Application Post

Oct 26, 2008 02:28

Applications are now closed.

Player Name: Alias okay, of course.
Personal Journal: Mandatory! C’mon, it literally only takes a few seconds to make a personal journal to use. You can set aside those few seconds to make one. We don't accept OTHER character journals as personal journals. Please, just take the few seconds to make one for yourself.

Contact: Email and/or IM.

Character Name: You know what we're asking with this. Tell me you do.

Canon: Source material/series/book/movie/game/whatever they're from.

Age: The character's, of course. For people with ridiculous lifespans, a simple Chronological/Physical/Mental format works.

Class Title: This is just for fun. Make up something short that sounds appropriate and preferably unique. (examples: Ichigo Kurosaki from ‘Bleach’ as "Substitute Shinigami," or Tsuna Sawada from ‘Katekyo Hitman Reborn’ as "Mafia Boss;" actual NIS characters ((or anyone from an RPG, really)) should probably have a canonical one, such as "Overlord" for Laharl or "Prism Black" for Adell.) If you can't think of anything, something like "Hero" or "Alien" or "Soldier" or "Human" works fine.

Does Your Character Break the Fourth Wall: Here, if your character does not canonically break the fourth wall, simply say 'no'. If your character does, however, canonically break the fourth wall, say yes and describe how they do it.

Background: This is the Tedious Part, we know, which is why for all characters AFTER the first one you get accepted, we'll let you off with one or a handful of links to information about your character's source material. For those first-timers out there, however, we want a good deal of detail. This isn't just proving you've actually been through all the canon material; its more important function is proving that you can write Long Things With Lots of Paragraphs In Good Grammar and Formatting. A page or so in your word processor would probably be the average, if not the minimum. Bear with us for the one time you'll be writing this part.

Personality: This needs a decent amount of detail. Prove you understand the character's thought processes and tendencies on paper. Substance takes precedence over length, but still, in most cases THREE GOOD PARAGRAPHS will be the minimum here. If you can't come up with that much to say about the character, whether it's because they're honestly shallow in canon or if you haven't read much into them, you should probably reconsider RPing them either way.

RPing Sample: For an application sample (as of 9/26/09), we require one of two options:

1. Post in the community We require a decent post (not incredibly long, since the interactions are what we'll be looking at) and at least TWO THREADS with different characters and at least a total of TEN comments from the character being applied for. So, the very minimum, for example, would be two threads with five comments from the posting character in each. The other characters' comments don't count and combo comments (using multiple comments to convey one response) will count as one.

You can have the character post about just about anything: the character can post as though they just arrived at the Netherworld, has been at the Netherworld for some time, or is in a completely different place than the Netherworld. What we don't want, though, are the characters talking about RPs or the players--this is fourth-wall-breaking that is not allowed and is automatically out-of-character for everyone. This is why we are also no longer accepting posts from Dear_Mun. We won't accept Testrun_Box posts which use this format as well.

2. Alternatively, if you have played the character in question in another RP? Simply link to the journal or several of the posts. We'd like the to be posts with other characters interacting with the character being applied for, so we won't accept posts with no interaction. This is because the most important aspects of characterization are shown when interacting with other people, so not doing that defeats the purpose of a sample post.

Again, we no longer accept Dear_Mun posts or written out samples. You only need to do one or the other option, but if you want to do both--give us old RPing samples and post in Testrun_Box--go right ahead. Any other alternative is no longer available, however.

OPTIONAL SECTIONS (Though it should be self-explanatory, the following sections are ENTIRELY optional. They're meant to be fun and helpful for the player. If you really don't want to do them, go ahead and skip them. They would be nice to see, though!)

Possessions: (OPTIONAL)
Don't worry, this isn't a What Should We Take Away Section. You'll almost invariably keep all this, although for things that make the character broken completely outside the power curve, like, say, a Death Note or Aizen Sousuke's zanpaku-tou, we will... "tamper" with them. Aside from personal effects, these items will all be transported automatically to the bank.

Don't go overboard with detail or number of items or list things of no consequence like "half a loaf of bread" or "a nice dress" or "the gun has six rounds left" or "this exact list of cards in the deck." If it's something that needs more than a few words' worth of specification, keep track of it on your own. Convert financial status into HL at your own discretion (probably very, very, very roughly: 1 USD=100 HL. If you don't want the character to have something, feel free not to list it. If your character is someone who canonically seems to have infinite money (such as someone who makes ludicrously expensive purchases canonically), go ahead and give them infinite money.

Fighting Style and Powers: (OPTIONAL)
Again, don't worry. This is definitely not a What We Should Take Away Section. Your characters will keep any and all powers they have, though some of the more broken powers (such as Lelouch's Geass) will be tampered with in one way or another to prevent it from becoming too unfair for the other characters.

Anyways. The Netherworld is a very, very violent place! Being able to defend yourself is a good thing. If your character can fight, go ahead and describe how he/she/it fights. If they have special powers of some sort (whether fighting-related or not), here's the place to put them.

Questions / Requests: (OPTIONAL)
If you have any general questions or maybe a request concerning a character, go ahead and put it here. Want a character to be roomed with a specific gender? Okay. Have a character who has a massive debt as an important part of his character? Can do. Want to do something special with the character? Go ahead and ask or request it. We'll do our best to do what you want, so long as it's feasible and not unfair to other players.

Also, if your character has incredibly ‘hax’ or ‘broken’ powers, please ask about them here and we’ll figure out a way to incorporate the powers/abilities/whatever into the game without breaking the game or hindering the character too much!

Lastly, if your character is one who can travel through dimensions for whatever reason or has some possible excuse to be able to do so, you can opt to have them deliberately or accidentally appear in this dimension and on Baal's planet rather than the typical 'Baal kidnapped them' excuse. Naturally, though they got in via a different method, they won't be able to get out. Just mention it here and we'll work it out. Remember, try to make it plausible and realistic...ish!

Please, when writing an app, don’t just go by the guidelines we’ve given: look at recently-accepted applications! Sometimes, they’ll be, say, seven comments long, but that is going above and beyond; We prefer applications to be concise, so we would honestly prefer you to keep apps no more than eight comments long. Any more than that is wholly unnecessary and we do NOT need an intimate summary of every single event in the character's canon. Think of it this way for your first app: two comment minimum, eight comment maximum.

You get two chances for revision on rejected applications, because if a problem is going to be fixed at all, it's going to be incredibly rare it'll take ten tries with nothing more between them than the mods giving you pointers.

If you're asked for a revision, you have an automatic one-week reserve on the character, and it's also during this space of time that you can simply add to the application; if you try again weeks later, you'll need to start over from the top.

Once accepted, reply with your character journal (unless the journal with which you posted the app is very obviously your character journal, for whatever reason) so we know what to add to all the lists. Afterwards, join the communities (netherworld_rpg, darkassembly, netherworldlogs, and thenetherregion), use the friend add list, introduce yourself in the main comm and start playing.

NOTE: Applications will, very often, take anywhere between 24 to 72 hours to be processed. Please do not fret nor contact a mod about an application not having been tended to until 72 hours have passed since the application's posting. If 72 hours have passed and you have not been replied to, there is a chance the email alert was lost or something similar, so feel free to contact a moderator or the mod account. Thank you!

Finally, players are not allowed to apply for more than two characters from the same canon.

Remember, unless you have examples of prior RPing experience in another RP (not Dear_Mun or a dressing room), posts from testrun_box are REQUIRED. Here is a good example of what you can do for a Testrun Box post. You don't need to assume your character has just entered Netherworld or is even in the Netherworld.
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