesn't think he'll ever get tired of this.

Another twist of his hips and Josh slams forward again. "Got any more tricks?"

Another laugh, and Joaquin lifts his hips, eagerly meeting each brutal thrust. "Find out," he murmurs, licking up Josh's throat, across his jaw.

Fuck, but he loves it when Joaquin challenges him. He nuzzles into the contact, then licks along Joaquin's scar before parting his lips for a hard kiss that's matched only by the forward thrust of his hips. "Fuck...feel so..." he gasps into Joaquin's open mouth.

Joaquin's tongue darts out, tangles with Josh's. He arches up, surprised he can still think coherently as Josh slams into him again.

Josh fumbles between them, closes a sweatslick hand over Joaquin's cock, and starts to move in time with his thrusts. Feels so fucking good, man, and he loves how tight Joaquin grips him, how much he wants it, wants whatever Josh does to him. No more potent aphrodisiac in the world...

A soft gasp becomes a low moan as Josh's hand works on him. Best damn sex Joaquin has ever had, and he won't deny it. The tiny, still coherent part of his mind has a moment to wonder just how much longer it's going to last before the force of his orgasm obliterates everything except Josh.

"Fuck...Joaquin..." And that's about as far as Josh gets before he shudders, stiffens, biting on Joaquin's shoulder as he comes.

Even through the haze that still fogs his mind, Joaquin feels Josh slump, welcomes the warm weight that presses him into the mattress. He slides his hands up Josh's sweat-slicked back, nuzzles just below his jaw. "Fucking amazing," Joaquin mumbles when he can breathe again.

"Fuck yeah." It's more an exhale than actual words, but Josh trusts that Joaquin will know what he means. He turns his head to lick at Joaquin's neck, content to let the bright lights behind his eyes swirl.

"Mmm..." A small shift puts Joaquin in a more comfortable position. As fantastic as the sex is, he thinks this is the part he likes best, when they're both sated, Josh still resting deep inside his body.

"Gonna keep you like this," Josh murmurs with a smile, nibbling on Joaquin's neck. It's an old joke, but Josh still mostly means it. Be nice if he could just stay here.

"Gotta sister that'd kick your ass if you tried," is Joaquin's immediate answer, the words accompanied by a grin. Much as he likes the idea, they both know better.

"Hell, she can join. You know I've got a special place marked out just for her."

"She was pissed because she had to stay in New York this trip." Another grin.

"Tell her we'll make it up to her next time," Josh smiles, and finally, reluctantly, slides out of Joaquin's body. "But I can't say as I'm disappointed I've got you to myself."

"I won't tell her that part," Joaquin laughs, immediately rolling to plaster his body against Josh's side.

"Smart man." Josh wraps an arm around Joaquin's waist to pull him close. "Shouldn't let so much time pass before we do this again."

"Commitments suck sometimes, don't they?" Stifling a yawn against Josh's shoulder, Joaquin relaxes, enjoying the heavy feel of his limbs. "So how long before the boytoy starts to miss you?"

"Didn't make plans with him for the rest of this week," Josh shrugs, kissing the top of Joaquin's head. Although he wouldn't put it past Jake to call, just to touch base. He does that sometimes. Josh'll just have to figure out whether he's going to answer. "Knew you were gonna be here, wanted to give us plenty of time. Why, you got somewhere to be the next few days?"

"Nope." Another yawn has his eyes watering. Long flight, then two rounds with Josh...he's not as young as he used to be. "Just wondering, is all."

"If you don't want me to stay..."

"Still know your buttons," Joaquin mumbles with a smile, shifting to curl around Josh.

"Yeah, you do," Josh replies softly, his own eyes starting to drift closed.

"Sillybastard..." It's a soft mumble that ends in a sigh.


Jake's mouth tastes like wet ashes and stale alcohol when he finally opens his eyes. "Ugh," he groans, eyelids snapping closed when a shaft of sunlight spears into them. He'd forgotten to close the curtains when he finally stumbled in and fell into bed last night. Alone.

After spending three hours sitting in Josh's driveway, drinking, waiting for him to get home.

With a shake of his head, Jake rolls over, fumbles for his watch. Later than he thought. Damn. He mutters to himself as he picks up the phone and punches a button.

No answer.

Not that he was really expecting one. Not after finding out... ...they're close. And, I mean real close. Known each other for years. It's an effort to not throw his phone across the room before rolling out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom.

A hot shower serves to revive him (somewhat, anyway), and the toothbrush and toothpaste take care of the vile taste left over from too much weed and too many beers. After dragging on his clothes, he calls Josh again. Still no answer. "Answer your goddamn phone," he snarls when it clicks over to voice mail. "And call me back."

...they drop everything and everyone to be together...

Muttering curses under his breath, he heads out of the house. Breakfast first, and maybe he'll go to Lulu's -- not his usual hangout, so maybe he won't be recognized. Then...

Then, he's going back over to Josh's.


"Fuck me, but you've got the most amazing hands," Josh groans, letting his head fall forward. The hot water sprays across the back of his neck, soaks his hair, but it's not nearly as good as the feel of Joaquin's hands on him. But then, few things are.

Nimble fingers slide up Josh's spine, across his shoulders, and Joaquin grins. "What's got you all in knots?" he asks as he presses against Josh's back and digs his fingers into tight shoulders.

"No clue," even though that's not precisely true. Jake and his expectations..., but he shuts off that train of thought right there. Not Josh's fault if the kid's all getting in over his head. "Just don't ever stop, alright," he tells Joaquin, relaxes into the massage, into the hard feel of Joaquin's body against his.

Thank fucking God for Joaquin, man.

"Expecting you to return the favor," Joaquin murmurs, another small smile curving his lips as he starts to work on Josh's neck. No clue, huh? Right.

"Anything you want." The word ends on another groan as Joaquin's terribly talented fingers find another knot and start to loosen it. Between the scalding temperature of the water and Joaquin's hands, Josh thinks he may never move again. "Tell me again why it's been so long since we've seen each other."

"Because we're both busy men." His fingers continue to work, finding and loosening more knots. At the same time, he presses tighter against Josh, cock nestling in the cleft between his cheeks. No pressure. Joaquin knows the rules.

"Well, fuck that." Josh reaches back and wraps an awkward arm around Joaquin's waist, trying to pull him closer. "I like you naked and serving my every whim. Who needs work?"

Joaquin chuckles and presses his lips to Josh's nape. "Gotta have something to pay the bills," he points out even as he begins to slowly rub against Josh.

"Fuck..." Josh's toes curl even as he arches back, rubs against wetslick skin. "Maybe I'll pay you," he moans, lolling his head onto Joaquin's shoulder.

"Oh, there's a thought," Joaquin murmurs, one hand sliding over and around Josh's hip to curl around his cock. "Gonna be your gigolo now, huh?"

"Make it worth your while," Josh replies, leaning up to brush damp lips across the stubble on Joaquin's chin. He pushes his hips forward, cock demanding more attention.

"Yeah?" His hand starts to move, a slow and lazy glide up Josh's cock. Twist, slide down, again. "How's that?"

Fuck, but Joaquin knows how to make his body beg... "Name your price."

"Hmm..." He's thoughtful for a moment -- or pretends to be, anyway. His hand continues its slow, torturous glide along Josh's cock. "You could start by washing my hair."

"M'kay." Right then, Josh would agree to just about anything at all, as long as Joaquin doesn't stop moving his fist over Josh's cock.

A soft chuckle escapes Joaquin. "You're so easy sometimes," he murmurs in Josh's ear.

"Only for you," Josh replies, and tilts his head to push his tongue past Joaquin's lips. It's not precisely the truth -- Jake -- but close enough for right now.


"No, just me," Jake says in response to the hostess' question. He smiles, follows her to a table. Outside, of course. Too nice a day to sit inside, even if his mood is for shit.

"Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Donnie Darko himself sitting all alone..."

He's so startled by the voice that he almost drops the menu. "Drew," he says as he looks up and manages a smile. Damn. So much for the whole incognito thing. "Didn't see you when I sat down."

"I could tell," she laughs, and drops into the seat across from him. "I waved at you, but you didn't even look up." She peers closer, dropping her oversized sunglasses to the bridge of her nose to study him. "Long night last night?"

He's not really in the mood for company, but he hopes he's doing a good job of hiding it. "You could say that," he says, murmuring a quick thank you when the busboy brings his coffee. "You're looking good."

"You think so?" She allows herself a moment of female preening. "It's very nice of you to say. Oh, I'll have a latte, breve, three shots," she tells the server, and then gives Jake another sunny smile. "So, what gives? Word about town is that you're off the market. True?"

"Why, you interested?" He lets his trademark smirk slip into place. Change the subject, change the subject...

"If I was single, sure." She props her chin in her hand and stares at him. "You know, I know we aren't the best of friends or anything, but I think I know you well enough to know that you're not happy about something. I'm here, if you wanted someone to talk to."

He looks at her for a moment before dropping his eyes. The chair's comfortable enough, but he shifts, shrugs. "Not much to say, really," he mumbles. "There's this...thing...that I...I guess I thought it was more than what it was. Pretty sure it's over now, though."

Drew waits until the server's dropped off her latte before speaking. "Would I be incorrect if I were to say that you're speaking of the rumored relationship between you and a certain Josh Hartnett?"

"Yeah," Jake says, biting off the word before he can say more. Damn Josh. And damn Joaquin, too. To hell with them both.

"I see." She blows her latte to cool it before taking a sip, then studies him over the rim of the cup. "Who's he cheating on you with this time?"

"Joaquin fucking Phoenix." Jake doesn't even try to hide the bitterness in his voice. Thought you were fucking different, man.

"Ahhhhh." Drew sneaks her hand over his, curls her fingers over his. "I take it you didn't know about the two of them when you and Josh hooked up."

"I'd heard rumors," Jake says with a shrug, but he doesn't pull away from her touch. Instead he stares at her hand covering his. "But it's been four months...and Josh said he hadn't even saw Joaquin in over six months..."

"Long time for them," Drew remarks. "Long enough for you to get ideas, at any rate. Am I right?"

"Stupid, I know." It's all the admission he'll give. He's pretty sure it's all the admission she needs. Stupid, stupid...so damn far beyond stupid...

"Love makes fools of us all," Drew shrugs, but her eyes are kind on his, and her hand doesn't move. "Have you told him how you feel?"

What? His head snaps up. He stares at her. "It's not like that," he says, startled at the near frantic note in his voice. "It's just sex...a casual thing, y'know..."

"Maybe to him." She lowers her sunglasses again to look at him. "But you wouldn't be here all broken up about him fucking Joaquin if it was just casual for you. I know men."

"Okay, so maybe it's more than that," Jake admits quietly, slumping in his chair. "But it's not...I mean, he's cool to hang out with, and the sex is great and all...and he gets me, but still..."

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter, Jake." Drew shakes her head and takes another sip of her latte. "I mean, it's your denial, but from where I'm sitting, it looks like you and Josh should probably have a talk about boundaries."

He doesn't meet her eyes, and his voice is even quieter when he says, "Josh doesn't believe in boundaries."

"Maybe not. But you do." She squeezes his hand again. "Anyway, it's gotta be better than hearing about him fucking other people through the grapevine."

"Doesn't matter much now," he mutters, free hand flicking his cellphone where it rests on the table. "He's with Joaquin now. Won't even answer my calls."

"And I'm guessing, from your look, that he didn't tell you he was shacking up with Joaquin to catch up on old times," Drew guesses.

"Not a single fucking word." And damn Kirsten, anyway. If she'd kept her mouth shut...

"Wow. What a rotten bastard."

"Yeah, I guess." Jake looks away, focuses on the passing traffic. Call me back, damn it. Prove this is all bullshit.

"You know it might be a couple of days, then," Drew says softly. "From what I've heard..."

"Yeah, I know," Jake cuts her off almost savagely. "They drop everything and everyone to fuck each other into the middle of next week. He's never once fucking dropped anything or anyone for me. Bastard."

"I'm sorry." It's all Drew can offer.

"Don't worry about it," Jake says with a shrug. He stares out at traffic again. "Nothing you can do. Nothing I can do, either."

"Doesn't mean I can't be sorry. I know what it's like, believe me." She offers a lopsided smile. "You should come with me up the coast for a day or two, clear your mind, get some fresh air."

"Thought you said you weren't interested." The smirk is back, and Jake hides behind it. He flips her hand over to trace tiny spirals against the inside of her wrist.

"As a friend," Drew chuckles, shaking her head. "I'm not going to let you seduce me to get back at your cheating louse of a boyfriend. But I can offer you some good company and a shoulder and some primo pot at my beach house, if you're interested."

"Maybe I want to seduce you for myself," Jake murmurs as he meets her gaze. He refuses to acknowledge the boyfriend comment. "You're sexy as hell, y'know. And when you throw in the pot and the beach...I'll be your willing slave for a few days."

"Tempting." Her eyes flash with amusement -- this is a game she's been playing since she was ten years old. "Why don't I make you my slave now, and we'll see about the seduction later."

"I can be even more tempting." His voice is almost a purr, and he continues to draw lazy spirals on her arm. "Why don't I just go ahead and agree to be your slave, and we'll see if you're still saying no this time tomorrow."

"You're on." She's definitely tempted...but she also knows that the last thing Jake needs is to compound Josh's mistake.

"Well, then," Jake says as he tilts his head and studies her. What he sees in her eyes makes him grin. "Shall we have breakfast before we head out? Or did you already eat?"

"If that's your charming way of offering to buy me breakfast, then I accept."

A snort of laughter escapes. "I don't recall offering, but alright," he says, and grins.

"Oh, you were offering," she replies primly, but the twinkle in her eyes gives her away. "You just didn't know it yet."

One eyebrow arches, and he grins. "I see. Well then," he says, flagging down their waiter, "I stand corrected."

"It wouldn't be wise for you to underestimate me, Jake Gyllenhaal," she smiles, settling into her seat once more.

"If I do," he says, and leans forward, waggling his eyebrows and smirking, "will you punish me?"

"Only if you're very naughty."

"Oh, I can be extremely naughty with only a little persuasion."

Drew purses her lips to keep from laughing, giving him another prim look. It's been awhile since she's had this much fun flirting. "Well, then, maybe the best punishment for you is to not do anything at all."

Jake blinks, taken aback by her words. "Where's the fun in that?"

"Oh, I think watching you squirm will be great fun," she replies with a wink, then turns to their waiter to place their order.

"Never thought you could be so heartless," Jake says with a melodramatic sigh after he places his order.

Ah, but he's such a cute, sweet young thing. "Then you haven't been paying attention to the right rumors."

Wrinkling his nose at her, Jake debates sticking out his tongue. He decides against it (for now). "Maybe I'll find out for myself if certain rumors are true."

"Which ones would those be?"

"Oh, just rumors." He waves his hand in a vague gesture and adopts what he hopes is a mysterious smile.

"Ah...those rumors," Drew laughs. "They're probably all true, then. So, I'd eat up if I were you. You'll need the energy."

"Why, Miss Barrymore," Jake says, managing to adopt a passable drawl as he grins at her. "I'd say that sounds almost like an invitation."

"Already invited you, didn't I?" she replies. "I hear the surf's excellent the next few days. Be a pity if you didn't take advantage."

"Surfing. Uh huh." He eyes her over his cup of coffee, but doesn't say anything else.

"Surfing," she replies mildly, and toasts him with her mug.

"Have to see if our definitions of surfing match, then."

Incorrigible. Thankfully, she knows just how to handle men like him.
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