Puppy Love

Dec 28, 2005 14:01

"Did you find some happiness with me?
Now I know the way true love should be"
-- Foo Fighters

(Minneapolis, Minnesota -- Christmas Morning, 2004)

Trying hard not to giggle, Jake creeps back up the stairs. His feet, snug in warm socks (courtesy of Josh, who'd gotten tired of Jake's 'icicle' toes), make no noise, and he hopes Josh is still asleep. "Shhh," he whispers to the bundle in his arms, biting his lip to keep from laughing. Reaching the bedroom, he peeks around the partially open door.

Good. Still asleep. Now...to wake him up.

Tip-toeing across the floor, Jake kneels by Josh's side of the bed and places the bundle on Josh's chest. And smiles to himself when a little black nose inches closer to Josh's sleepwarm cheek.

It's a good dream, and Josh is less than pleased at the interruption to it. Fucking Rita Hayworth, man, in all her 40's glory, just standing there, nude, like in "Gilda", and Josh can practically taste her skin. He bats at the cold intrusion on his neck, wondering who the hell decided that it could invade his dream.

Oh, shit. Jake has to slap a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. No way in hell he's going to make a sound and ruin the surprise. But his eyes gleam with delight as Josh bats again and is rewarded with another sniff, followed by a swipe of a pink tongue and a tiny growl.

The hell...? Rita's turned into a fuzzy lion cub, and just when the dream was getting good. Josh doesn't even like cats.

"Stoppit," he murmurs, batting his hand again at the coldness against his neck. His hand encounters fur, and he blearily blinks his eyes open. Wide, warm blue ones, framed by long lashes, stare back at him.

When Josh's lashes flicker, Jake holds his breath. There we go... He bites his bottom lip and waits. Tries to be patient. Smiles again when that tiny pink tongue swipes up Josh's cheek again, accompanied by a soft bark.

"There'sapuppyinth'bed," Josh mumbles, blinking again. The puppy -- mostly a wiggly, silver and grey furball -- stares back for a moment, then burrows its way under the comforter, right next to Josh.

Jake draws his knees up to his chest, wraps his arms around them. Hugging himself tight, he smiles. "Merry Christmas," he says, voice soft, watching Josh as the puppy starts nosing around under the covers.

"Merry...?" The hand that's not stroking warm fur rubs weary eyes as Josh peers at Jake. "What?"

"Christmas." Jake nods towards the window, then looks back at Josh. He's all seriousness now, hoping he hasn't misinterpreted a few comments Josh had made in the past. "It's morning, so I...I thought I should give you one of your gifts."

"A puppy?" Well, obviously a puppy, but Josh is a little thick in the mornings. Especially this early. Not that Josh has any clue what time it actually is, mind, but it feels early, so it must be.

"You got me..." The puppy chooses that moment to wiggle from under the comforter and place his front paws on Josh's chest, giving a joyous bark. Now that Josh is looking at him, he (or she) seems to be a Husky or Malamut type. All floppy ears and silver fur and, at the moment, unbridled enthusiasm.

"Yeah." His voice is still soft, his eyes still fixed on Josh's face. Reaching up, Jake scratches under the puppy's chin. "I thought, you know...'

"It's perfect," Josh says softly, placing his hand over Jake's. "Never had a dog."

"I saw him in the pet store and couldn't not bring him home." Finally, Jake allows himself to smile. It's soft and tentative as he watches Josh. Warm fur shifts under his fingers as the puppy wiggles, nudging their joined hands.

"So, it is a he, then?" Josh grins as the puppy flops on his belly and paws at the both of them, begging to be scratched. "Demanding thing, isn't he?"

"Kinda like his owner," Jake replies, grin bordering on a smirk now. He laughs when the puppy barks at them. Laughs again when he sees the look in Josh's eyes. Fallen in love with him already...pretty easy, wasn't it?

"Just what are you implying?"

Jake quickly pastes an innocent look on his face. "Nothing."

"Brat," Josh replies, with a fond smile. The puppy -- and what is he going to name it, ferfuckssake -- whines to be let down from the bed to explore, and Josh obliges, setting him on the floor with a grin. The puppy immediately tears off under the bed.

"Just for you, baby." Jake flashes a quick grin as he shifts to climb off the bed. Just then, the puppy pounces, landing on his toes, and biting at one sock-clad foot. "Hey, now!"

Josh can't help the laughter that spills out. Jake rewards him with one of his patented dirty looks, but it's totally worth it. "Guess I'm not the only one that thinks you have sexy feet."

"He's biting my toes," Jake grumbles, yelping once when needlesharp teeth penetrate his sock. It's several minutes of back and forth before he gives up and lets the puppy win the odd game of tug-o-war. By then, his sock is half off anyway.

Josh helps Jake back up onto the bed, and they both spend a few minutes watching the puppy wrestle the sock into oblivion, before he drags it under the bed. "Guess he showed it, huh?" Josh grins, dipping his head to give Jake a loud smack on the lips. "You're fucking amazing, did I ever tell you that?"

"Not in the recent past, no." Jake returns the grin and sprawls comfortably. He's half draped across Josh, but damned if he's moving. Even if his toes are starting to get cold.

"Well, you are. A puppy, man..." Josh shakes his head, amazed anew at how perceptive Jake is. And how he'd known what this gift would mean.

Jake just shrugs, ducks his head, a little embarrassed. "Figured he could keep you company when I'm not around, like Atticus does with me," he mumbles, twisting to tuck his feet under the comforter.

"Christ!" Josh jerks back. "The fuck told you to put those icicles on me, man? Jesus!"

"Oh, am I bothering you?" Jake's perfected this particular innocent look and he knows it. Which is why he stretches to put his bare feet squarely against Josh's thigh.

Josh clamps down hard on Jake's feet, and shoves them away. "Do it again, and I'll tickle you until you can't feel your toes, I promise."

Several minutes pass as Jake lies there and contemplates that. He knows Josh'll follow through on the threat. Question is...does the punishment outweigh the crime? As he listens to the puppy growling at his sock beneath the bed, Jake makes a decision. And slides one foot back towards Josh.

"Jake..." Josh growls, scooting further away.

"Josh..." Jake croons back, all innocence and smiles as his foot connects with Josh's hip.

"Totally asking for it." The next instant, Josh has Jake pinned on top of the comforter, questing fingers seeking, and finding, the sensitive spots just below Jake's ribcage.

Jake yelps and squirms, body thrashing in an effort to get away from those wicked, wicked fingers. "Stoppit!" he yelps, almost helpless with laughter as Josh finds, and exploits, every single ticklish spot.

"You asked for it." Josh sits up, straddling Jake's thighs, and sets to work in earnest. He can hear the puppy's excited yapping over Jake's helpless giggles, and Josh thinks this may be the best combination of sounds in the history of the universe.

Good thing there aren't any neighbors close, Jake thinks in the split second he has to catch his breath before the torture begins again. He tries to catch Josh's hands. No luck. Tries again. Fails. Lets the tears come until he can't breathe because he's laughing too hard. And all he can hear is the puppy bouncing beside the bed, yapping his little head off, while Josh says "I told you so."

Finally, Josh sits back, resting his hands on his haunches as he gives Jake a smug look. "You ready to concede or m'I going for round two?"

"Uncle," Jake gasps, a weak wave of his hand punctuating the word. The puppy's still yapping with excitement, trying his best to leap on the bed. Jake just concentrates on breathing.

Josh gives Jake another smirk before kissing him soundly on the lips. He crawls off of Jake, and reaches over the edge of the bed, pulling a squirming, still madly barking puppy into his arms. "Next time you can help," Josh says, placing a kiss to a cold nose.

"Dunno whether he'd be a help or a hindrance." Jake's voice is still breathless, and he's still weak, but that doesn't stop him from rolling over to watch Josh with the puppy. Fucking perfect, man. Wish you could see yourself...

"He'd be perfect," Josh replies, in his loftiest tone of voice, rubbing noses with the puppy. "Speaking of, do we have anything to feed him? I mean, besides bacon and leftover hamburgers?"

Horrified, Jake stares up at Josh. "He's just a puppy! You can't feed him that shit!" Really. He glares at Josh's gleeful smirk. "There's a bag of puppy food downstairs. And some toys of his very own, so he can leave my socks alone."

"Nah, I think your socks are fine for a light snack. Isn't that right?" Josh asks the puppy, giving him another belly rub.

"If he eats my socks, my feet will stay cold," Jake warns, laughing when the puppy stretches and lets out a sound that's half whine, half contented growl. "What're you gonna name him?"

"No clue." Josh glances up, sheepish. "Got any bright ideas?"

"Not a single one," Jake replies with a shrug and a smile. "Give it a bit. I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Yeah, not like I've got to name him right away or anything," Josh grins. "Have I said thank you yet?"

"Not properly." The innocent look is dropped in favor of one that's all sly smiles and hooded eyes.

"C'mere, then."

Jake slides closer, smiling when the puppy lets out a wide yawn. "Tired him out already."

"I'm sure it won't last." Josh cradles the puppy in one arm, and cups his other hand around the back of Jake's neck. The kiss is soft, brief, warm, and Josh hopes it conveys at least a small fraction of what he's feeling right now. He's never been big on words, so he hopes this is enough.

When the kiss ends, Jake smiles and opens his eyes. Looks deep into Josh's. Sees everything he knows Josh can't say, even if Jake wishes he could. "You're welcome."

"C'mon, then." Josh scoots to the edge of the bed, and holds out a hand. "Christmas breakfast awaits..."

"You cooking again?" Jake lets himself be tugged from the bed, frowning only a little when his bare feet hit the cold floor. "My socks..."

"Grab a new pair," Josh calls over his shoulder as he heads down the steps, puppy firmly cradled in the crook of his arm.

Grumbling to himself, Jake digs a pair of socks out of the drawer -- they're Josh's, but who's keeping track? -- and tugs them on before bouncing down the stairs after Josh. "Plan on carrying him around all day?"

"I might be." Josh glances down at the gently snoring puppy, and suppresses the grin. "Right cute thing, isn't he?"

"Knew he'd be perfect for you the second I saw him," Jake murmurs, slipping his arms around Josh's waist from behind.

"Thank you," Josh murmurs, and half-turns, pressing a kiss to Jake's hair.

Jake strokes soft fur, smiles into Josh's eyes. "Remember that when you're frustrated over housebreaking him."

"Eh, my brothers have dogs, I'll just pester them for help," Josh grins.

"They actually said he was too good for you." Jake smirks at the look on Josh's face.

"Brats, the whole lot of you." Josh shakes his head sadly. "That's it, returning all your Christmas gifts and getting more toys for the dog. At least he loves me."

"Just remember that you wouldn't have him if I didn't love you so much," Jake replies softly, small smile curving his lips before he turns and walks into the kitchen.

"Hmph, hear that?" Josh says, glancing down at the still contentedly snoozing puppy. "He'll be lucky if he gets breakfast at this rate." But his smile is firmly in place as he follows Jake, certain that this is the best Christmas he's had since he was a child.

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