[The Master is looking completely serious for once, his face lit only by the screen of his network device.]
Right. City residents? Don't go outside. Trust me. Unless you have some new, interesting statues in your flat, in which case, keep an eye on them. Literally. Don't stop looking at them, not for a moment.
The Doctor's outlined it all quite
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Help me.
Her eyes stayed on the creature grabbing the nearest chair and holding it out to keep it at bay, not it was working anyway. She was hoping Harry would be here soon or even the Doctor. Where was he anyway? Hopefully he hadn’t been caught.
"Stay back, you thing!" she cried out trying not to let fear get the better of her and blinking with one eye followed by the other. It seemed to be working somewhat but she knew she couldn't keep it up forever.
Where the hell was he anyway? The Doctor. Harry. Anyone. They couldn’t have gotten caught could they? Her feet found movement as she attempted to slid away towards the front door as the statue followed. Her hand on the door knob and she slipped out into the hall only just as she turned she screamed out the only logical thing her mind could think of, ‘Doctor’ at the sight of three statues two doors down. Alerted at their new prey they turned towards her and advanced. This was just not her day.
Then rather close to him, he heard the scream. "Doctor!"
Looking around himself again, he began to run, now, thumb ready on the trigger of his laser screwdriver.
Coming around the corner at a breakneck speed, he nearly barrelled directly into a line of statues. Looking through them, he saw Rose, looking a little bit like a deer caught in headlights. He made eye contact for a moment, and then fired upon all three of the Weeping Angels.
"It came at you?" he asked, shooting them again, and then twice more for good measure. He pushed one over to walk through the group toward Rose. "I imagine that would be the only reason you'd come out into the hall." He reached her door, wrenched it open to see a snarling Angel, shot it twice and then slammed the door on it. "Are you all right?"
She cautiously made her way towards him the sound of the door slamming ringing in her ears and gripped his arm signaling that she was more than all right at the moment. “Yeah. Thank you.” she said giving him an appreciative smile. “Saved me again.” she murmured but didn’t let her guard down tearing her gaze away from him.
“You haven’t seen him have you?”
"Seen him? The Doctor?" He looked fed up for a moment. "No. I have no idea where he is." He sighed. "We'd better get out of here. I don't know how long this--" he waved about his laser screwdriver "--will hold them. Both of our flats are compromised at the moment. Do you know of anywhere we could shelter this out? Or I suppose we could try and push the Angel in your flat out into the hallway."
They had to get out of here. But where else could they go? "The chippy shop?" she suggested not really sure if it would be safe but she had to hope. "I think it might be safe there." I hope.
"The chippy?" asked the Master, then, sounding bemused. "The windows are a little big, aren't they?" He smirked. Oh well. The point was the getting there, not necessarily the arrival. He glanced over again to see Rose looking a little fretful.
"I'm sure he'll be all right," he said, not needing to expand upon who he was. "He's a big boy. He's dealt with the Angels before, just like I have."
"Of course he has. Who needs him anyway." Her gaze was solely focused on Harry.
"This should WORK," he said crossly, shooting at it again, watching the cracks form. "Momentarily, yes, but all the same." He saw a shadow flicker and turned to face another one which he shot point-blank.
"We need to get out of here FAST," he said, hooking his arm through Rose's and all but dragging her around the corner with him, underneath the outstretched arms of the closest angel.
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