Exploring Limits

Apr 08, 2006 18:16

[Takes place right after this]

(Los Angeles -- late June, 2002)

"You lied," Joaquin mumbles into the pillow before he rolls over to peer at Josh. Smug bastard, he thinks fondly, as Josh stretches.

Josh stops in mid-stretch, wrinkles his nose in confusion. "About?"

"Said you'd wash my hair." Josh's expression is priceless, and Joaquin has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. "But did you? Noooo. You were too impatient to get me flat on my back again."

"Didn't hear you complaining." Josh reaches behind him and thwaps Joaquin with one of the pillows before flopping back on the bed. Nothing in the world like relaxing after a good, hard fuck, he thinks, and gives Joaquin an affectionate grin. "Really have missed you, man."

"Fuck, don't get all mushy on me just 'cause you're still in the afterglow." Joaquin steals the pillow and plumps it under his head. He lets the grin out then, and rolls to his side to give Josh a quick, hard kiss. "Missed you, too."

"I know." Josh gives him one of his patented, arrogant grins, and scoots closer, drawn to Joaquin's warmth. "And if you remind me later, I'll definitely still wash your hair. Didn't know you had your heart set on it."

"Should talk to Summer, then," Joaquin murmurs. He curls around Josh, tangling legs and arms together with an ease born of long familiarity.

"What's she got to do with it?" Even though Josh really does miss her. Been a long time since the three of them have torn up the place and each other.

Joaquin grins, a wicked light gleaming in his eyes. "She could tell you about the hair washing thing."

"Well, she's a girl. Girls love getting their hair washed."

"Uh uh." Still grinning, Joaquin runs his fingers up Josh's side. "Her washing my hair."

"Wait, you dig that sort of thing?" Maybe it's just that Josh has always had really short hair (except for a few months about seven years ago, but he doesn't like to think about that), but the idea of a guy getting off on hair washing...

He shivers under Joaquin's touch even as he thinks about it. "What's so great about it? Or is it her?"

Joaquin chuckles. He turns his head until his lips touch Josh's ear. "One of the hottest bouts of sex I ever had," he murmurs, pleased when Josh shivers again. "Guess we'll just have to see if it's the same when you do it."

"I love a challenge." And speaking of... Josh grabs a fistful of Joaquin's hair, and tugs him forward for a hard, hot kiss. "Tell me what she did to you."

"She washed my hair." Joaquin doesn't try to pull away as he smirks. Josh's hand tightens in his hair, and Joaquin winces a little. Love a challenge...that why your boytoy has you all tied up in knots? "She sucked me and fucked me until I couldn't remember my own name."

"I do that all the time." Rough, greedy lips claim the column of Joaquin's throat. "How was she different?"

"Can't...can't explain it..." Joaquin's voice is rough, breathless, and he shifts against Josh.

Josh's teeth scrape over stubbled skin. "Try."

"Just..." A soft gasp is accompanied by Joaquin's fingers digging into Josh's bicep. "More intense...intimate...something..."

"And don't I give you intense?" Josh bites, not too gently, on Joaquin's shoulder, draws back with a pleased smile as he observes the bruised ringmarks. He's not ashamed to admit he gets off on the idea of marking Joaquin like he's a territory or a slave.

A quiet hiss of pain escapes Joaquin. His eyes darken as he watches Josh. "Not like that, you don't. It's different."

Josh returns the look, straddling Joaquin's hips as he looks down. "Then tell me how it's different."

"I can't." Now Joaquin gives him an exasperated look. Stubborn, damn... "It just was."

"Cop out," Josh retorts, and pins Joaquin's wrists to the bed with his hands. "Maybe I'll just tie you up and see if I can beat it out of you, then."

Laughing, Joaquin puts up a token resistance that's complete with squirming and bucking. "I might," he says when he finally settles down again, "like that."

"Bet you would, you kinky freak," Josh grins, and surveys the muscled expanse of Joaquin's chest. "When was the last time I tied you up, anyway?"

It's a moment before Joaquin can come up with an answer. "Last winter?" He shrugs, looks up at Josh. "Wasn't the last time when we snuck off to Cabo for the weekend and Summer refused to talk to either one of us for weeks after?"

"Territorial brat sometimes, isn't she?" Josh muses, but his eyes light up at the memory of Cabo. Good times... "I'd say we're definitely overdue, then." He flexes his hands over Joaquin's wrists. "Maybe I'll tie you down and spank you like I did that one time at your place in New York when we almost broke your bed. Looked pretty fucking hot with my handprints on your ass."

"Now who's the kinky freak?" But Joaquin can't deny the effect Josh's words have on him. Not with the way his dick's stiffening against Josh's thigh.

"You loved it," Josh smirks, and leans in, grinding his hips against Joaquin's. "You loved it when I turned you over my knee and smacked your ass all pink."

"Seem to recall you getting off on it, too." Joaquin returns the smirk, then licks his lips.

"Never denied it. Hair-washing first or tied up and spanked?"

"Hmm..." Pretending to think it over, Joaquin licks his lips again. He knows damn well what that does to Josh. "Hair-washing. Then you can tie me up and spank me."

"Sounds like a good afternoon," Josh says, then leans in to claim Joaquin's lips with a bruising kiss.

When Josh lets him breathe again, Joaquin grins. "Why're we still in bed?"

"Good question." Josh scrambles off the bed and heads back into the bathroom to start the shower. He trusts that Joaquin will follow.

Moving no less slowly, Joaquin slides from the bed and follows Josh into the bathroom. He leans against the doorframe, admiring the view as Josh tests the water. "You know, you've got the best ass. Shame you won't let anyone have a piece of it." Or do you?

Josh makes a show of stretching and turning, making sure to put an extra wiggle in his movements. May as well make it good. "My ass is strictly for show," he grins, cocking his head. "If you're itching to put your dick in something, we could always find someone. You know I like watching you in action."

"If I'm itching to put my dick in something, your mouth'll do just fine," Joaquin says with a smirk. It's on the tip of his tongue to ask if Josh wants to watch him in action with the boytoy, but something stops him.

"Best tongue on the West Coast," Josh grins, sticking said tongue out and waggling it.

Almost before the words are out of Josh's mouth, Joaquin's across the room and sucking on Josh's tongue. "You can prove it later," he murmurs when he ends the kiss.

"Happy to," Josh growls, and pushes Joaquin back towards the tub. "Now, you want my hands in your hair, or not?"

"Fuck yeah," Joaquin sighs, happily stepping under the spray.

"Kinky freak," Josh repeats, and steps in after Joaquin, sliding the door shut. Instantly, he's surrounded by steam and heat.

"You love my kinkiness." Glancing over his shoulder, Joaquin grins. "Get busy, shampoo boy."

Laughing, Josh grabs the shampoo bottle and pours a generous amount into his hand. "Is that anything like a cabana boy?"

"Mmm..." Joaquin closes his eyes and hums softly as Josh's fingers start to work on his hair. "Something like that, yeah. Fuck, that feels good."

"Bet it would feel better if you were kneeling," Josh says, plastering his chest to Joaquin's back, running slick fingers in tight circles through Joaquin's hair, over his scalp.

"Oh?" Another glance over his shoulder. "Tell me you're not asking me to suck you off while you're washing my hair."

"Did I say that?" Josh snorts, using his nails to scrape over Joaquin's head. "Just I could really massage your head if I could get some pressure going. You just have oral sex on the brain."

"I don't know where I get it from," Joaquin says, not bothering to hide the sarcasm. With a bit of maneuvering, he manages to slide to his knees, sighing again as he closes his eyes.

"Better, isn't it?" Josh asks, digging the pads of his fingers into soapyslick hair. If Josh is honest with himself (something he tries to be as often as he can), he really is getting off on doing this. There's something so elemental and cool about performing such a basic function on someone else. "Now, if you wanted to suck me off while you were down there...kidding, I'm kidding."

"Good thing you clarified that," Joaquin says, not even bothering to open his eyes. Funny how his dick's getting harder even while the rest of his body relaxes. Just like it did with Summer... "All this shampoo in my eyes, I might misjudge and bite you someplace you don't wanna be bit."

Another scrape of nails, then back to massaging in slow circles. "You wouldn't do that to me. You love my cock too much to risk damaging it."

"You have a point," Joaquin admits. He sighs, loosely curls a hand around his own cock.

"Hope you're not going to waste that on your own fist," Josh remarks, peering over Joaquin's head to stare as Joaquin starts slowly stroking himself. "Although I must say that you on your knees beating off is fucking tight."

"Don't plan on coming," Joaquin says, breathing a little ragged. "If you want me on my knees beating off later, fine."

"So tell me what you want, then," Josh replies, fingers digging deep, kneading Joaquin's hair.

"Want your hands marking my ass," Joaquin manages to say, surprised that he's still coherent. "Want you fucking me hard. Want you to use me."

"Fuck yeah," Josh breathes, scraping through Joaquin's hair one last time. "Rinse off."

He's shaking, and he's not entirely sure his legs will hold him up, but Joaquin stands and ducks his head under the water. He's so hard that he's aching, but he knows -- fucking knows, man -- that Josh isn't going to let him come anytime soon. Which is exactly what he wants.

Josh steps out of the shower, grabbing a towel to pat himself down as he watches Joaquin step out after him. "Dry off," he says, heated gaze raking over every inch of wet skin. "And then I want you to sit on the edge of the bed and wait for me."

Joaquin's half tempted to make a smart remark until he gets a good look at Josh's eyes. Fuck me... What he sees there has his dick getting even harder, and he didn't think that was possible. So he bites his tongue and dries off before going back into the bedroom.

One of the things that Josh likes the most about Joaquin is that Joaquin's always known when to back off -- another something that Jake has yet to learn (although Josh has to admit, if only to himself, that's half the reason he's so fascinated with Jake -- because there are no boundaries). But, for now, Jake's the very last thing on Josh's mind. The only thing he's concerned with is finding his belt, which is somewhere in the middle of the living room, along with the rest of his clothing.

When he strolls back into the bedroom, it's to find Joaquin obediently sitting on the bed, just as requested. "Good boy," Josh says, murmuring his approval. He wraps the belt in half and taps the curve to his open palm. "I can either tie you up with this or use it on you. Which one do you want?"

Joaquin's eyes widen and his breath stutters in his throat at the sight of the belt. It takes a second for Josh's words to register. "Used your hand last time," he says, eyes fixed on the leather strap curving over Josh's fingers. The last time he was whipped with a belt...hell, must've been over twenty years ago. And now Josh is...

It's an effort to tear his eyes from the belt and look up at Josh. Regardless of what he picks, there are going to be bruises. Question is, does he want them on his wrists or his ass? "You pick."

"Uh uh." Josh takes a step closer, snapping the leather across his palm, the sound whipping through the room. "Either way, I'm going to mark you and bruise you and fuck you until you can't move," he says, not even trying to hide how much the thought of doing all of this to Joaquin is turning him on. "Either way I'll take care of you after, but you gotta tell me how you want it."

The crack of the leather causes Joaquin's spine to stiffen even as his cock twitches. Well, alright then. He swallows, meets Josh's eyes again. "Get the scarves."

Josh would totally be lying if he said he wasn't thrilled as fuck that Joaquin had chosen to be whipped with the belt. He's so hard at just the thought of the marks the belt will leave on Joaquin's ass... "Lie down on your stomach and put your knees under you," he instructs, and sets the belt down long enough to find the scarves (in the bottom of a junk drawer that has some left over cinnamon body oil that he and Summer had used on Joaquin once). "Link your hands around the headboard."

Without speaking, Joaquin rolls over and crawls up the bed. He curls his fingers around the headboard, pulls his knees up. The position's a little awkward for what they're planning. Or so the rational part of his brain tells him. "Sure you don't want me stretched out?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at Josh.

"Not at the moment, no." Josh has his own plans, not that he's going to bother to tell Joaquin what they are. Surprises are a good thing. He busies himself, instead, with tying Joaquin's wrists to the headboard, making sure that the scarves aren't too tight -- wouldn't do to cut off blood flow. But he doesn't exactly want Joaquin going anywhere until he's ready, either. "How's that feel?"

With an experimental tug, Joaquin tests the scarves. Then he curls his fingers around the length between his wrists. Josh has left him just enough room to grip it with both hands. "It's fine," Joaquin says as he takes a few deep breaths and tries to control the trembling that's started.

"Good." Josh places the belt beside him, within easy reach, and grabs the partially empty bottle of cinnamon oil. He kneels between Joaquin's spread legs, running his hands up and down the length of Joaquin's back, soothing and petting, calming Joaquin with gentle touches, soothing kisses along his spine. With a deft twist, he opens the bottle, pouring a small amount of oil on his fingers, circling Joaquin's opening while his lips map muscle and skin.

The first touch of Josh's hands has Joaquin tensing. Then he relaxes under the light touches, allows himself a smile. "Feels good," he murmurs, shivering as Josh's lips slide up his spine. The sharp smell of cinnamon hits his nostrils right about the time Josh's slick fingers touch him. "Josh..."

Josh inches one finger slowly inside Joaquin, circling and stretching, as he licks along the shell of Joaquin's ear. "Hmm?"

Joaquin shakes his head. He licks his lips, feeling the faint burn of the oil. "Nothing," he murmurs, back arching as he shifts restlessly beneath Josh.

"Good." Another finger is slowly pushed in, and Josh starts biting a ragged path down Joaquin's back, leaving tiny marks on stretched skin.

Joaquin has to shake his head again in an effort to clear his thoughts. No luck. A low groan escapes him when Josh's fingers brush his prostate at the same time sharp teeth score his shoulder blade. The belt is forgotten as Joaquin arches again, body silently pleading.

"Fuck me, but you're hot like this," Josh murmurs, fingers twisting and turning and pushing into tight flesh. "Bet you'd let me do anything at all to you, wouldn't you?" He sits up, searching for the belt with his free hand and dragging the leather along Joaquin's arched back. "Wouldn't you?" His fingers push in deep again for emphasis.

"God...yes..." Joaquin moans, hips bucking, pushing back against Josh's fingers. His skin puckers as the belt slides over it, and his fingers curl tight around the scarf.

"Filthy little freak," and Josh lightly smacks Joaquin's ass with the tip of the belt as his fingers scissor along Joaquin's prostate. "Bet you'd like for me to mark you now, wouldn't you. Mark you as my dirty fucking bitch." Another smack, this one harder, the leather snapping over the curve of Joaquin's ass.

Now they're getting to it. The first light smack is almost laughable. Or it would be if Josh's fingers weren't still buried deep inside Joaquin, dragging over his prostate with every breath. He opens his mouth to reply, but swallows the words when the belt strikes him again. Alright, not so bad, can handle this.

Joaquin's shudder is all the answer Josh needs. "Definitely my bitch," he says, delivering another ringing slap to already pinkened flesh. When he pulls his fingers out, ignoring Joaquin's whimper of protest, he scoots to Joaquin's side, rubbing his hands over Joaquin's ass again before striking. This time, he doesn't temper the strike.

Joaquin thought he was ready. He was wrong. The belt lands with a loud crack, and his entire body jerks as he yelps.

Oh yeah, that'll definitely leave a mark, Josh thinks, and slaps the other cheek with the belt, using a succession of quick, hard wrist-flicks. He's careful not to hit the same spot twice.

Each blows causes Joaquin to jerk again. Fire crawls across his skin, dimmed only by the white-hot burst as the belt strikes home. He yanks at the scarves, growling curses when the knots won't come free. Then the belt lands again. Another burst of pain, like a nova, behind his eyes, and the growls change into something that sounds suspiciously like a muffled sob. "Ohfuckohfuckohfuck..."

"Just a little more," Josh croons, knowing that he hasn't even tapped at Joaquin's threshold yet. But this isn't about pushing them, either. He doesn't want Joaquin so sore that he'll be useless the next few days. That would be a waste. Another hard smack, then one last one, and Josh drops the belt, immediately snagging the bottle of oil. He admires the welts, blood-red and thick, cutting across Joaquin's skin as he quickly coats his cock, pushing in with one hard thrust.

He's still trying to catch his breath when Josh shoves into him. The sound that comes out is a breathless scream so quiet that Joaquin's not even sure he's made it. His body bucks, head snapping up, as he fights to keep from coming right that second.

"More?" Josh asks, running his thumbs over the belt marks. He withdrawals almost completely, then slams forward again, grunting as Joaquin's ass grips him in a tightslick vise.

Breathe, breathe...focus, c'mon... Through his struggle for control, Joaquin slowly becomes aware of mewling sounds. What...ohgod...they're coming from him, and he can hear Josh's voice in his ear, amused, aroused. What? "Please..."

"Such a kinky little bitch," even though Josh is finding it very hard to hold onto his control. His hips piston as he bends over Joaquin's back, biting and suckling on hunched shoulders, a damp neck. "Don't think you've begged enough yet to come...you gotta let me know you mean it."

"OhgodJosh..." Fuck control and dignity. Joaquin gave those up a long time ago. He whimpers, pushes back against Josh. His body twists with each thrust, shuddering, shaking, and he's so hard he aches. "Please...need..."

"That's more like it," Josh manages to pant, then surrenders to the beast clawing inside him. With a harsh guttural groan, he starts moving in earnest -- hard, deep thrusts that push Joaquin across the sheets. Josh uses one hand to balance himself, holding onto Joaquin's hip for dear life, curls the other one around Joaquin's cock, stroking him off with quick, jerky movements. He normally has more finesse than this, but this is a special circumstance, and finesse can just go and suck his ass. He's far more interested in getting off inside Joaquin's tight body.

Was that a scream? Joaquin wouldn't be scared to bet money that it was. His orgasm smashes into him, rips him apart. He rears up as far as he can with his wrists still tied, feels the back of his head connect with Josh's shoulder. The world dims down to a bright point inside a dark tunnel, and Joaquin has to fight to stay conscious as Josh slams into him.

There's great, there's intense, and then there's the lightning jolt of Josh's orgasm, rushing through him like a freight train on steroids. His entire body goes into convulsions, fingers digging deep, leaving new marks on Joaquin's hips, and he can feel the power and energy draining him, leaving him with nothing. Which is fine, really, he's happy to slump forward onto Joaquin's back and try to remember what oxygen feels like.

Someone's replaced his muscles with cooked spaghetti. That's all Joaquin can think as he collapses, Josh's weight pressing him deeper into the mattress. His entire body is numb still, but his skin's already starting to tingle. Gonna hurt in a minute. Joaquin would care, if he could summon the energy.

"I should probably untie you, huh," Josh mumbles into Joaquin's shoulder.

"Mmmph," Joaquin hums, face buried in the pillow.

"That a yes or a no?"

Before he replies, Joaquin flexes his hands. "Yeah," he says, feeling the slight tingling in his fingers. Must've tugged too hard and tightened the knots.

"Thought you were gonna say that. Just...stay still." Still slumped over Joaquin's body, Josh reaches up and starts to carefully loosen the knots. It takes just about every bit of energy he has.

The second Josh stretches to reach his wrists, pain flares along Joaquin's lower back and hips. He hisses softly. "Hurry."

Josh unties the last knot and half-rolls, half-flops on his side. "Don't move, alright. I'll be right back." Of course, getting up is a production in and of itself -- Josh can't remember the last time he was this woozy -- but he stumbles through the light-headedness into the bathroom, searching the medicine cabinet for the aloe vera.

Like he's gonna move anytime soon. Yeah, right. Joaquin buries his face in the pillow and tries to ignore the pain.

Josh is definitely man enough to admit that part of him is savagely thrilled at the red welts raised in sharp relief on Joaquin's ass. There's just something so...elemental about it. Barbaric, but in a really hot way. And the way Joaquin's all still sprawled messily on the sheets, like he's been fucked into unconsciousness, is even hotter. "I gotta admit, man, I'm digging the shit out of this," he remarks, and gratefully drops back to the bed. He rubs some aloe vera over his fingers, lowers them to the marks. "This might sting a little."

"Of course you're digging it," Joaquin says into the pillow, loud enough for Josh to hear. "Not your ass on fire." He hisses again at the first cool touch of the aloe to his skin, then sighs softly. "Fuck, that feels good."

"Told you I'd take care of you after," Josh replies, smiling softly as he continues to lightly run slick fingers over sensitive skin. ""Y'know, I think the reason we don't do this that often is it could become addictive. Your ass looks seriously hot right now with my marks all over it."

Joaquin laughs and turns his head to look at Josh. "The last addiction we need is to each other." He waggles his eyebrows, holds himself perfectly still beneath Josh's hand. "After all, the boy toy might not like that."

"Jake'll just have to put up with it," Josh shrugs, placing a light kiss on Joaquin's shoulder blade. "Got no intention of giving you up to suit him or anybody else."

"Mmhmm." Smiling, Joaquin reaches up to curl a hand around the back of Josh's neck. He tugs gently until he can brush his lips over Josh's. "Guess I'll have to believe you, 'cause we all know what a rotten liar you are."

"I mean it," Josh murmurs, deliberately misunderstanding Joaquin's answer. He brushes Joaquin's forehead with gentle fingers, lips curving into a soft smile. "Not giving you up."

"Alright." There. That's a safe answer. Joaquin smiles as he catches Josh's hand and tugs. "Why aren't you down here with me?"

"That's a really good question." Josh sets the bottle on the night table and slides down, tugging Joaquin into his arms. "Think you'll be able to walk later?"

"Hmm..." Joaquin shifts his legs, winces. "Maybe. Another shower should help."

"And I suppose you'll expect me to wash your entire body this time, hmm?"

"Hell, yes." Lifting his head, Joaquin manages his most indignant look.

"Things I put up with for you, I swear to fuck," Josh laments, shaking his head as he drops it on the pillows. "Lucky for you you're so goddamn good in bed."

"Bet you say that to all the boys."

"And all the girls," Josh winks, then ruins it by laughing. "Speaking of, how pissed you think your sister's gonna be?"

"Very." He'd laugh if it wasn't true. Instead, Joaquin shrugs. "With any luck, I won't have to tell her. Not usually my ass she's interested in, anyway."

"Which is too bad, because it's nice as hell. Although hers is mighty tasty, I must admit." And there's something so fucking hot about fucking a girl up the ass...especially when her brother's in on the fun. "Hey, you remember that time in Toronto?"

"Which one?" Joaquin asks, resting his chin on his hands so he can look at Josh.

"Jeez, like we've been up there with her so many times," Josh scoffs, still smiling. "Toronto Film Festival 2001, you, me, her, a shitload of X...ringing any bells?"

Oh, yeah, he definitely remembers that. Joaquin closes his eyes, smiles. "You know she didn't walk right for two days after that. And it was a fucking week, man, before she let me touch anything below her chin."

"Hey, as long as her mouth still works," Josh grins, and nuzzles the top of Joaquin's head. "Although I think I know how she feels. You're enough to wear a guy out, you know."

"Awww, stop it," Joaquin says with a grin, shoving at Josh.

Josh tightens his hold around Joaquin's waist. "Fucking serious, man. You can forget it if you think I'm getting it up again the rest of the day. The Josh Love Shack is closed for business."

"Mmhmm..." Joaquin stifles a yawn, smiles. "We'll see if you're singing the same tune in a few hours."


"You get your choice between Cerveza and Corona," Drew says, dropping into the deck chair beside Jake's and waving two bottles at him. "Pick the Corona and I'll let you choose dinner."

Grinning, Jake plucks the proffered bottle from her fingers and takes a long swallow. "Well," he says with a wink, "if we're drinking Mexican beer, only seems right that we should have Mexican food."

"Ah, the keys to my heart," she smiles, and turns her head to stare at the sun setting over the waves. She'd bought this house simply for this view. "Feed me enough guacamole dip and salsa, and I'm yours."

"That all it takes, huh?" Flashing her an impish smile, he settles back in the chair to watch the sunset. So fucking peaceful out here, man. Wish... Stop. Just fucking stop. "Hell, if I'd known you were that easy...I make a mean fresh salsa."
"Do you? Well, aren't you just full of surprises?"

"Mmm," he murmurs around a mouthful of beer. Deliberately not looking at her, he shrugs. "Surprises are my specialty."

"How delightful." She risks a quick peek at his profile. "Well, the grocery list is on the refrigerator. If you wanted to surprise me with your salsa, Olivia will make sure you have whatever you need."

He can feel her eyes on him, but he doesn't turn. Lifting the bottle to his mouth again, he touches his tongue to the opening, then smiles. "Since you offered to bring me out here," he says, still not looking over, "I could make the rest of the meal to go with the salsa. It's the...least I can do."

"Good-looking and you can cook. I'm very impressed." And she just bets he knows exactly how enticing he looks right now, all rumpled and orally fixated.

"What can I say," he murmurs with another shrug, dipping his tongue into the bottle opening again. "I'm a man of many talents."

She laughs, the sound carefree and loud. "You're also trying too hard."

"Damn." He flashes her a rueful grin. "Yesterday, I wasn't trying hard enough."

"Friends," she reminds him, and taps her half-empty bottle to his. "Up for a walk before it gets too dark?"

"Friends, yes," he says, and grins as he stands and catches her hand. "But you promised to at least give me a shot." Alright, so technically it wasn't a promise, but it was close enough for him.

"Now, when did I promise that?" She tosses her hair out of her eyes and she leads him down the back steps, but doesn't take her hand out of his. It's harmless enough. For now.

"Breakfast yesterday," he reminds her, smiling at the look he receives. His fingers twist to lace with hers as they walk. It's small for a first step, but he figures he has to start somewhere.

"I don't remember promising you anything of the kind."

"I remember promising to be your devoted slave in return for the chance." He hides his grin at her indignant snort and just squeezes her fingers.

"That part I do remember," she grins. Once they step onto the sand, she uses his arm as leverage to slip off her shoes. "Ah, much better. Nothing like sand between the toes." The scent of the sea washes over her, taking with it all worry and stress.

Before she can move away, he plucks her shoes from her hand and drapes an arm over her shoulders. "Ah ah," he murmurs when she starts to pull back. "Friends."

She glances up at him. "You're awfully cozy with your friends."

"Only the ones I really like." One finger taps the end of her nose.

"I suppose I should be flattered by that."

"You should be very flattered." Or wanting to knock me on my ass for what I'm thinking.

"Uh huh." She looks up at him again, already knowing that she'll see that trademark grin of his, then stares out over the ocean. "Y'know, there are some days when I wonder why the hell I don't just move out here."

"You'd miss the city too much." His gaze follows hers, and, for a moment, he forgets the soft, warm body pressed against his side. "Tempting, though."

"Spend my days at the beach, soaking in the rays, watching the waves. Of course, I'd get bored within a month, but it'd be a really nice month."

"That's called a vacation, babe."

"I know that," she laughs, shoving half-heartedly at him. He, predictably, doesn't move. Built like granite...but in a good way. "Now be nice, or I'll make you sleep out here."

His smile slides right into a wicked grin as his fingers curl snug around her wrist. "Are you threatening me, Miss Barrymore?"

For a split second, she feels a shock of dark thrill at the reminder of how much bigger he is than her. "If I am, will you behave?"

"Probably not," he admits, not releasing her. Down, boy... "More likely to pick you up and toss you in the water."

"That's not likely to win you any points." She feels relatively safe that he wouldn't try anything like that. And, well, if he did, she still knows a trick or two.

"No, but the view would be amazing." His fingers dance up the inside of her arm before he tugs her back against his side. "You're wearing the wrong color shirt for it, though."

"I'm also wearing a bra," she chuckles, figuring it's safe enough to wrap an arm around his waist. Since they're being his version of friends and all.

"I hope you didn't put it on for my sake." That's it... "Tell me it's pretty, at least."

"It's very nice," she assures him with a quick grin. The sun's slipped completely over the horizon now, and the water's glowing a dark shade of indigo. Sort of romantic, if one went for that sort of thing. Then again, this has to be the least romantic conversation she's ever had. "I never buy boring lingerie."

"I'd have never guessed." His grin matches hers, and he lets his steps slow while he studies the sky. Still just light enough... "Let me see it?"

"No." She laughs again, leaning up to press a quick kiss to a stubbled cheek. "You're not twelve anymore. I'm sure you've seen your fair share of pretty bras." Maybe not lately, what with him going out with Josh, but Drew's certain Jake's had plenty of other opportunities.

His arms slip around her waist. Nice. "Please?" He flashes her his most charming smile. "Where's your sense of adventure? No one but me will see, and I promise not to do anything you don't want."

"No." He's turned on the charm, any fool can see that, but she's never been one to be taken in by puppy-dog eyes and a naughty smile. Not to mention the world's most obvious pick up line. "Somehow, I get the feeling that showing you my bra would push us past that friends stage, if you follow me."

"No, showing me your panties would push us past the friends stage," he corrects her, still smiling. And give me half a chance...

"And me showing you my bra wouldn't?"

"Not at all." A decisive shake of his head accompanies the words. "Unless, of course, you don't trust me."

"And I don't." Ah, and now she's made him frown. It's quite a cute look, she thinks, and press in for another quick kiss to his cheek. "You're going to have to think of something better than that," she murmurs in his ear, then pulls away with a smile. "Ready to head back inside?"

"Yeah, sure." One hand waves for her to lead the way. Damn it... He didn't expect her to make this easy for him, but Christ...he certainly didn't think she'd make it impossible.

She turns, not quite hiding her grin at his pout. She can't quite remember the last time she's had this much fun flirting and teasing another man. "You know, real men don't sulk."

"I'm not sulking. I'm rethinking my strategy."

Time to throw him a bit of a bone. "Well, perhaps if you tried relaxing, like you're supposed to be doing, instead of thinking of ways to get in my pants all the time, then you might find the road easier going."

One eyebrow lifts, then the other. Interesting. "I thought I was supposed to be trying to mend my poor, broken heart."

"And the only way for me to help with that is to have sex with you?"

"It'd make me forget that my heart's supposed to be broken. Okay, okay!" He holds up his hands and steps just out of her reach. "Crossing seducing you off the list of things I'm supposed to be doing."

"Good." And about time he turned this over to a master. She grins and gives him a thorough, very deliberate once over, starting from his toes and working her way up. "How's the guest room, anyway?"

He's intelligent enough to catch the look she gives him. So...like that, is it? His thumbs hook through his belt loops, and he affects his most bland look. "Oh, it's great. Lonely, but great."

"I'm glad you like it," she replies, and starts heading back to this house. "Anytime you start to get too sick of it, you let me know."

"Oh?" He follows her, intrigued. "Got another bed you plan on letting me use?"

"Mmhmm." She doesn't turn around. She knows he's hanging onto her every word. "Mine. If, y'know, you ever got sick of the guest room. Which is great, as you say."

Blue eyes narrow as they study her back. You little minx... "I also said it was lonely. Terribly lonely."

"That is too bad." They reach the bottom of the stairs, and Drew pauses, hand on the railing. "Does that mean you'd like to move rooms?"

He stops just short of actually touching her, but he's close enough (far too close) to feel her body heat. "Yeah," he says softly, looking down at the top of her head. "I would."

"Good." She takes a step up, then another one, before turning to look at him. They're still not quite eye to eye. "And that's how you do it," she smiles, and leans in, rubbing her lips softly over his.

Well, fuck... A thousand thoughts flash through his head, but the only one he can focus on is the fact that she's kissing him. His hands cover hers where they rest on the rails, and his teeth catch her bottom lip in a light nip before she pulls back. "All I had to do was ask?"

"I'm a simple girl. And I don't like games." She would, however, like another one of those kisses. I'm sure Joaquin is fantastic in bed, but you, Josh, are a fucking fool. Lucky me.

"I'll keep that in mind," he murmurs. His hands drift to her waist, and one foot finds the bottom step. He looms over her once more, and smiles. Then his lips touch hers, soft and teasing. "You want dinner now or later?"

"Later," she replies, and drapes her arms around his neck. "Much later."

"Whatever the lady wants..." With little effort, he pulls her against him, lifting until her legs wrap around his hips. Perfect, man, just fuckin' perfect. "Me...I wanna see that bra..." There's no chance for her to reply before he's kissing again, tongue flicking out against her bottom lip.

She's breathless and hot by the time she pulls back, licking her lips to cement the taste of him on her tongue. "Gonna carry me to the bedroom, big boy?"

"Was thinking about it." Jake smiles down at her, eyes dark as they roam over her face. His hands slide down, cup her ass, and he lifts her a little higher. "Take off your shirt."

"You are obsessed, aren't you?" she laughs, the sound low and rich. "How long's it been since you've seen a pair of tits, hon?"

"Month or two," Jake replies, still smiling. His fingers flex. "I want to see yours, though."

"Mine aren't going anywhere." She wraps her arms tighter around his neck, pushes in closer. "But I'm not taking off a damn thing until we get inside, away from whatever paparazzi assholes hang out here."

"Well, in that case..." With a wicked grin, he climbs the rest of the steps easily. Stealing quick kisses, he moves across the deck and through the back door.

"I take it you can remember where my bedroom is," Drew says, busying herself with exploring the salty skin just under Jake's jaw.

"Across the hall from the guest room," Jake murmurs, already heading in that direction. He lifts his chin to give her better access, enjoying the feel of warm lips on his skin.

Drew has no memory of them moving down the hall, but she sighs happily when her back hits the mattress and pulls Jake to her, wrapping her legs firmly around his back. "Now, see, isn't this so much nicer?"

"Mmhmm..." A half-smirk, then Jake bends his head to nibble just below her ear. "You're still wearing your shirt."

"So're you. We should really correct that," Drew says, and tilts her head to offer better access as she worms her hands between them to pull at his t-shirt.

"Hey, I'm all for getting naked," Jake says, voice muffled as she drags his shirt over his head. His fingers work their way under her shirt, dragging across her stomach as they slowly slide upwards. "Then, once we get naked..."

"Ah, the impatience of youth," Drew laments, arching her back to let him slip her shirt off. "Has no one taught you to take your time?" Because she has every intention of taking as much time as possible with the body before her.

"When did I say anything about rushing?" He grins down at her, fingertips tracing the swell of one breast just above her bra. Her fingers drag over a sensitive spot, and he shivers. "I plan on taking all night with you. And all day tomorrow."

"Oh, honey, that's just foreplay," she grins, and lifts up to flick her tongue along a sculpted shoulder.

"Well, I thought that'd be a good time to take a break for some food," he replies, and smiles when she laughs. Her laugh is sexy as hell, man. His forefinger traces down one breast and across to slide up the other, never once touching the lace that edges her bra.

"Too much talking," she murmurs, sighing into the soft touches. He really does have nice hands. And very nice skin.

Jake chuckles. "That an invitation to put my mouth to better use?" he asks, fingers slipping under her bra strap to ease it from her shoulder, flimsy material sliding lower on her breast with each movement.

Far too chatty, however. Drew wonders if Josh is cool with Jake talking so much in bed, then resolves to put that thought out of her head. She doesn't really care what Josh does anyway. She's got far more important things to do with her imagination and time. With an impatient noise, she lifts her head and takes control of the next kiss, coaxing and teasing his tongue to play with hers.

He laughs into the kiss, tongue slipsliding over hers. To hell with the teasing he's done so far. With a few deft movements, he pulls off her bra, then slides both hands along her ribs to cup her breasts. Much better.

Now they're talking, Drew thinks, and hums her approval into the next meeting of lips and tongues. He may not have seen tits in awhile, but he certainly hadn't forgotten how to hold them or fondle them. Definitely points in his favor, as far as she's concerned.

Jake decides he likes that little humming sound she's making, and sets about getting her to do it again. His thumbs flick over her nipples as he shifts, stopping only when his hips are securely settled against hers. Fucking perfect, man. He's already half in love with the way she responds to him.

That's definitely the one nice thing about young men, Drew decides. They're all enthusiasm and eager to please. She pushes up into him, moans appreciatively into his mouth, even as she uses the leverage and momentum to roll them over until she's straddling his hips. Much better. Now, to get to work on that very nice chest of his...

"Aggressive," Jake murmurs, looking up at her with heavy-lidded eyes. His hands slide down to rest on her hips, thumbs rubbing over soft, smooth skin. "I like that."

"You have no idea," she smirks, and leans down to lick a delicate stripe across a puckered nipple.

He hisses softly, fingers tightening on her hips. Definitely a minx. He continues to watch her, breath catching when her tongue flickers out again. Two can play at this game... One hand crawls up her ribcage to cup a full breast.

"Uh uh." Still smiling, she catches his hand and places it by his side. "I'm busy right now," she tells him, and bends her head again. Man, oh man, does he taste good.

Gonna be like that, is it? He smiles, teeth catching his bottom lip. Alright, then. Catching her eye, he winks and lifts his hands to curl his fingers around the headboard.

"Good boy," she says, returning his wink with her own, and trailing the tip of her tongue along each rib.

His soft chuckle turns into a growl when her tongue hits a ticklish spot. The attempt to wiggle is met with a swat to his thigh. At least it got her tongue to move. Each soft, wet swipe has his skin tingling, and he can't help but think of her mouth on other parts of his body.

A man's body, much like a fine wine, isn't something to be rushed. So Drew takes her sweet-ass time learning every inch of Jake's chest and stomach -- placing lingering kisses here, suckling on that bit of skin there -- making sure that not one inch goes untouched by her lips or tongue. She's smart enough to know that this is just while they're here together, so she wants to give them both enough memories to last them.

"Fuck..." he breathes, eyes closed. His body arches, hips grinding against hers, knuckles white where they grip the headboard. She's going to kill him. And she hasn't touched anything below his waist yet.

Definitely well-trained. Drew wonders if she should be thanking Josh for that. "Keep your hands there," she instructs, and teases each button of his jeans free. "Mmm...going commando, I see. I approve."

"Always," Jake says, making a silent vow to burn every pair of boxers he owns. He arches up again, not quite swallowing his moan when the backs of her fingers brush his cock. Christ...

"Oh, now that is nice," she states, tugging his jeans over his legs, leaving him quite beautifully naked to her gaze and touch. She kneels beside him, pursing her lips to blow gentle puffs of air along each calf.

"Evil woman," Jake mumbles, letting his head fall back on the pillow. The muscles in his arms tremble from the strain of not moving, but he'll be damned if he lets go of the headboard. Not yet.

"You love it," she smiles, curling her tongue to trace the muscles in his thighs.

His only response is a strangled groan. Definitely gonna kill him. But it's a hell of a way to go. He shifts a little, lets his legs relax. Then, suddenly, he realizes she's still wearing her jeans. Lifting his head, he looks at her through narrowed eyes.

"What?" She's totally not used to men frowning at her during sex.

"Take off your jeans," he says softly, then smiles. "Please."

"Impatient bugger." But she's smiling as she says it. "And since you asked..." She slips off of the bed and shimmies out of her jeans, kicking them aside. "The panties you can take off yourself," she tells him.

"Gladly," Jake says. Just as soon as she lets him. Because he's under no doubts that she's the one in charge at the moment.

"Can I get back to what I was doing now? I mean, unless you don't want me to suck your cock for you, in which case..."

"Nonono," he says in a rush, eyes wide. Just the mention of her lips around him has his cock twitching. "By all means, please."

Ah, sometimes they made it so easy... With another grin that lets him know how cute she's finding him like this, she lowers herself between his legs, kneeling before him. "You can let go of the headboard now," she tells him, just before wrapping her lips around the head of his cock. Yeah, sweet...

"Ohfuck..." It's a good thing she said so, because Jake doesn't think he could have continued holding on. His hands drop, bury themselves in her hair. It's all he can do to keep from snapping his hips and burying himself in her throat.

My, but he tastes nice. And since he's been so patient, and such a good boy, she decides to be nice to him. She starts to hum again as she slowly drags her lips and tongue over him, taking the full length of him down her throat with every bob of her head. His hands feel nice in her hair -- not tugging or, God forbid, yanking, but quietly guiding her to what he likes best. Definitely well-trained.

Jake mutters, not quite under his breath, but he's got no idea what he's saying. All he knows is that what she's doing feels fucking amazing. And that humming is driving him insane, vibrating up his cock like that. There, just like...he quietly groans, head falling back again, hips lifting a little.

She drags her lips slowly off of him, and exhales over glistening skin before lifting her head. And the look on his face is just about enough to have her creaming in her panties right then. "You are absolutely gorgeous, you know that."

"Thanks." He manages a breathless laugh and opens his eyes just enough to look at her. Ah, fuck. She wants to talk about gorgeous... His cock twitches again.

Raising her arms over her head, Drew stretches, giving him an extra show. "Interested in getting these off of me now?" she asks in a sultry purr, glancing down at her panties.

With a surge of motion, Jake sits up, wraps his arms around her. Before she can react, he pulls her tight against his chest and kisses her hungrily. Teeth clash, tongues duel, and he can taste himself in her mouth. It just makes him harder.

There's a time to show one's dominance, and then there's a time to just kick back and let go. Which is exactly what Drew does -- wrapping tight legs around Jake's waist to pull herself closer to him as she lets him ravish her mouth, does her very best to ravish his right back. He needs to get inside her pronto or she's just going to come without him.

It's a matter of little effort to reverse their positions and tumble her onto her back. He looms over her, grins. When she opens her mouth, he shakes his head and bends to catch a taut nipple between his teeth. She had her playtime. His turn now.

Fuckfuckfuck... the moan is ripped out of her throat as she arches her back, already shivering from the mini-orgasm. He can't be much more than twenty-one...shouldn't he be more interested in sex than foreplay? Another whimper as his teeth graze over a sensitive bit of skin. Fuck...

He laughs, blowing gently across her damp skin. His eyes trace the resultant shiver, then he moves to her other breasts. Lips and tongue glide over sleek skin, teeth graze lightly, fingertips trace each rib. Each breast is worshipped fully before he moves lower, long fingers curling under the edge of her panties and twisting, yanking, until the flimsy material parts with a soft rip. He'll buy her a new pair.

Okay, so he's definitely tapping into one of her secret kinks now. She shivers again, desperately clutches at his shoulders, twists fingers in his hair as those tortuous lips move south.

A soft chuckle escapes him at her reaction. Niiiiice... Then his fingers trail up the inside of her thigh, stopping just as they brush damp curls. Her frustrated groan makes him chuckle again before he bends his head, teeth nipping the inside of her thigh. The not so gentle tug she gives his hair earns her another sharp nip as he inhales her scent before flicking his tongue over her.

"Tease," she manages, lifting her head enough so she can look at him. He looks very nice between her thighs.

"You love it." He grins up at her, settling on his elbows. One arm curls around her thigh, hand sliding up her ribs. Just as she opens her mouth again, he bends his head once more, tongue sliding over slick folds to circle her clit.

Well, she's definitely loving this. But then, who wouldn't love a hot man who knows how to give oral sex? She moans again, an appreciative sound, and spreads her legs wider in invitation.

Jake smiles to himself, then settles down to business. His tongue slides over her, flicking, circling, darting. He nuzzles her curls, inhales deeply. Her moans are sweet as his tongue spears into her, then drags up to tease her clit some more. Fuck, but her taste is addicting.

Definitely knows what he's doing, Drew lazily thinks, shuddering into another rolling orgasm. His tongue is like wildfire, igniting nerves she didn't know she even had. Keeping him chained to the bed is beginning to have considerable appeal.

Again,, he thinks. Two fingers slide into her, curling up, as he sucks on her clit. He's so hard he's aching, but he knows he can hold out a little longer. Few more minutes...

"Oh Jesus..." She clamps over his fingers, hard and thick inside her, as the moan turns into a keening, breathless sigh. She might die before he even gets inside of her...which would be a shame. If he can fuck as well as he can give head, she's definitely keeping him.

He times the thrusting of his fingers with his tongue flickering over her clit. Close, close... When the first spasming of her body signals another orgasm, he moves. Quicker than she can react, he rears up over her, slides into slick heat that clamps tight on him. Fuck...

"Oh God yes," she moans, and wraps her ankles tight around him. Finally. He fills her completely, moving over her like a freight train, hard and fast, and she welcomes each thrust with her hips, meeting him halfway.

His body arches as he moves, and the way she meets him has him even more aroused. He didn't think that was possible. "Fucking hot like this," he murmurs, catching her hands and pinning them over her head.

"So're you," and she surges up, nipping at his lower lip with sharp teeth as she allows him to dominate her. Not exactly PC of her, but she really doesn't care.

Easy enough to press her into the mattress. Just a matter of shifting his weight a little. And, unless he's completely mistaken, the psuedo-air of being helpless and vulnerable is turning her on. So he takes advantage of it as he picks up the pace, thrusting deep and hard into her, swallowing her moans with a kiss that's going to leave them both with bruised lips.

Thank God for men who can take a hint, she dazedly thinks, before all thought is shut off completely. Then instinct and feeling take over as she wraps her legs tighter around his waist, counter-moving in time with him. "More," she tells him, urging him on, clenching tight around him, loving the feel of him, thick and hard, inside her.

More, she says, and Jake is only too happy to oblige. Hips piston as he slams into her, each thrust hard enough to slide her up the bed. His teeth graze down her throat, across the top of her breast, leaving pale red marks as he goes. Fuck, she's so hot and tight around him, so responsive...

Her breath hitches, a breathless stutter, as she rakes nails down his back, scoring sweat-soaked skin. Just like that, yeah, just...

"So fucking tight," he murmurs, tongue swirling over her skin. Her moans spur him on. So close, but he's determined to hold on, make her come again. His teeth catch one tight nipple, and he smiles when she gasps.

Oh no, he's not about to make her come again by herself. Where's the fun in that? "Ain't seen nothing yet," she grins, and pulses around him, arching her back to offer more.

"Cheat," he manages to gasp, feeling his control snap as he slams into her. Everything's too bright, too loud, then it fades away in a rush of white heat.

Her laughter gets lodged in her throat as he presses right there, and the intensity of her orgasm manages to shock even her. Her hands spasm weakly on his back before falling away, head and body spinning. Jesus...

His brain is working just enough to he manages to keep his elbows beneath him to support his weight and not crush her. Other than that, rational thought is years away. All he can do right now is feel and breathe -- at least, he thinks he's breathing. The jury's still out on that one.

Her hair's all matted in her face, and Drew tries to blow it away, but it doesn't seem to be moving. Actually, none of her seems to be moving, but that's alright with her. This is so much simpler, more simple, something. She may never move again.

"Fuck," Jake says when he trusts himself to speak. Got to keep it simple, though, because his brain still hasn't caught up with the rest of him. Not that the rest of him has went anywhere, but still. "That was...you...amazing."

"Flatterer," she chuckles, and presses a damp kiss to the underside of his jaw. Definitely keeping him chained to the bed for the rest of the week, and fuck if he has any plans. He can just cancel them.

"Mmm..." Smiling, he rolls to his back, taking her with him so she sprawls on his chest. Fuck, but he could get used to this is he's not careful. "Just being honest."

"Uh huh. Best you've ever had and all that," she grins, kissing his chest before folding her arms on his chest so she can raise her head and get a good look at him. Her entire body aches, but in a delicious way.

"Now I never said it was the best," Jake replies, laughing. He links his hands behind her back, enjoying her warm weight against him. "It's up there, though."

Bet I can guess who your best is, Drew thinks, but returns the smile easily enough. She's spent the last two days getting Jake to not brood over Josh -- no fucking way she's ruining all her hard work. "I'll have to see what I can do to climb up the ladder, then."

"I'll be happy to let you." He returns her smile and stretches before lacing his hands behind his head. "Your devoted servant 'til you kick me out."

"Thought you were my slave."

"Ah...you're right." He flashes her an unrepentant smirk. "My mistake."

"Should punish you for that," Drew muses. "But I think keeping you naked and making you cater to my every whim sounds good enough. You can start with dinner."

"Rats." Jake manages a pretty good disappointed expression. "And here I was looking forward to the punishment. Cruel woman." Then he grins and presses a quick kiss to her lips. "How's enchiladas sound?"

Her eyes narrow. "With the homemade salsa you promised?"

"Of course," Jake says, affecting a wounded tone at her doubt.

"I think I'm going to like keeping you as my naked slave," Drew decides with a nod. "And if you're lucky, I may let you fuck me on the kitchen counter."

"Mmm..." Jake gives her a lazy smile as he pulls her up so he can nuzzle her breasts. "Just how good do I have to be to earn that honor?"

She offers one nipple to him, then the other, pupils dilating as pinpricks of pleasure race up her spine. "Very."

"Oh?" Jake smiles, tongue moving over her nipple in tiny licks that leave it wet and shiny. His fingers drift down her spine, over her ass to slip between her legs. Fuck, but she feels amazing against him, all soft and warm and eager. "Gonna give me some hints?"

"I might." Her smile is slow and lazy as she pushes back against his fingers. One thing she's always loved about younger men is their recovery time. "Got anything you'd like me to do for you?"

"Anything," he murmurs against the underside of her breast, fingers slipping easily into her, marveling at how wet she still is. His thumbs drags over puckered flesh, and he smiles. "And everything you want."

Anything and everything sounds just fine to her, she thinks, and then gives herself back over to the pleasure of him. There are certainly worse things in life than having an incredibly hot man at your beck and call for the next few days.
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