Title: Fake Empire: Rhiannon 1/2
Pairing: Emma/Emily
Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds
Rating: NC-17 (Warnings TG sex - question to self: why is this bit explicit and the nonTG stuff not?)
Universe: Fake Empire
Apologies: Some of this might seem familiar, from those Citrus Taste prompts ages ago, but a little edited. And it continues on, somewhat.
Hellfire Mark 2 Reboot )
Comments 18
It's very cool that you're expanded this from the original because I'm so curious to see how Didi handles a sibling. Plus Emily and Emma have to deal with FEELINGS.
"Hilarious: "As if she couldn’t fuck Emma to tears without a fucking cock."" - I think I may need to prove this (in this universe) at some point. Oh, hmmm... Maybe I just did.
“Holy shit! You’re spawning again?”...Best line ever, hahaha. I hope to see the second part of this update soon, because you have made me fall in love with the pairing Emily/Emma (and their offspring!), and I can never get enough of them
Just out of curiousity, does the second part include Jean's,Ororo's and JJ's reactions to the news ;-)
P.S: Will you be posting all your fics in Archive of our Own in the future?
I'm not telling about part 2, but it should be up soon, so you can find out for yourself.
I am... slowly moving things to AO3, and trying to proofread as I do. I find it a lovely thing to do while sitting through a 101 lecture.
You created a monster with this fandom. We can never get enough.
Then I'm glad I still have more to give!
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