contains adult theeems

Dec 23, 2010 18:11

So, here's my misadventure of the day-- or the most prominent one anyway, because my day has been filled with all of the usual blunders, including faceplanting on the ice more than once and the embarrassing things I do on a daily basis at work.

i'll save your eyes from tmi )

nina is not sane, journal, tmi, oddness

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Comments 19

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ninablues December 23 2010, 18:25:06 UTC
He had crazy eyes, I tell you! I'm scared he'll find me and smother me as I sleep... "for the good of humanity".


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ninablues December 23 2010, 18:31:52 UTC
Ahahaha. Time to strangle him to death with a condom. It could be my calling card if I ever become a serial killer... The Contraceptive Killer: She Always Plays Safe.


jawice24 December 23 2010, 18:32:50 UTC
hahaha I am loving this


ninablues December 23 2010, 21:47:46 UTC
I wasn't loving it at the time but it is funny now that more time has passed. XD


jawice24 December 24 2010, 07:04:43 UTC
i can totally imagine. i'm afraid even buying condoms when the cashier is totally normal about it. ONCE THOUGH i had walked through the store like 3000 times and i was the only customer and then i had to go up to the counter and be like "...uh, where are the condoms?" and i felt so embarrassed.
also, unrelated but related, i love the cocktail sex on the beach, and it's so weird ordering it, like "i want sex on the beach, please" and then because i'm embarrassed i automatically speak very softly so they're like WHAT!!!!!!!! so i have to say it again and it's killin


hi_falootin December 23 2010, 19:06:36 UTC
lol I am basically over buying condoms/sex items in most stores, but I HATE to ask for them in drug stores where they keep them locked up! I guess I still worry about the judgmental looks a little, because if they keep them locked up, they Must Not Want You To Have Them. ...which is why I prefer to buy these things in sex shops, hahaha.

Your story does remind me of the time my high school boyfriend was too much of a wuss to go buy lube (GOD FORBID SOMEONE THINK HE'S GAY??) and so made me do it. I just picked up a bottle of KY and walked to the sole, male cashier and he was actually really friendly and nice to me-the high school girl buying only lube at 11pm at a Wal-Greens.


ninablues December 23 2010, 21:45:51 UTC
Yeah, sex shops make it a lot easier because the people behind the counter are like, "JUST condoms??" The guy who was serving me was a pharmacist, not a shop assistant, actually I think I got eye drops from him when I was like 14. Ho hum.

Ahahaha, buying lube sounds like such a stupid thing to be worried about, I hadn't even thought of that before. XDD I'm pretty much OK with buying "embarrassing" stuff, it was just sooo annoying today to be geared up for Cool Young Shop Assistant and suddenly be snapped into Stern Beardy Pharmacist.


middlemarching December 23 2010, 19:10:07 UTC
Ahahaha! I tip my hat to you in your bravery.

I used to do theatre tech in high school and had to strap transmitters onto the actors as part of my job. Sadly, actors sweat a lot, so we put unlubricated condoms on them to keep them dry. Anyway, as you can imagine, we went through quite a number of them, so a couple of the boys went to a nearby Walgreens to pick up some more.

Suffice to say, the elderly pharmacy clerk dispensing five boxes of unlubricated condoms to two teenage boys was horrified. Many a laugh was had. :D


ninablues December 23 2010, 21:46:50 UTC
That is such a great little story. XDD But they braved it out! Well, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.


sleuthinpumps December 23 2010, 22:13:03 UTC
Great story, and quite nicely written ;)


ninablues December 23 2010, 22:15:02 UTC
Hahaha, I don't call myself a writer for nothin'. XDD Nono. Seriously. I promise my "real" writing is much much better, lol.


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