
Jun 13, 2011 14:53

Characters: You, you, and YOU.
When: June 11th - June 24th
Where: Nesreca. Everywhere.
Rating: PG and up.
Summary: The fog is everywhere. Sounds are heard at night. There are no inhabitable buildings. What do you do?

[witty text here] )

tyki mikk [ou], naoto shirogane [ou], kanda yu [ou], *open, heine rammsteiner [ou], lenalee lee [ou], lavi [ou], karkat vantas [ou], allen walker [ou], *event: survive

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Comments 96

TO ME! looseleafbook June 14 2011, 15:26:34 UTC
Well, Lavi went from wanting to stay away from everyone and managing to do that to... Having everyone converge on him as a meeting point in all this fog. He wasn't sure he was too thrilled with it but sometimes you did what you didn't want for the safety of everyone else. Even if that meant he had to suffer the company of two Tykis.

He glanced at the 'original' or at least the one he was familiar with at home, then glanced at Allen, and Karkat wasn't far off anymore. "What are we going to do about those I haven't made contact with?" That and Rhode had just given him her birthdate and wandered off.


astheteaseturns June 14 2011, 17:20:17 UTC
Tyki glanced at Lavi, and then looked away, taking a cigarette out.

"Well, we'll just have to try to find them then." Of course, it was a lot more easier said that done, especially in a fog like this. He was worried that Rhode was still somewhere out there, but with the other Tyki somewhere, he hoped that the two of them would end up meeting.

Though, the idea of being around Allen and Lavi - both Exorcists, mind you - was not exactly Tyki's idea of fun.


hatchedtolead June 14 2011, 23:52:50 UTC
Karkat emerged from the fog sweeping his sickle slowly out before him to part the fog and join the two of them. He caught the tail end of the conversation and picked up where he left off with Lavi. "A Sylladex is a device you store anything in it. ...most things. It converts it to data and back as you remove it from the Sylladex or replace it. You have as much space as you have cards in the index. Each retrieval system is different and some of them are down right retarded."

Like his last one. Let's...not talk about it. He looks into the distance from where he's standing and nods. "Anyway, what are we using let them know they're heading in the right direction? You can take a look at what's in the Sylladex if you need to."


tothelastbreath June 15 2011, 01:54:23 UTC
"It's as good a start as any, I suppose," Allen pipes up from where he's standing juuuuust within visible range, far enough that everyone else's view of him will likely be slightly obscured. There's a considering pause as he quickly runs through their other options, and comes up mostly blank. "Lavi. I don't suppose the Wood Seal works?"

He doubts they'll still be standing here in the fog if it did, but no harm asking. Karkat's explanation doesn't make him so much as bat an eye; he's seen it in action before and has long resigned it to the growing list of things running on mechanics he will never understand.


June 15th, evening; SOMEWHERE FOGGY fallforthesky June 16 2011, 09:32:43 UTC
You know the saying 'when it rains, it pours'? Well, it's stopped raining here in Nesreca but in exchange it's rather begun to pour. She lost her PDA. She lost her PDA. Normally Lenalee would not be the sort to care about this, but given that surviving here hinges rather firmly on using it almost daily, she does in fact care.

It's been days since the fog rolled. Days since every building more than a knee-high wreck of decaying wood and mortar vanished, leaving little more than dead silence (and recently, not even that). Lenalee has spent the last four days wandering. Wandering (most likely in circles) and rebuking herself almost non-stop for going to the library alone-- for falling asleep inside-- and, worse still, for making the rookie mistake of putting her PDA aside for even a moment, because damned if she isn't paying for it now.

Four days alone can be a long time. They get longer once the separation anxiety sets in. And when you start hearing sounds every evening? Well.

"I knew there was going to be something worse ( ... )


/couldn't resist, sorry Lena astheteaseturns June 16 2011, 15:06:31 UTC
"Something the matter, lady Exorcist?" Tyki's voice came from somewhere in the fog, amusement obviously laced in his voice, including something else. Though, what that something else is, is rather a mystery at the moment.

The first thing she would probably see is Tease, not doing anything but flying around her.


asdfjlk oh yay a Tyki to snark at fallforthesky June 17 2011, 08:41:23 UTC
It's second-nature, really, the way Tyki's voice immediately sends her into a soldier's stance: feet braced apart, head held high, eyes neither narrowed nor wide but very alert, flicking over everything-- or nothing, as it were. It probably also speaks volumes of how much faith she has in this truce's ability to weather the test of time.

Because when the first and only thing she can see in the deep haze is a fluttering, carnivorous golem lazily sweeping its way over to her, she finds herself wondering if maybe it's already collapsed. She has no way of knowing if it has-- not without her PDA (stupid! so stupid!), so as well as she knows, the butterfly is simply hunting stragglers down. Tyki's amused tone does little to help her growing unease.

But given that he's the first voice she's heard in days to have come from a set of tangible vocal chords, she'll give him the benefit of the doubt just this once and not eviscerate the Tease on sight. So long as it doesn't touch her ( ... )


pfffft. Snark all you want, Lena xD astheteaseturns June 17 2011, 14:32:32 UTC
There was a moment of silence as Tease continues to lazily fly around her. It's not being threatening at all, surprisingly enough. Instead, it just seems to be waiting for its master to come out or awaiting for its next orders. Either way, Tyki suddenly appears behind Lenalee, mouth close to her ear.

"Right here~" And then he quickly moves back before he gets hit. He didn't really want to be hit by those boots of hers right now.


June 18; early afternoon misprotect June 19 2011, 02:51:18 UTC
Ghastly swirls of off white spun around Heine since he had arrived to his undisclosed location. Muddled outlines of large buildings could somewhat be made out within ten feet, but anything beyond that was lost the wisp of fog. His dim red eyes tried to focus and distinguish from the stationary and the moving; the latter either his growing paranoia or something really was moving in the dense fog ( ... )


Re: June 18; early afternoon pi_of_fortune June 19 2011, 04:34:35 UTC
From first contact to buildings finally, but the state they were in didn't raise her hopes. Ever since she spoke to that little girl, it just made her wonder more and more about the possible dangers of this city. How had it even become this way? How long had it been empty like this? Was it constantly shrouded in fog? It eerily reminded her of Inaba when the fog consumed it. Hopefully there wasn't another murder mystery and the weather was just being temperamental...

Focus, Naoto. Suitable shelter must be found. This building won't do.

Though, considering her room was gone, would a decent place to bunker down for the evening be present? That just raised another question. Would it be safe to sleep tonight? She kept hearing voices and it wasn't from her PDA. She hadn't come across any other life other than the plants, but plants couldn't use PDAs... so, where were the other people in this world? Were they actually tangible ( ... )


misprotect June 19 2011, 04:53:39 UTC
Finding a suitable shelter was not even on his mind. Getting out and if possible finding the others was all that did. The PDA didn’t receive much attention nor did Heine actually know how to operate one beyond bare minimum function. So the newly acquired device was placed in his back pocket for the time being ( ... )


pi_of_fortune June 19 2011, 05:08:22 UTC
The quiet was pulling at her nerves, but every now and again, she swore she could hear that little girl's laughter. Libitina if she remembered correctly... that had been the name the male had given her. What were they to--

Naoto paused and turned her head. That laugh she had heard; it had been too distinct. Still, it was just the laughter and nothing more. No footsteps, no words, just the sound echoing for a moment and then fading into the mist.


Calling out came to her mind, but calling here in the open? What if something else answered back; something very not-human? Caution kept Naoto from uttering a sound.


June 18; Evening (Weak Old House) pi_of_fortune June 19 2011, 03:38:26 UTC
Quite troubling how fog throws off your perception of things. Being unable to see into the distance, how dark it became when first evening fell... the voices you swear you could be hearing. Naoto shook her head and curled tighter, faint shakes racing through her small body, but she could bear them, she just had to. Still, this Nesreca... perhaps that's only reason she truly shook. It was that overbearing sensation of being in an unfamiliar location and the cold nipping at your neck while it feels like someone's watching. This place was overall unsettling... She would probably feel better were the actual, supposedly inhabitable buildings were still present ( ... )


June 17; dusk promisedlotus June 19 2011, 19:13:59 UTC
[Kanda didn't bother to stay with everyone else, just close enough that Alma would be able to go back and forth between him and everyone else staying at the bridge. Otherwise, Kanda was perfectly fine with staying on his own.

When he heard the wolves start to howl, however, he couldn't help but look over his shoulder back toward the city he couldn't even see. Okay, so there were possibly wolves around. That...wasn't really comforting to know.

He decided to ignore it, for now, and just glanced back down into the river he could barely see. How did anyone expect to fish in weather like this, anyway?]


tothelastbreath June 20 2011, 04:49:48 UTC
[Allen suspects it's not so much a matter of expectation than a whole lot of wishful thinking. As mentioned, they can barely see the river, nightfall is less than an hour away, and they don't even have anything to fish with. As soon as this blasted week is over (harhar, Allen), he is crossing over to Credinta and getting everyone fishing rods by h― Okay, only by crook.]

[Frowns over his shoulder at the howling, and when he tilts his face up to look at Kanda -- he's crouched on the river bank, by the way -- his brow is still creased.]

Do you know how to fish?

[Like this, he means.]


promisedlotus June 20 2011, 07:41:34 UTC
You have a stick and a line?

[There's was a slight scoff in Kanda's voice, just in case Allen couldn't see it on his face. Were there even any fish in the river after the winter they had? He wasn't sure - doubted it, even - but he wasn't about to jump in the river and find out. He wasn't even sure how deep it was.

That, and it was suicide in these conditions.]


tothelastbreath June 20 2011, 07:50:42 UTC
[Simply levels him with a very flat look. Does he look like he has anything to his name beyond Tim and the clothes on his back, Kanda--


Is he eying up Mugen?

Yes. Yes, he is.]


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