
Jun 13, 2011 14:53

Characters: You, you, and YOU.
When: June 11th - June 24th
Where: Nesreca. Everywhere.
Rating: PG and up.
Summary: The fog is everywhere. Sounds are heard at night. There are no inhabitable buildings. What do you do?

[witty text here] )

tyki mikk [ou], naoto shirogane [ou], kanda yu [ou], *open, heine rammsteiner [ou], lenalee lee [ou], lavi [ou], karkat vantas [ou], allen walker [ou], *event: survive

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June 15th, evening; SOMEWHERE FOGGY fallforthesky June 16 2011, 09:32:43 UTC
You know the saying 'when it rains, it pours'? Well, it's stopped raining here in Nesreca but in exchange it's rather begun to pour. She lost her PDA. She lost her PDA. Normally Lenalee would not be the sort to care about this, but given that surviving here hinges rather firmly on using it almost daily, she does in fact care.

It's been days since the fog rolled. Days since every building more than a knee-high wreck of decaying wood and mortar vanished, leaving little more than dead silence (and recently, not even that). Lenalee has spent the last four days wandering. Wandering (most likely in circles) and rebuking herself almost non-stop for going to the library alone-- for falling asleep inside-- and, worse still, for making the rookie mistake of putting her PDA aside for even a moment, because damned if she isn't paying for it now.

Four days alone can be a long time. They get longer once the separation anxiety sets in. And when you start hearing sounds every evening? Well.

"I knew there was going to be something worse ( ... )


/couldn't resist, sorry Lena astheteaseturns June 16 2011, 15:06:31 UTC
"Something the matter, lady Exorcist?" Tyki's voice came from somewhere in the fog, amusement obviously laced in his voice, including something else. Though, what that something else is, is rather a mystery at the moment.

The first thing she would probably see is Tease, not doing anything but flying around her.


asdfjlk oh yay a Tyki to snark at fallforthesky June 17 2011, 08:41:23 UTC
It's second-nature, really, the way Tyki's voice immediately sends her into a soldier's stance: feet braced apart, head held high, eyes neither narrowed nor wide but very alert, flicking over everything-- or nothing, as it were. It probably also speaks volumes of how much faith she has in this truce's ability to weather the test of time.

Because when the first and only thing she can see in the deep haze is a fluttering, carnivorous golem lazily sweeping its way over to her, she finds herself wondering if maybe it's already collapsed. She has no way of knowing if it has-- not without her PDA (stupid! so stupid!), so as well as she knows, the butterfly is simply hunting stragglers down. Tyki's amused tone does little to help her growing unease.

But given that he's the first voice she's heard in days to have come from a set of tangible vocal chords, she'll give him the benefit of the doubt just this once and not eviscerate the Tease on sight. So long as it doesn't touch her ( ... )


pfffft. Snark all you want, Lena xD astheteaseturns June 17 2011, 14:32:32 UTC
There was a moment of silence as Tease continues to lazily fly around her. It's not being threatening at all, surprisingly enough. Instead, it just seems to be waiting for its master to come out or awaiting for its next orders. Either way, Tyki suddenly appears behind Lenalee, mouth close to her ear.

"Right here~" And then he quickly moves back before he gets hit. He didn't really want to be hit by those boots of hers right now.


fallforthesky June 18 2011, 05:55:22 UTC
The back of her neck erupts into goosebumps while she strains to listen for footsteps or breathing, though she knows Tyki can and will forgo anything like that if he really wished to sneak up on her--

Warm breath near her ear and a lilting voice. Lenalee jolts as if tapped by a live wire.

Ohhh, no. Nope, sorry, this isn't going to fly tonight. She doesn't want to play this game. Twisting round with a hiss of breath, she does well to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground, but her Boots unfurl in a flash of muted red that briefly illuminates the fog. It's more intentional than she'd ever admit, and most definitely a warning.

"This isn't the time to play games, Mikk."


astheteaseturns June 18 2011, 05:59:55 UTC
Tyki watches her, more wary than anything. He knows that even though he can take Lenalee on, now just wasn't the time. Though, he did have to silently admit to himself that it was rather amusing watching her reaction. He glances down at her boots before looking over at her, hands held out in an amiable gesture - one that signifies that he isn't there to fight.

"No, it isn't," he agrees, lowering his hands and tucking them into his pockets. "Though, I do appreciate it if you deactivate your boots, Lady Exorcist. Now's not the time to start anything either."


fallforthesky June 18 2011, 07:30:19 UTC
She is far slower to relax than he. In fact, it looks at first as if she isn't going to comply to his request at all-- why should she if he has a Tease out and about-- but with grit teeth, she ends her invocation and the crimson metal spirals back down. Herein lies the problem with interacting so little with the Noah of Nesreca as she has: she hasn't learned to trust them beyond the bare minimum.

"Where is everyone else?" Verbally, at least, Lenalee is still very much on the offensive. So sorry.


astheteaseturns June 18 2011, 14:22:04 UTC
"By the river. I've come to find anyone else who got lost in the fog." The fact that Tyki's even complying to that sort of request should be saying something, but he'd rather not dwell on it now. He gestures Tease to come back to him, and the carnivorous butterfly soon comes to perch on his shoulder.


fallforthesky June 21 2011, 04:42:50 UTC
He'll have to excuse the dubious look. A straight answer was honestly the last thing she'd been expecting him to give-- and while it does say something, the fact that she can tell he's being honest says even more. The tense line of her shoulders does relax the smallest bit once he's called off the Tease, but her gaze doesn't shift even an inch from his. "Four days after it set in?"


astheteaseturns June 21 2011, 15:18:09 UTC
Tyki shrugs, not admitting that he hasn't been looking for anyone after it sent it, but not really denying it either. Though, he does tilt his head at her.

"Eye-patch sent me to look for anyone else in the fog, that's all. And since I found you," there's something hidden in his voice, almost sounding disappointed, "I'm sure they'd be glad if you joined them at the river."


fallforthesky June 24 2011, 02:31:23 UTC
"'Eye-patch'...?" It actually takes her a moment to realize he means Lavi. A diluted sort of relief wavers through her-- thank god, maybe he really did mean everyone when he said it. The strange malcontent in his voice, however... that doesn't encourage her. Of course he wouldn't be particularly happy about finding her, but who else was he expecting?

...Was Rhode...?

"Which way is the river?"


astheteaseturns June 24 2011, 02:40:53 UTC
Tyki knows that Rhode is okay, somewhere at least, and that the other him would be able to find her in due time. Though, he looks at her when she asks that question.

"Tease will lead you." Tease flies over to her, circling around her head and just waiting for Lenalee.


Re: June 15th, evening; SOMEWHERE FOGGY tothelastbreath June 16 2011, 15:25:59 UTC
Allen is angry at a good number of things―most of which can be traced back to Libitina in some way or other―and has been angry for a while even before their fresh week of hell began. However, seeing as an actual display of it won't help their situation one whit, he's also been doing a decent job of keeping it under wraps.

Until today.

Already halfway into the week, alone in the fog with no one else around to see, and with the unbroken radio silence from three members of their ragtag community growing louder every hour, Allen is only onerashthought away from confronting Libitina over the network. In fact, he just might if this search proves fruitless. It isn't hard to hear him coming ― he's moving with firm, purposeful strides through the fog, punctuating his progress every now and then with terse calls of, "Hello? Lenalee, Matt, Riku― Can any of you hear me ( ... )


fallforthesky June 18 2011, 07:51:26 UTC
While Allen may not be doing much to disguise his presence, the unfortunate fact is that Lenalee's taken to trying to ignore most voices that aren't her own. The music, the voices, the giggling and the howling; after last month's creature feature, she thinks she might go insane if she doesn't. So at first, she barely hears the crunch of gravel beneath his heel, and his voice may as well belong to the ghosts she's beginning to believe really haunt the city.

But only at first. Allen's words circle mindlessly in her head for a little while after as she strides through the fog with increasing trepidation, not entirely aware that she had even heard them-- but she had heard them. Soldier's instinct and all that. After a few revolutions, her name catches in the forefront of her mind, and while it sends a chill lancing down her spine, it also makes her pause. There hadn't been any whispers of her name before, so what was that...? Was she imagining things? She chances an uneasy look behind her, pretty much prepared to see another wispy figure ( ... )


tothelastbreath June 19 2011, 05:44:24 UTC
On the other hand, Allen's been through seven whole months of creepiness, and since these sounds are proving to be just sounds thus far, nothing he has to worry about protecting people from, he just finds them really bloody annoying. Eerie music? Can't even compare to the abject horror he feels at the sound of Cross popping yet another bottle he can't pay for. Wolves? Better than no game at all, really. Disembodied voices? Been there, done that. In his own head.

Suffice to say Allen's a little desensitised, and unlike Lenalee, he's actually keeping an ear out for her voice. The final note of her call has yet to fade away before an answer is already ricocheting back at her, familiar, strong, and so very relieved.

"―Lenalee, it's me!" And if it also sounds kind of raspy, hopefully that isn't half as important as the fact that it's close. A pause before he shouts again, quite aware that it's a ridiculous question in context, "Where are you?"


fallforthesky June 20 2011, 06:36:17 UTC
And her heart makes a valiant stab at doing a backflip. Oh, thank god, a voice-- a friendly one, most importantly (though she'd be a petty liar to deny that it being his doesn't help)-- and luckily for Allen, that alone overwhelms her concern for the hoarse quality to it.

Uselessly, Lenalee casts a strained look around, running a hand shakily through her hair, before remembering herself; the frown returns and increases twofold. Fog. Fog everywhere. No buildings, no shadows, and nowhere for the source of the noises to hide. Just a heavy white cloak that seems to verge on suffocating at times.

"In-- fog," she says, haltingly, and it sounds as if she might yet come up on the point where that stops being nerve-wracking and becomes a ridiculous hassle instead. "The buildings are gone, I can't-- there's nothing to coordinate myself with!"


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