Fake Empire: Rhiannon 1/2

Jun 11, 2012 14:07

Title: Fake Empire: Rhiannon 1/2
Pairing: Emma/Emily
Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds
Rating: NC-17  (Warnings TG sex - question to self: why is this bit explicit and the nonTG stuff not?)
Universe: Fake Empire
Apologies:  Some of this might seem familiar, from those Citrus Taste prompts ages ago, but a little edited.  And it continues on, somewhat.

Hellfire Mark 2 Reboot )

didi, criminal minds, fake empire, nc-17, x-men, emma/emily

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Comments 18

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nike_ravus June 12 2012, 18:46:17 UTC
Give me a couple minutes! It's going up!

(Indeed, OTP smackdown was my intention. :D)


anonymous June 11 2012, 19:07:24 UTC
i've been hoping for more of this storyline since you posted the original beginning ages ago-- so excited to see you continuing it. fantastic, as always-- i look forward to part two!


nike_ravus June 12 2012, 18:46:48 UTC
Man, that was a long time ago! I'm glad you're still here to see it. :D


precious_sin June 11 2012, 20:14:23 UTC
I've been waiting for this for ages! Didn't expect it'd actually ever show up. EVER so happy that it did :d


nike_ravus June 12 2012, 18:47:54 UTC
I have so much random stuff from the future of this universe, finally I was like, damn it! I need to post before everyone gives up on me.



pious_pelican June 11 2012, 20:17:56 UTC
I may or may not be BREATHLESS with excitement about this


nike_ravus June 12 2012, 18:48:18 UTC
Hope it holds up to the expectations!


kith_koby June 11 2012, 20:59:40 UTC
So. Damned. Tired. But I had to read this and comment ( ... )


nike_ravus June 12 2012, 18:52:54 UTC
Yes! The whole politics of it was bothering me so much. It didn't make any sense. That was really why I rewrote it. And, mm, I believe someone criticized the sex. I had to improve it.

Oh man, the Cuckoos are so... stressful to me. Emma definitely doesn't know yet, if it's even true in this universe. That was such a freaking creepy storyline. Even if it is true, it's very likely going to stay on the downlow for most of this.


kith_koby June 12 2012, 19:23:08 UTC
I know! Politics are awesome. Do you even have a clear idea of what exactly Emma's position actually is in the Club now? Obviously formally she's still the White Queen, and still in all their legal plans to get power. But is she considered a Lord Imperial? How much influence does she actually have? How much did she lose by saving Emily and not participating in the sex parties and everything? If you have anything on it, I want to know!

Ooh, yeah, the whole Phoenix -song storyline was extremely creepy. It did make Esme's death scene all the more powerful. But it was still creepy, especially, because you know, for someone like Emma, who always seems to want a family and all... well, she still treats them like students, not her daughters, and it's not clear what they feel about her either... well, I'm sure you'll manage to make it work, whatever you do with it.


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