Name: Samantha
Do you want 2 dads, 2 moms, a daddy and a mommy, or don't care?: I would prefer a daddy and a mommy!
VOTING REMINDER: when rating a Love Child application, you're voting for the two characters this applicant reminds you of!
Likes: Romanticism, French culture, Japanese culture, Florals, Fashion, Models, Aesthetics, Museums, Books/Literature, Art and art history, Art galleries, Heart to heart conversations, Chanel, 1960s, Muses, Sofia Coppola films, Finding for inspiration, Libraries, Falling in love and love itself, Perfumes, Rainy days, Spending time with my loved ones, Finding meaning in a song/art piece/poem, Femininity and feminism, Food
Dislikes: Over possessive and clingy people, Being wrongly accused, Not being able to put up a strong front, Falling short of people's expectations, Moochers, People who have no backbone, Misogyny, Having people force their views on me, People chewing nosily when eating, Sexism, Homophobia, Immaturity, Inappropriateness, False hope, Animal Cruelty, Extreme cynicism/pessimism, Irresponsibility, Insects, Crowded places, Writer's block/artist's block, Hot weather, Being treated as a help desk
What do you feel is your best quality?: My best quality would have to be my passion and resilience. I love the things I love with my heart and soul and I won't let anyone snatch my dreams away from me. When I've set my mind to something, my resolve usually doesn't falter. As for resilience, I have a lot of inner strength. I may break here and there, and there are days where I feel like I can't go on but in the end, I will still go on.
Your worst?: My sensitivity mixed with my irritability. I'm a strong person most of the time but my feelings get hurt easily. Little things get to me and my emotions run wild and crazy most of the time inside. Though, I'm capable of putting up a strong facade -- it's what I try very hard to do because I hate letting someone see me torn down, hurt, weak and unable to be strong. So, in short, only my close friends would know how emotional I am because most of the time I'm rather composed. I am also sensitive to loud noises (especially on a bad day, I do not want to hear people screaming at the top of their lungs for no apparent reason), crowds, bright lights, hot weather...etc.
Pet Peeves: (Refer to dislikes)
Dreams & Ambitions: My dream is to become an art museum curator, fall in love, travel to Paris, write a book, become an artist or contribute to the Arts society, have children and see live my own "happily ever after".
Personality in 5 words or less: I can't list only 5 I think, hope you don't mind if I add a little bit more...Romantic, strong-willed, contradictory, passionate, emotional (although I appear more dignified and collected on the outside), intelligent, mature/sensible
Mature or Immature: Mature
Leader or Follower: Leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Outgoing or Shy: More outgoing than I am shy, but I'm not ridiculously outgoing (introvert with extroverted tendencies)
Hardworking or Laid-back: Hard-working when I have to be
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Somewhere in between
Modest or Bold: Modest
Lover or Fighter: Lover AND fighter
You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: I might consider what to do first but in the end, I would go with my gut instinct to put my feelings aside and help them.
When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: When the going gets tough, I need to get tougher. I dislike depending on people but I have no qualms in calling for help. If staying my ground and doing whatever I can isn't helping, I will probably resort to calling for help but that doesn't mean I'd stand in the sidelines and watch the other person be the hero.
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: Get really really annoyed and voice my annoyances out. Ask the person to get back in line. Waiting for 10 minutes - I must have had an urgent thing I wanted to get and the queue must be terribly long.
NARUTO VERSE; Naruto has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret move he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?: I can be a little possessive over the stuff I learn but I'm sure if he had asked me nicely the first time, I would've taught him or at least show him how to do and let him teach himself. At least, it'd get him off my case.
NARUTO VERSE; Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all? I would most definitely be in the battle field but I think I would enjoy attacking up close and personal.
NARUTO VERSE; Your friend has joined the "dark side" and wants you to join them. More power and money, they say. Would you join them? Money and power from the dark side - that isn't enough to win me over. So, no I won't join them but then again, it really depends on who the friend is. Because, I know I often let my emotions get the better of me and if my feelings for that friend was more than just platonic and involves love, I would join.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I'd really like to be more athletic. I've never been an athletic person and I suck so badly at sports.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: There is no such thing as world peace but I'd like for the people in the world to understand each other a little bit more. A little understanding goes a long way.
If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?: Sakura - she's my favourite character and I admire her a lot. I like her abilities - medical ninjutsu and super strength.
Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: I would say Hinata.
Also, if you were rated as a character in the regular rating and would rather NOT get them this time around, please name that character here (otherwise, leave this question blank or answer "N/A"): I was rated as Sakura in my regular rating and I'd prefer if my mummy wasn't her, thank you :)
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently: