Name: Yingyu
Age: 16
Likes: Videogaming, Reading manga, Observing people, Purple, White, Food, Listening to music, Collecting stuffs
Dislikes: Bugs, Smoke, Crowded places, Loud noises (I'm fine with thunder though)
What do you feel is your best quality?: Loyal. I'm loyal to my close friends and to my beliefs. Protective. I'm very protective of things that I treasure. Calm. For most of the time, though I can be impulsive at times. Blunt. I'm straight to the point, and brutally honest with my comments. Randomness. I tend to say very random stuffs just for fun. XDD
Your worst?: Even though I think being honest is a good thing, I can be too blunt and honest sometimes PLUS, I'm sarcastic, so I tend to hurt people unintetionally. I can be paranoid sometimes. And I think I'm the grand-high-king of Mood swings. XD My mood can really go an 360 degree change in a matter of seconds. I'm an introvert. And I'm very, very, clumsy.
Some hobbies or talents of yours? Pretty much the things I mentioned in my likes. (:
You’d Prefer a friend Who is more...
Mature or Immature?: In-between. I'm sure everyone has their immature moments. (: Though I won't want someone too immature as my friend.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Realistic.
Thinking or Feeling?: Both.
Impulsive or Cautious?: In-between.
Outgoing or Shy?: Outgoing or in-between.
Hardworking or Laid-back: In-between. Able to switch back-and-forth. (:
Modest or Bold: In-between. Not too modest, not too bold.
What are some traits that you'd love to see in a friend: Friendiness, Randomness, and Honesty.
What traits would you not like to see in them?: Dishonesty.
General Questions
Do you have a best friend? or do you prefer to have none or more than one? Yes. (: I prefer to have one to a few, but not more than 5.
Can you describe them? Pictures are more than welcome! Hmm, they are of a large variety. XDD Some are caring, some are weird like me 8D, some are much more outgoing and has higher energy than me. Heh.
Where is your favorite place to hang out? or preferences on hanging out with a friend Just do some random shopping. XD
Imagine yourself as a ninja...:
What kind of relationship would you want to have with your future BFF? (rivals; on again, off again; partners, etc.) Of course as partners. (:
What would you do if your friend suddenly changes and goes to the "dark" side? Continue to be friends with him/her. After all, they are still my friends. (:
Is there a friend in Naruto that you feel you would NOT get along with? If so, why? Hmm... I say Orochimaru. I just dislike his personaility.
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently: