[Drabble] Here without you

May 27, 2010 09:12

Title: Here without you
Fandom: NCIS
Author: nicis_anatomy
Character: Trent Kort (implied Jenny/Kort)
Genre: Gen, Angst
Rating: G
Word count: 500
Summary: Kort takes a trip down memories lane ... Written for challenge #189 "Colours" at ncisdrabble100
Spoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 5 " ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, ncis: trent kort, community: ncisdrabble100, ncis: jenny_kort

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cyad May 28 2010, 13:30:57 UTC
yeah, for you! :)

I really loved it, as always and you're more than welcome!

You guess right though I still haven't find the time to properly update and comment yet. And it feels like ages since I had online time. Wait...it's been ages?!

I'm OK just, got ill for a month, fell in my mother's staircase so, I had real hype violet to rainbow bruises. By extra-luck, I didn't kill or injured myself in anyway (bruises excluded) I... I still dunno how I made it out alive and unharmed. I guess my guarding star and her friends were watching over me that day.

Then my mum got stung by a bee, had to take her to hospital. Luckily, she got stung while I was visiting (which isn't every day or week, for what matters). Then my cousin came over from Paris with her first born, he's sooo cute and baby babbling and alert already. it was good to see them all.

My mum fell (baby carriage bump). Nothing major: sh's enjoying Paris with her boyfriend now. He's usually living in UAE so, they don't get to see each others often. And I'm currently overbooked with rehearsal and last minute's concerts. Remember that national music fest with one outdoor concert they wanted us to do? Well, turns out they want us on two now. Just learned that which means: 3 weeks to work up two songs while juggling all that in an already tight agenda 'cause lots of things in june. Dunno when I'll even sleep but well... won't complain. It's sunny out there, I'm feeling good and, oh yeah, also had to princess a bit but, it's worth it. On a personal and spiritual level if not financially.

The hunt for a job still runs flat but at least now, I get interviews. I'm still worried about this to the point that I'm thinking of flunking my CV big time since everybody tells me I'm too experienced and such. Oh yeah, and I also started an online translation thing with a swiss friend. We're just building it slow so, no money out of it yet but, slow-steady-surely is my new motto.

I'm in love and performing with crush onstage though I'm still doubting he's feeling the same for me. Sometimes I think he does and sometimes I'm just full of doubts. I think I need the "men & dating manual for dummies". Am also very excited about Sex&the city 2. Just can't wait.

Woops! Talk about babbling. And I guess that's all for me. What about you?

Missed you too. I hope you're allright and that life's been kind to you so far. ***tight hugs you***


nicis_anatomy May 28 2010, 18:42:48 UTC
Oh, poor you! And poor Mom :( *hugs you both and sends cookies to your guardian angels* Sounds like they did a damn good job *sighs*
I had thought that you would be busy with your band and the concerts, but I was still a bit worried that we hadn't heard from you for almost a month. I'm glad that you are okay. Sort of ... Hope the work thing will be solved soon *keeps fingers crossed* and the other thing ... nothing wrong to be in love. Maybe you should just be Kate and ask him out on a coffee date. Maybe he is feeling the same, but too shy to make the first step, while you are doing the same and ... well, you waste some precious time then, don't you think? ;)

*hugs you some more* Yes, I'm okay. Business as usual :( But I'm hanging in there and I live for the weekends and free evening.


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