[Drabble] Here without you

May 27, 2010 09:12

Title: Here without you
Fandom: NCIS
Author: nicis_anatomy
Character: Trent Kort (implied Jenny/Kort)
Genre: Gen, Angst
Rating: G
Word count: 500
Summary: Kort takes a trip down memories lane ... Written for challenge #189 "Colours" at ncisdrabble100
Spoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 5 " ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, ncis: trent kort, community: ncisdrabble100, ncis: jenny_kort

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Comments 10

katie087 May 27 2010, 13:03:16 UTC
You make me like Kort so much more than I do on the show, while still keeping him in character. That is quite an achievement!
and aw... the way it ended about needing something to hold onto, even if its painful. That's so, so beautiful and so true. I love the way you write!
... and I really wish we had seen this in NCIS: LA. Now THAT would have held my attention!


nicis_anatomy May 27 2010, 15:45:18 UTC
Well, I would say: Mission accomplished ;) I'm so happy you like 'my' Kort. I love this guy and when I watched the LA episode last night, my mind went crazy again. LA-Jenny-Diner ... and there it was. A bit different as planned, but it still seems to work.
I would have loved to see it on the show *nods*
Thank you for reading this and for your comment. Hope you managed to get some sleep!


cyad May 28 2010, 10:55:55 UTC
aww, Trenny!

And gotta back up, katie087 about Kort: you're just brilliant and my favorite writer ever! **hands you the golden Trenny trophy**


nicis_anatomy May 28 2010, 11:03:21 UTC
A trophy? For me?? Wow ... Thank you *hugs*
I'm glad you liked this (and that you start to like Kort). Thank you very much.
And: Welcome back, I guess. I missed you. Hope you're okay?!?


cyad May 28 2010, 13:30:57 UTC
yeah, for you ( ... )


nicis_anatomy May 28 2010, 18:42:48 UTC
Oh, poor you! And poor Mom :( *hugs you both and sends cookies to your guardian angels* Sounds like they did a damn good job *sighs*
I had thought that you would be busy with your band and the concerts, but I was still a bit worried that we hadn't heard from you for almost a month. I'm glad that you are okay. Sort of ... Hope the work thing will be solved soon *keeps fingers crossed* and the other thing ... nothing wrong to be in love. Maybe you should just be Kate and ask him out on a coffee date. Maybe he is feeling the same, but too shy to make the first step, while you are doing the same and ... well, you waste some precious time then, don't you think? ;)

*hugs you some more* Yes, I'm okay. Business as usual :( But I'm hanging in there and I live for the weekends and free evening.


g1rlanachr0n1sm May 29 2010, 22:39:43 UTC
Such a bittersweet exchange. I love the way you write Trent though. He's such an understated character.


nicis_anatomy May 30 2010, 16:11:17 UTC
He really is. I wish we would see more of him. I missed him this season ...
Thank you for reading this and for your comment. I'm glad you liked it ;)


nakeisha May 30 2010, 13:58:31 UTC

So good.

So moving.


nicis_anatomy May 30 2010, 17:02:01 UTC
It was the first (and last) NCIS:LA episode I watched (in fast-forward), but when I learned that Kort was in it, I had to watch it. Couldn't help myself. And then there was this connection in my head that transformed into a plotbunny and ... well, you know what happened ;)
I'm glad you liked it. Thank you!


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