End it on this.

Dec 31, 2007 02:37

End of the year writing meme, yoinked from st_aurafina, among others.

That Fic Wot I Wrote

The Breakup Drabble (Studio 60)
The Comedy of Errors (Studio 60/The West Wing)
Leonard Cohen Was a Poet (Studio 60)
Cards in the Hands of an Angry God (Studio 60)
This Isn't the Comedy We Intended to Do (Studio 60)
Danny Is Missing and Josh Thinks Matt's a Republican (Studio 60/The West Wing)

Crossover Mania
Seven Invisible Scenes from Hamlet (Shakespeare/Sandman)
What You Got On Your Hands Is (Supernatural/Mythology - Milliways)
She came in on his latest tow. (Supernatural/Sandman)
She only met him the once. (Supernatural/Sandman)
How comics prepared Jon Spencer for death (RPF/Sandman)
Conversations at the circus. (X-Men/Mythology - Milliways)
Johnny Storm and the Girl He Didn't Get (Fantastic 4/Enchanted)
He deserves heaven who makes his companions laugh. (Supernatural/Studio 60)

Assorted miscellany
How the gig runs (Lucifer)
A Prayer for Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Rock'n'Roll, Lycanthropy, and Other STDs (RPF crack - Jon Spencer)
Why There Aren't Any Epics About Titans on Road Trips (Mythology - Milliways)
Fleeing cops. (Mythology - Milliways)
Monsters and Light-bringers (Mythology - Milliways)
[secret] (Yuletide)

The wolf, the daughter, and her mother's effects
Untitled Iron & Wine song
dragstormaround - Black-Eyed Blues, NaNoWriMo 2007
Merit In A Box: Prometheus
  • Supplication.
  • Self-sacrifice for kindred.
  • Vengeance taken for kindred on kindred.
  • Obtaining.
  • Recovery of a lost one.
  • An enemy loved.

    Favorite(s) of the batch:
    I mean, hands down I'm proudest of the NaNo story. But of the short fics, I'm actually desperately fond of Cards in the Hands of an Angry God. A Prayer for Dean Winchester took me by surprise, and I love the title on Rock'n'Roll, Lycanthropy, and Other STDs.

    Best of the batch:
    Seven Invisible Scenes from Hamlet came up with a drabble format that I really, really like, and still would love to attempt for other Shakespeare plays, particularly Lear. Why There Aren't Any Epics About Titans on Road Trips is just impending breakneck fun, and I'm really pleased with the flow of This Isn't the Comedy We Intended to Do, which is entirely dialogue and still manages to convey all the action, I think. She came in on his latest tow feels the truest, and heaviest, of the crossovers.

    Most underappreciated by the universe:
    I... well, I haven't posted many of these in comms, and my friendslist pretty much always comes through with great feedback, which is wildly wonderful. I guess I'd have to go with The wolf, the daughter, and her mother's effects, which I really liked, but which didn't seem to catch on. Maybe on the second pass, it'll coalesce. What am I talking about? Eh. Who knows. I'm quite pleased with the feedback I've gotten, for what little publicizing I've done.

    Most fun to write:
    Aheeheehee. All those Studio 60 fics just flow right off the fingertips, man. Sorkinese is so damn easy! Also, the Titans/Coyote road trip bits that people seem to enjoy are effing fun to write, as I hope you can tell.

    Sexiest fic:
    Not really a genre convention I do very much. Though the Jo/Destruction drabble might count, in some sense.

    "Holy crap, that's wrong even for you" fic:
    I'd... never committed RPF before this Halloween. Bandom RPF at that. (I'm not counting the reams of Beatles fic I wrote in sixth grade. That stuff should never see the light of day, I think.) And my Yuletide fic is fucking creepy, though I don't really consider that Wrong or out of sync with my usual style of writing. *halo?*

    Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
    The more I write the meritinabox prompts, the more insight I get into Prometheus like you wouldn't believe. That whole Hellenic universe just makes more and more sense, too. For instance: Prometheus prevented Zeus from impregnating Thetis, who would have borne him a son who'd overthrow him on Mt. Olympus. Think how that near miss impacts the scene from the Iliad, where Thetis begs Zeus to aid Achilles and give him glory and armor (and that famous, oh-so-elaborate shield)!

    Hardest fic to write:
    Goddamn, my Yuletide fic. Go figure, all the reviews have been gobsmackingly awesome. *relief*

    Biggest disappointment:
    I'm not really disappointed with anything I've finished this year -- it's more the bunnies that haven't somehow materialized. I have many Supernatural fics that I desperately want to write -- the Winchesters sucked into Spirited Away fic; the crossover with Donnie Darko; the Athensfic epic that no one else is capable of writing, because they're not from Athens, Ohio. I hope to get to all of these soon in the coming year. (Well, there are also the ficathons I bummed out on. But I still have hope that I'll finish that apocalyptothon piece! I had a great beginning! Better late than never, right?)

    Biggest surprise:
    I always used to tell myself that I was a funny person who couldn't particularly write comedy. Drama is easy, but comedy, damn. And yet this year I kept gravitating toward levity and humor and the funny bits I was never convinced I could sustain for a whole fic. And I think it worked! Which is incredibly pleasing. You need to be able to make people laugh.

    Most telling fic:
    Huge chunks of dragstormaround, particularly those bits featuring Ellie mooning over Thomas, are just blatant self-inserts. Huge chunks of Ellie herself are just that anyway.

    Year-end squee:
    I'm going to have an archive soon! All this and more will soon be found over at oscillating.net, courtesy of the fantabulous angstslashhope. It'll be good to be back in the game! (Seriously, this year was tons more productive than previous ones. I've missed really adding to fandoms.)
  • meme, writing

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