
Jun 13, 2011 14:53

Characters: You, you, and YOU.
When: June 11th - June 24th
Where: Nesreca. Everywhere.
Rating: PG and up.
Summary: The fog is everywhere. Sounds are heard at night. There are no inhabitable buildings. What do you do?

[witty text here] )

tyki mikk [ou], naoto shirogane [ou], kanda yu [ou], *open, heine rammsteiner [ou], lenalee lee [ou], lavi [ou], karkat vantas [ou], allen walker [ou], *event: survive

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misprotect June 19 2011, 04:53:39 UTC
Finding a suitable shelter was not even on his mind. Getting out and if possible finding the others was all that did. The PDA didn’t receive much attention nor did Heine actually know how to operate one beyond bare minimum function. So the newly acquired device was placed in his back pocket for the time being.

A few buildings had been past in his wandering, his hand brushing along the way like a blind man feeling his way about. Murmurs and whispers drifted in the air as if the fog itself was speaking. Heine placed little into the ramblings considering it only his ears filtering out things that were close to spoken words. Just paranoia and the loss of a trusted sense he thought.

Yet he was unnerved about the whole empty town and being swept up. Logically answers did not come. He had not fallen asleep or was taken by brute force. He remember quite well what was happening, him standing there looking Nill, Naoto, and Liza in the face after speaking of his past.

The thoughtful daze was cut when a new sound reaching his attentive ears. It was faint, but his hyper alert senses did not fail him for the most part. Something was moving or he was losing grasp on reality far too quickly in the shroud of gray. Once again hands were lingering beside his weapons as he waited for any further sound.


pi_of_fortune June 19 2011, 05:08:22 UTC
The quiet was pulling at her nerves, but every now and again, she swore she could hear that little girl's laughter. Libitina if she remembered correctly... that had been the name the male had given her. What were they to--

Naoto paused and turned her head. That laugh she had heard; it had been too distinct. Still, it was just the laughter and nothing more. No footsteps, no words, just the sound echoing for a moment and then fading into the mist.


Calling out came to her mind, but calling here in the open? What if something else answered back; something very not-human? Caution kept Naoto from uttering a sound.


misprotect June 19 2011, 20:46:25 UTC
He stayed still keeping his shoulder to the wall so not to lose his place. What was real and only phantoms could not be distinguished with one sense handicapped and the other untrusted with what it fed to his mind. Running straight until he broke from the fog came to Heine as a way to clear his deepening paranoia, but it was not a way he followed.

The chances that something truly lingering about the corners of derelict buildings proved to demanding for him to simply toss away and made a mad dash. Staying still forever was not a way either, so Heine began walking again with an ever increasing feeling of eyes upon his back.

Then he saw it, a mass where the fog seem to split around. Heine unlatched one of his holsters and pulled his Mauser forth. If it was a person, than calling out was sure to get a response.

If not, then he had plenty of room to take aim and drag whatever it was; presuming that the strange mass was in fact living.

"Speak up if someone is there." He called out bearing no fear in his tone. The pistol was free from the holster now and hovering by hand above his hip.


pi_of_fortune June 19 2011, 21:04:08 UTC

Naoto peered back into the fog, trying to locate where the voice had originated from. Someone else was here? And they actually had done more than simply laugh unless the voices were suddenly using complete sentences. She rested a hand on her waist, just above where her gun was. This wasn't the river where the other residents were supposed to be meeting; she couldn't risk the chance of it being a trick in the fog.

"... Did you just recently arrive as well?"

She kept her voice unwavering with the usual masculine tone. There... was a chance she supposed. Someone who had been in this town longer would know where the river was already, right? The small detective ready to move if neither was the case.


misprotect June 20 2011, 03:03:02 UTC
A frown overtook his already bothered expression. So there were others, but not enough was said to know if they knew anything just yet. A lapse in time was taken before Heine spoke again.

"Wouldn't call it arriving much as being taken, but I haven't been here long." Lacking a watch limited Heine's grasp on time and with the town enveloped in fog allowed no sight of the sun.

"The same for you?" The earlier question could have been taken either way, from someone recently arrived or from someone who presumably lived there.

Movements ceased on his end for the moment. In his right hand was still his pistol, but his body had eased considerably since discovering that it was not a dangerous being. The left remained pressed to the wall as an anchor so not to lose his way in the dense fog.


pi_of_fortune June 20 2011, 03:18:12 UTC
Hm... well, arriving and being taken weren't far off. Logically, they were taken and then brought here. It wasn't much a matter of arriving since they couldn't leave freely. Still, the voices in the fog could be trying to lower her guard.

"... That's correct. I was told to head for the river and find a gold, dual-headed trident. Have you heard a river anywhere around here?"

There would be no need to find shelter then. It would just be a matter of time and risk trekking through the dark night to get there.

She still hadn't drawn; would she be able to by the time she could actually see this male speaker in-case it really was something dangerous?


misprotect June 20 2011, 04:41:46 UTC
Arriving suggested that one wanted to be in a location. River had not been seen or heard in his wanders, not that Heine would have been able to see much in the dense fog. So far the only things that he came across were the collapsing buildings and this person.

"No and where did you hear that?" He asked finding the piece of information questionable. That meant even more people where there, somewhere.


pi_of_fortune June 20 2011, 04:50:32 UTC
"I was trying to contact anyone that could possibly be from home using the PDA. No luck, but I have been contacted by several others who are stuck here as well."

Naoto would have tried approaching the speaker, but she's still uncertain, deciding to hold her ground instead. Fog was never going to settle well with her after last year.


misprotect June 23 2011, 00:06:41 UTC
"No locals?"

There was the possibility that someone was originally from there or near considering the state that the city was in. Heine clicked his tongue in thought and holstered his pistol seeing the threat no longer pressing. The PDA had all but been forgotten since the beginning of his wanderings.

His steps picked up once again and he moved forward, or what Heine consider forward from himself. More people were heading toward a river and far as he knew there wasn’t such a thing behind him.

“No point standing idle. If there are more people here I need to find them and find out what the hell is going on.”


pi_of_fortune June 23 2011, 00:19:38 UTC
"... The locals are all dead and the nearby city rather have us dead."

That was putting it blandly, but Lavi had told her that much. Naoto peered, but then blinked. Still no one out of the fog and which direction to go...

... Ah, they spoke again.


Naoto wasn't sure still. Probably best to continue with the way she was currently going now. If either of them would run into someone was up in the air.


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