[Drabble] Here without you

May 27, 2010 09:12

Title: Here without you
Fandom: NCIS
Author: nicis_anatomy
Character: Trent Kort (implied Jenny/Kort)
Genre: Gen, Angst
Rating: G
Word count: 500
Summary: Kort takes a trip down memories lane ... Written for challenge #189 "Colours" at ncisdrabble100
Spoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 5 "Judgement Day". Set right after the NCIS: Los Angeles finale.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would, I'd be rich and famous by now.


When he had said that he liked Los Angeles Kort had lied. He hated this city with all its sunshine, with all these wannabe celebrities, dressed up in colorful outfits that made his eyes hurt.
He wanted nothing more than leave, and yet he’d decided to stay a few more days.
He didn’t know why, until he was driving through the hot desert, heading for a place he’d once sworn he’d never wanted to visit. But he just couldn’t forget her and move on like she’d wanted.
Jenny was an independent and strong woman; stubborn and irrational at times, and he’d loved her for that (always will). She never wanted to worry people. She wanted to do everything by herself and he’d let her, even when she’d needed him (anyone) the most
Sitting at a table not far from the spot where she’d died almost exactly two years ago, was his way of punishment. He could still see the red blood; he knew where the bullets had penetrated the wooden floor. He knew where the bad guys had died (where she’d killed him, trying to win a battle she could only lose).

Of course, the blood was gone now. The whole place had been completely restored and nothing indicated that five people had died here not long ago.
It felt good to be the only one knowing about the history of this diner, while the people around him had no idea. They were laughing and talking like nothing bad had ever happened to this place, while he knew better.
Knowledge was the most powerful weapon - but also the most painful instrument of torture and (as strange as it was) exactly what he needed.

He knew, what he was doing wasn’t right and nothing Jenny would’ve wanted for him. But he had to see this place, take in the atmosphere. He just had to know where the one love of his life had died.
"Do you want more coffee?" the waitress asked.
He shook his head. "I’m good. Thank you. I just want to sit her for a while longer. If that’s okay ...?"
"Of course," she answered. "Stay as long as you like."
"Thank you, ma’am." He gave her a smile. "This is a nice place. I like what you’ve done to it.”
"You’ve been here before?" she asked and he shook his head. "My son-in-law bought it, but he died before he could even serve his first coffee. And my daughter ..." She sighed and he could see that she was near to tears. "She’s dead, too. My husband was furious when I told him I wanted to keep this place. He said it would be torture, but ... sometimes you just need something to hold on to, even when it’s painful. You understand this, right?"
"I do," he said, knowing exactly what she meant. When there was something in this world proving you every day that you were still alive, it was pain - and painful memories; the only things he’d left.

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: trent kort, community: ncisdrabble100, ncis: jenny_kort

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