So, here's my misadventure of the day-- or the most prominent one anyway, because my day has been filled with all of the usual blunders, including faceplanting on the ice more than once and the embarrassing things I do on a daily basis at work.
i'll save your eyes from tmi )
Comments 19
my fun condom buying story is when we were about 20 and out of town with his parents' van, which had a window that wouldn't roll up, in the middle of winter and late at night. We thought duct tape might cover the crack nicely, and stopped at an unfamiliar grocery store... So here's Marty, nothing but duct tape in hand, asking a clerk where he might find the family planning section
And I've read that blog post before and loved it just as much the second time. XD Thanks!
I love this post so much I want to frame it.
My condom buying story is stupidly silly. It's my mother's 50th birthday and my then girlfriend was visiting from out of town. We decide to deck out the house in condom balloons. Because... Um... Yenno what the hell are monogamous lesbians going to do with condoms?
So we buy them. No sweat. We go to leave the store.
The alarm goes off.
This withered up old raisin of a lady asks to check our bags. She's all assuring that we didn't steal anything. Just the alarm trips over the stupidest things.
I mutter to my girlfriend, "Watch it be the condoms..."
The little old lady LIGHTS UP and squeals, "YOU HAVE CONDOMS? 8D"
Me and my girlfriend just FREEZE and the lady proceeds lead us back to a checkout counter to deactivate the theft deterrent sensor in the box. We go to leave and the alarm sounds again. The lady just waves us through.
My girlfriend says to me ".......Now the whole store knows I'm sexually active. *sputtergiggle*"
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Fetherlite is sort of the generic condom and I don't have a problem buying them, but walking over to the counter with a bright-fuckin'-purple box that had "PLEASURE PACK!! :D" screamed across the front was bad enough, being served by Grumpy McBeard just compounded the embarrassment. XDD Ugh.
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