[The Master is looking completely serious for once, his face lit only by the screen of his network device.]
Right. City residents? Don't go outside. Trust me. Unless you have some new, interesting statues in your flat, in which case, keep an eye on them. Literally. Don't stop looking at them, not for a moment.
The Doctor's outlined it all quite well, surprisingly, so I won't go into much more detail. But frankly, I doubt they'll take you out of the City, so don't go trying that. At absolute worst, they'll feed on you like a wellspring of potential energy and leave you a husk. Honestly, I really hate to say this but I have no idea. I've never encountered the Weeping Angels in the City before, obviously.
So I won't be leaving the flat myself, today. Breaking the statues doesn't seem to work, so that's not an option I can take, because I would, otherwise. I'll just be battening down the figurative hatches and waiting today out. [mostly to himself] This would all be much easier if I didn't have those enormous windows in my living room. And if the City hadn't seen fit to take away all of my candles. [speaking normally again] I suppose today will be a day of inventing an alternate energy source. If possible. Most of my supplies are at work.
Good luck to everyone. Try and find a safe place, if you're outside. Sit back to back, if you've a roommate. Take shifts. Don't blink.
[The Master looks behind himself, at the large window depicting nothing visible but darkness and then looks back to the screen. As he begins to turn it off, in the time it takes the watcher to blink, there is suddenly a dark form in the window. The video turns off.]